Friday, March 4, 2011

Operation Slander, the Race Card and the Father There Of

During any rational discussion or debate on social or political issues, when the Left find themselves devoid of a rational reply they always have one tactic in their reprobate arsenal and game plan: Operation Slander.

The secular, liberal Leftist ideology is based on a delusional reality, governed and dominated by an irrational, emotional instability which springs forth from a well of outright disdain for the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. They are also dominated by their unbridled passions and carnal addictions (Rom. 1:18-32; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; Gal. 5:19-21). When confronted with reality and light, these MUST with all speed DEMONIZE, put on the DEFENSIVE, DISCREDIT and DESTROY to render their opponent powerless and insignificant (John 3:19-21). This defense mechanism of slander is the one trait that gives the liberal and his reprobate, sensually oriented mind (Rom. 1:18-32; 3:14-18) the ability to protect and preserve their base ideology, reputation and position.

"The slander tactic is the last desperate attempt in the struggle for self-preservation at all costs. That is why they will NOT hold back and are quite vengeful in delivering their blasphemies."
As a skunk seeks to protect itself with a pungent, vile spray on their enemy, so also does this crowd with their baseless stigmatizing, character assassination and casting a slanderous, foul odor on those who stand in their way representing right and truth. This defensive tactic, which utilizes lies and deceit, partial truths and utter falsehood, works wondrously on any potential victim. From the most powerful to the most common of men, all against whom it is directed are so sullied and stigmatized by this vile slanderous odor that it ruins them irrevocably. The slander tactic is the last desperate attempt in the struggle for self-preservation at all costs. That is why they will NOT hold back and are quite vengeful in delivering their blasphemies.
The Race Card Trumps
There have been many baseless slanders with which the Left has sought to demonize the Right. These include slanderous terms and phrases such as "bigot," "sexist," "xenophobe," "starver of innocent children," "stealer of social security," "hater of equal rights," "vile oppressor of the poor," etc. Quotes are often taken out of context and used to oppose moral absolutes and natural laws instilled by the Creator of all, Almighty God. But nothing has divided (and still divides) America and Americans like the Race Card. This tactic deftly employed can incite a vitriolic hatred and rage from the oppressed masses like wildfire. The Race Card is the tactic of choice used by the Left on those who they are seeking to discredit and destroy. From Bork, GW and Rush to the Tea Parties and Conservatives in general, the Left loves to play this card….and small wonder? Ninety percent of the black vote in American goes to the white run, secular-socialist, immoral and decadent Democratic Party.

"What is most troubling and tragic is that those sought by the Democratic Left to slander and destroy with destructive accusations are the very ones who have been the greatest advocates for civil rights and equality for all. These noble principles are derived from the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God."

What is most troubling and tragic is that those sought by the Democratic Left to slander and destroy with destructive accusations are the very ones who have been the greatest advocates for civil rights and equality for all. These noble principles are derived from the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. A brief review and historical study of the topic should silence any critics. There exists an overwhelming abundance of evidence to this fact, and history has shown who is on the right side of this issue and who is not. No one can deny that our beloved U.S.A. has as part of its past the blood of African-American slaves on its hands and unspeakably vile atrocities committed against them. But a close examination of who these oppressors were will reveal a common unity with the Democratic, secular godless Left of today and their continuing oppression of the black man and family. (Read: Uncle Sam's Plantation by Star Parker)

We have seen of late - especially in light of Michelle Obama’s address to the NAACP (a leftist, Marxist, liberal organization, by the way) - this tactic in full deployment. The more we see and hear this baseless Race Card slander from the Left, the more we know they are at their wits end and are devoid of any kind of reasonable debate based on Natural Laws in the arena of ideas.

Redefining America with the Victicrat Sword

It’s no secret that the totalitarian regime of Barak Hussein Obama is at war with America’s Founding Fathers, our Constitution and all that has traditionally been American. Obama and the Left are currently trying to redefine America and its godly heritage on a daily basis. They seek to remold it into their secular-socialist visions of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Alinsky and Ayers. Every policy instituted by Obama and the Left has been achieved by means of lies, false promises, subtle false virtues and totally baseless slander shown to any who oppose their lawless designs on America. They single-handedly oppress the lower class of Americans (red, yellow, black and white), socially ravished and devastated by the socialistic fallout and designs of their secular "Demelite” masters on the Left. Their core goal is to keep these victicrats dumbed down, subjective, needy, angry, oppressed, envious, bitter and constantly enraged for serving their socialistic designs. It is the Left’s master design to keep the American Dream as far as humanly possible from these socially dependent masses, with the reason being they can be at the Left’s beck and call at any occasion. Victicrats are as a sword in the hand of the Left to be wielded against their enemies for the purpose of intimidation and ultimate destruction.

"It is the Left’s master design to keep the American Dream as far as humanly possible from these socially dependent masses, with the reason being that they can be at the Left’s beck and call at any occasion."

It must be noted that the victicrat must find his salvation and hope in Almighty God's Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17; Acts 4:12) and in His righteousness (Rom. 10:2-4), not in Washington D.C.'s oppressive solutions of tyranny.
The Father of the Slander Tactic
Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, the greatest creation of Almighty God, is the progenitor and father of the slander tactic (John 8:44; Ezek. 28:12, 15). He is called the Father of Lies, Satan (adversary), the Devil (slanderer), the dragon, that old serpent (Rev. 12:9).

In eternity past Lucifer enjoyed a relationship to Almighty God. I truly believe there was a point in his existence where he loved and adored and the Triune God with all his heart. He had the chief place as Protector of the Holiness of God (Ezek. 28:14), and he was the worship leader and choir director of Heaven (Ezek. 28:13). Lucifer enjoyed all the heavenly blessings of his rank and position. As events proceeded, though, there came a time when he became proud, arrogant, envious and bitter. In his foolish heart he sought the place of his Eternal Creator and Sovereign for himself, and he led a delusional rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast out (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-18; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:4). Lucifer could have remained in his highly honored position indefinitely, enjoying the eternal blessings and fellowship with His Creator. In his madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of make-believe and delusion. In his attempt to exalt and preserve himself at all cost, he rejected and abandoned all that was real, becoming a murderer of souls, a tyrant of humanity, a despot to the fallen angelic host and a mastermind of slander, false truths and darkness. He is known as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination), for this is his reality (Isaiah 14:16-17; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8; Rev. 12:9).

"In a vain attempt to preserve his estate at any cost, Lucifer designed the slander tactic to deflect any righteous criticism and to distract attention from his lawless activity and diabolical intentions."
He is the adversary (Satan) against ALL reality, truth and eternal absolutes, i.e., all that pertains to Almighty God. He is the slanderer (devil) against all those who stand in his way, especially those who trust and believe in Almighty God in Spirit and Truth and so are His children and followers (John 8:44).

Lucifer's (Satan's) Minions abound everywhere today in the American Mainstream Media, Washington, local principalities, Hollywood, etc. They unknowingly do his will. He knows how to maneuver and appeal to our carnal (fleshly) fallen nature which is governed by the five physical senses (sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing). The secular liberal mindset is the most open to Satan's suggestions for a Godless trend-setting agenda. They do his will quite readily because they are the most susceptible to it (1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; 2 Thess. 2:10-12).

As these days are coming to a grand climax called the Tribulation Period, a time of lawlessness and the Day of Almighty God’s wrath, expect the slanderous activity of godless men and women to intensify at exponential speeds (Matt. 24; 2 Tim. 3:1-7).

There is only One who is totally trustworthy and true (Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18). There is only One who is worthy of all praise and honor (Rev. 4:11, 5:9). There is only One who, no matter how much He is blasphemed and slandered against, will always will be vindicated in the endlessness of forever (Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Rev. 22:1-5). Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In these last days make sure and certain that you truly know the One who in the end will be victorious forevermore.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Edited by BEL I.F.



  1. Dave,

    This article is well written and on the mark. It's good to see such well done commentary.

    I noticed that you excluded FOX News from your depiction of Liberal media. Are you that convinced of their conservative bent? Sometimes I wonder. Admittedly, I don't get to see them often.

    There is a very significant surge of the so called "silent majority" that, I believe, will wipe Obama's support off of the scene this November. Admittedly, Obama will stay, but I trust will be rendered ineffective by a Republican Congress.

    If this doesn't happen, we could see the "coming" very soon, as Israel's days will most certainly be "numbered" as will our effectiveness, and ability-desire to defend them. I think that it is very important to stay focused on Israel and America's ability-desire to come to her defense. It is key to the rapture and the rise of the anti-Christ. No one will defend Israel if we (America) can't-won't.

    In Him,
    Kris Miller

  2. Kris, Thanks for your reply. The reason I left out Fox News is that there are many libs that work there. Fox just presents both sides of the news, something that the Lib media refuses to do - both in the past and in the future. That is why they hate them. Fox is NOT A conservative vessel of the Right. That is just a perception that the Left loves to project to their kool aid drinkers..

    I believe the Republican moderate party will win big in 2010 but do not expect much to happen as they will spend most of their time defending the Left’s slander and lies against them as in the Bush years. They will cave and slow down the fiscal and social rot but the Socialist agenda will advance (example Scott Brown and 2000-2008 Rep congress etc..… Nothing can stop that now.

    Also… America’s removal as a restraining influence on the fascist thugs of the world and their ever seeking quest for absolute power. Such wicked unbridle passions will usher in the Anti Christ and start the Tribulation. The abandonment of Israel and America’s collapse and restraining influence are two key events that will enter the world into lawlessness… and we are about there!

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    Dave I.F.

  3. "They [the Republican party] will cave and slow down the fiscal and social rot but the Socialist agenda will advance"--Dave I.F.

    To me America is like a car headed towards going over a cliff. When the Democrats control the government the car goes faster when the Republicans control the government the car goes slower. But eventually the car will go over the cliff and crash.--ELC

  4. ELC, that is a good one... I like to use a steak describe the progression.


    DJP I.F.

  5. Dave I.F.,

    Thanks for the link:

    I read the article and found it to be excellent.--ELC
