Prophecy, End Times Biblical perspective of American politics, God glorifing music, Bible studies, the Rapture, Dispensations, biblical teaching, pre -Trib, The Ignorant Fishermen, Unto the Chief Musician Music
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Be Careful America For What You Wish For
The lawless Left in America today is using every EXPONENTIAL medium at their disposal; to divide, distort, destroy, deceive, defame, tear down, redefine, eradicate and obliterate all resemblance of our U.S. Judeo/Christian society and they are winning big time! Don't think they are? Then you are totally deceived and not seeing our nation from an objective and statist point of view! We are imploding EXPONENTIALLY as a society and culture daily! Just look at our day and be absolutely astonished! President Trump is only keeping America afloat for a few more minutes, for there is nowhere near enough time and resources to save this failing nation! Good intentions, positive ideas, and valiant fights are not enough today to save our Republic! Just look over the last 15 years and see how EXPONENTIALLY far we have been removed from our Judeo/Christian founding and the sound moral absolutes which keep a nation and its people from implosion and ruin (Prov. 14:34)! Some past examples; Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Rome, Eygpt etc. Marxism, social justice, moral relativism, pluralism, lawlessness, godlessness, and the spirit of narcissism dominate our land! From town halls to state and federal government bureaucracies, from congressional seats to schools to schools of higher education
Paul warned of the Last Days environment before the Day of the Lord and what he described as a world at the near end of collapse due to abounding lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:10-12; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5)! If America, which has been the world's only beacon for freedom and restraint for the oppressed of this world falls, what will be of the world then? Remember it is the white godless left that oppresses Americans (red, yellow, black or white)
They are a well-oiled machine and they are demonically hell-bent America very moment are beyond ecstatic with president Obama and all the secular godless opportunities which stand before them as they continue their blitzkrieg on the Constitution, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, conservatism and Biblical Christianity. Now with Hillary on deck these seek to finish the job! In their heart of hearts Obama, Hillary and the Left cannot believe how easy it is to continually lie and be believed by the hordes of dummkopf Americans, who have handed over ALL of their God-given freedoms and liberties for a bowl of soup, sex on demand, birth control, gay marriage, a welfare check, idleness, sloth and an Obama phone. Oh, how these elitist secularists have waited ever so patiently throughout the years for this very moment when all the doors would be opened for the plunder of the American culture, society, and people. With a spineless GOP in Washington and moral relativism the ideology of the land, you can bet your last deflated dollar that there is nothing to hold back the Left from making all of their lawless delusional dreams come true! However, Obama, Hillary, and the Left have better be careful for that which they wish for; for in their lawless endeavors for control and power and as they pursue their godless utopian delusions... for little do they know that they are just Lucifer's fools and tools for setting the last pieces of the global stage for the EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC period called the Day of the Lord! (1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6-19).
Paul warned of the Last Days environment before the Day of the Lord and what he described as a world at the near end of collapse due to abounding lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:10-12; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5)! If America, which has been the world's only beacon for freedom and restraint for the oppressed of this world falls, what will be of the world then? Remember it is the white godless left that oppresses Americans (red, yellow, black or white)
They are a well-oiled machine and they are demonically hell-bent America very moment are beyond ecstatic with president Obama and all the secular godless opportunities which stand before them as they continue their blitzkrieg on the Constitution, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, conservatism and Biblical Christianity. Now with Hillary on deck these seek to finish the job! In their heart of hearts Obama, Hillary and the Left cannot believe how easy it is to continually lie and be believed by the hordes of dummkopf Americans, who have handed over ALL of their God-given freedoms and liberties for a bowl of soup, sex on demand, birth control, gay marriage, a welfare check, idleness, sloth and an Obama phone. Oh, how these elitist secularists have waited ever so patiently throughout the years for this very moment when all the doors would be opened for the plunder of the American culture, society, and people. With a spineless GOP in Washington and moral relativism the ideology of the land, you can bet your last deflated dollar that there is nothing to hold back the Left from making all of their lawless delusional dreams come true! However, Obama, Hillary, and the Left have better be careful for that which they wish for; for in their lawless endeavors for control and power and as they pursue their godless utopian delusions... for little do they know that they are just Lucifer's fools and tools for setting the last pieces of the global stage for the EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC period called the Day of the Lord! (1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6-19).
for little do they know
that they are nothing more than Lucifer's fools and tools for setting the last pieces of the global stage for the EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC period called the Day of the Lord!
a day of great national and global uncertainties, oh how we need
REALITY! This technological age has even more so exposed the absolute
bankruptcy and godlessness of our fallen world. We are indeed at the
very precipice of our world’s collapse. Words alone are infinitesimally inadequate to describe or explain what is at our very door and to get people to even listen to the warning sirens and shofar blasts are even infinitesimally more so (Rev. 6-19).
Only those who possess heavenly objectivity and who perceive of these matters from a heavenly and biblical point of view can see our critical status as a world and a nation. Jesus said, that you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God (literally and spiritually) – John 3:3-7, Rom. 8:5-8, 1 Cor. 1:9-16, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Col. 3:1-4). O how true that is!
Only those who possess heavenly objectivity and who perceive of these matters from a heavenly and biblical point of view can see our critical status as a world and a nation. Jesus said, that you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God (literally and spiritually) – John 3:3-7, Rom. 8:5-8, 1 Cor. 1:9-16, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Col. 3:1-4). O how true that is!
In these days of full-blown American and Christian Apostasy, may we
separate ourselves from these and join ourselves unto Almighty God, His
NEVER changing Word and His saving grace.
My dear friends, that is where ALL of these national and global crises and events of this world are headed to. We just happen to be at this moment of time at the very door of the fulfillment of these events which are literally going to be. The Kingdom of Heaven WILL be established under the Messiah of Israel on earth and it is a LITERAL Kingdom which WILL be established! Christ's 1000 year Kingdom is not a make-believe fairy tale kingdom but it will be a reality in the time coming up.
In these days of full-blown American and Christian Apostasy, may we separate ourselves from these and join ourselves unto Almighty God, His NEVER changing Word and His saving grace. If you DO NOT personally know the Savior then may you do so as He has commanded (Acts 16:29-31, 17:30-31, 1 Tim. 2:3-4). If you DO know Him, then may you exercise all of His precious promises and truths that are for you in this fallen world and for all ETERNITY until our blessed Savior comes to meet us in the air. These days are very disturbing and frightening. When we exercise faith in Almighty God He will calm our hearts and set us free from this world’s oppressive fear and dominating mental tyrannies (Matt. 11:28-30, John 8:32,36, 14:1). My beloved, Rejoice and again I say rejoice! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Christian Parrots or ETERNAL Possessors (The American Church)
Today the "Church" is full of "Christian" parrots who can quote the Bible, quote the preacher, quote the Bible teacher, quote the Days of Praise, quote and use phrases from Christian songs, books and messages, who love to use the "Christian vernacular" of our day with its "Christian" talking points all the while NEVER for themselves possessing these WONDROUS and MARVELOUS truths which only comes by the application of God's Word in the will of Almighty God for ones life (1 Sam. 15:22, Luke 6:47-48, John 14:15, James 1:22). It is always easier to quote someone else's experiences then walk with the Lord and be a Divine possessor for ones self.
The reality is that adhering to Christian morality, Christian sanctification, conservative values and seeking to keep the 10 Commandment's moral laws will not produce the Heavenly wisdom, understanding, experience, authority and life changing power of the Holy Spirit which Almighty God the Father desires for all His blood brought children (John 8:32, Rom. 8:26-39, Heb. 11:6, James 1:1-6). My dear friends, do not get me wrong, these moral absolutes should be applied in every believers life and have great benefits (individually and for society), but truly how many believers actually by faith want Almighty God's wondrous will for their lives and the TRUE intercession of the Holy Spirit on our behalf (Matt. 6:9-10, Rom. 8:26-29, Heb. 11:1,6)... The answer.... very few...
Christians today have been consumed with the cares of this temporal fallen world (Matt. 6:25-34, Mark 4:19, Luke 10:40-42, John 6:64-71, 2 Tim 4:10); their kids college savings, retirement plans, climbing the corporate ladder, American politics, following their favorite sport teams, pursuing their passions and hobbies, trying to keep up with Jones' and seeking to find bigger and better barns. There is nothing wrong with these things in and by themselves but when they become dominate and primary over the will of Almighty God for one's earthly existence here in time, then they are a demonic distraction from the very best Almighty God the Father has for you in light of ETERNITY (Rom 8:26-38, Col. 1:9-14).
Our American setting is like none on the face of the earth. Since the scattering at Babel some 4300 years ago there has never been a nation like America for personal opportunity, personal freedom and because of our nation's founding, the liberty to enjoy and not miss use material blessings and the technological advances that have given us much freedom from past sicknesses, our frail human limitations that had always plagued humanity and the freedom from the world's tyrannical leaders. In the light of 4300 years of past history since Babel's scattering (Gen. 11:1-9, Rom. 1:18-32) these personal freedoms have been very brief (237 years) and contained mainly to just our nation. The majority of Americans today (believers and unbelievers) are subjective and believe that things have always been this way and are oblivious to the world's 4300 year past history of oppressing despots, tyrants and the fallen consequences of this world and humanity.
These cannot see outside of the box and only possess a subjective earthy temporal mindset oblivious to any of Almighty God's ETERNAL TRUTHS and REALITIES which are found in His precious Word (John 17:17). Because of the many freedoms, blessings and opportunities that one can enjoy in this brief window of time as an American, so many believers today have become distracted and consumed with the personal opportunities of this world and oblivious to the ETERNAL REALITIES of one's personal ETERNAL destiny. These individuals have chosen healthy conservative principles, rust, moths and vanity for ones own temporal personal existence over Almighty God's PERFECT will for their lives and the GLORIES and WONDERS of Almighty God's ETERNAL treasures and rewards in His NEW Heavens and earth (Matt. 6:19-21, 1 Cor. 3:11-16, Rev. 21, 22:1-5).
Many of these individuals are dear believers and great lights of morality and salt for our America society, but again they do NOT want God's will for their lives and do NOT truly want to possess the riches of His wisdom and ETERNAL perspective which only comes through the application of the biblical formulas and recipes found in the Word of God for the will of God in one's life (John 8:32, 17:17, Eph. 1:3, 2:1-6, 3:20). Today at the end of our nation's journey, believers have become slack and lazy, self centered and possessors and promoters of their own agendas sprinkled with a dash of biblical Christianity and conservatism. When push comes to shove these truly do NOT want to draw close to their Savior because to draw close to the Savior is to see how desperately we need Him in all aspects of our lives. To draw near to Him is to DENY our own personal agendas for our brief existence here in time for Almighty God's glorious will and way in time for His ETERNAL glory (1 Sam. 2:30, Matt. 10:38, Rom. 8:28-29, 1 Cor. 2:9).
Today as in times past believers believe the delusion that if they want God's perfect will for their lives that they will be sent to Africa, or forced to sell everything they have or to have to eat locust etc... Dearly beloved, that is NEVER the case. When we were saved, the Holy Spirit perfectly places us in the Body of our Savior and gives us a position in His body PERFECTLY in the will of God (1 Cor. 12:1-14, Eph. 4:1-16). As the Holy Spirit develops our gift and calling we will love and enjoy His will no matter how hard the road. That is God's perfect will for your life and how foolish it is to through it away for earthly treasure that will fade away (Rom. 8:28-39, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 21:1). We ALL have a holy calling from the Father to be lights to this dying world and servants to the will of Almighty God for His glory! There is NO GREATER calling for one then to possess the perfect will of Almighty God in light of ETERNITY!
Dearly beloved, we as fallen humanity live in a spiritual wasteland and a HORRIFIC battlefield where the fallen host of heaven seek to corrupt, ruin and destroy Adam's fallen race and usurp the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS REIGN of Almighty God (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.2:1-3, 6:12, 1 Peter 5:18, Rev. 12:10). We are to by the grace and mercy of Almighty God the Father are to be ALL that our Heavenly Father would have us to be for His Glory (Rom. 8:26-29, 1 Cor. 10:31, Eph. 4:11-13). We are to be soldiers for His glory and not idle vacationers and spiritual sloths for the will of God (1 Cor. 10:31, Eph. 5:16-17, 2 Tim. 2:3). The bottom line is that it is ALL about ETERNITY and when we possess that REALITY by the Holy Spirit's wondrous working in our hearts and minds we will - in Almighty God's grace and mercy in His will - be unstoppable for Almighty God's glory! The will of Almighty God is the safest place to be in this world and it is there that we have ALL of Almighty God and His ETERNAL blessings and resources; and it is also there where we have ALL of His favor and PERFECT love (Rom. 8:26-29, Eph. 1:3)!
Today there are very little possessors of the Word of God who can speak with this POWER and AUTHORITY, who Almighty God the Holy Spirit has done a mighty work in for the glory of Almighty God.. We are to not just see the events and things of this world from a subjective earthly realm but from a Heavenly ETERNAL perspective and to be possessors and victors of these wondrous TRUTHS and REALITIES (1 Cor. 15:57, 2 Cor. 2:14, Eph. 2:6, Col. 3:1-4, 1 John 5:1-5)!
Dearly beloved, we would like to encourage you and ourselves to be possessors of the Word of God and not just a bunch of christian parrots that lack wisdom and depth and are just quoters of Biblical TRUTHS. May we desire with ALL sincerity the maximum will of God for our lives with all our heart, soul and mind! In these last Days may we who truly know the Savior be fully surrendered to the will of God for our life and be absolutely filled with the Holy Spirit (He reigning supreme) and His leading (Rom. 8:26-29, Eph. 4:30, 5:18, 1 Thess. 5:19)! Our labors are NEVER in vain in the Lord, but have ETERNAL reward and glory and in the end the smile and joy of our Heavenly Father, our Savior and the Holy Spirit with the pleasing words, Well done my child! Oh my beloved, may it be so!!! Unto Victory for the Father's glory!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
It is always easier to quote someone else's experiences then walk with the Lord and be a Divine possessor for ones self.
The reality is that adhering to Christian morality, Christian sanctification, conservative values and seeking to keep the 10 Commandment's moral laws will not produce the Heavenly wisdom, understanding, experience, authority and life changing power of the Holy Spirit which Almighty God the Father desires for all His blood brought children (John 8:32, Rom. 8:26-39, Heb. 11:6, James 1:1-6). My dear friends, do not get me wrong, these moral absolutes should be applied in every believers life and have great benefits (individually and for society), but truly how many believers actually by faith want Almighty God's wondrous will for their lives and the TRUE intercession of the Holy Spirit on our behalf (Matt. 6:9-10, Rom. 8:26-29, Heb. 11:1,6)... The answer.... very few...
Christians today have been consumed with the cares of this temporal fallen world (Matt. 6:25-34, Mark 4:19, Luke 10:40-42, John 6:64-71, 2 Tim 4:10); their kids college savings, retirement plans, climbing the corporate ladder, American politics, following their favorite sport teams, pursuing their passions and hobbies, trying to keep up with Jones' and seeking to find bigger and better barns. There is nothing wrong with these things in and by themselves but when they become dominate and primary over the will of Almighty God for one's earthly existence here in time, then they are a demonic distraction from the very best Almighty God the Father has for you in light of ETERNITY (Rom 8:26-38, Col. 1:9-14).
Our American setting is like none on the face of the earth. Since the scattering at Babel some 4300 years ago there has never been a nation like America for personal opportunity, personal freedom and because of our nation's founding, the liberty to enjoy and not miss use material blessings and the technological advances that have given us much freedom from past sicknesses, our frail human limitations that had always plagued humanity and the freedom from the world's tyrannical leaders. In the light of 4300 years of past history since Babel's scattering (Gen. 11:1-9, Rom. 1:18-32) these personal freedoms have been very brief (237 years) and contained mainly to just our nation. The majority of Americans today (believers and unbelievers) are subjective and believe that things have always been this way and are oblivious to the world's 4300 year past history of oppressing despots, tyrants and the fallen consequences of this world and humanity.
In the light of 4300 years of past history since Babel's scattering these personal freedoms have been very brief (237 years) and contained mainly to just our nation.
These cannot see outside of the box and only possess a subjective earthy temporal mindset oblivious to any of Almighty God's ETERNAL TRUTHS and REALITIES which are found in His precious Word (John 17:17). Because of the many freedoms, blessings and opportunities that one can enjoy in this brief window of time as an American, so many believers today have become distracted and consumed with the personal opportunities of this world and oblivious to the ETERNAL REALITIES of one's personal ETERNAL destiny. These individuals have chosen healthy conservative principles, rust, moths and vanity for ones own temporal personal existence over Almighty God's PERFECT will for their lives and the GLORIES and WONDERS of Almighty God's ETERNAL treasures and rewards in His NEW Heavens and earth (Matt. 6:19-21, 1 Cor. 3:11-16, Rev. 21, 22:1-5).
Many of these individuals are dear believers and great lights of morality and salt for our America society, but again they do NOT want God's will for their lives and do NOT truly want to possess the riches of His wisdom and ETERNAL perspective which only comes through the application of the biblical formulas and recipes found in the Word of God for the will of God in one's life (John 8:32, 17:17, Eph. 1:3, 2:1-6, 3:20). Today at the end of our nation's journey, believers have become slack and lazy, self centered and possessors and promoters of their own agendas sprinkled with a dash of biblical Christianity and conservatism. When push comes to shove these truly do NOT want to draw close to their Savior because to draw close to the Savior is to see how desperately we need Him in all aspects of our lives. To draw near to Him is to DENY our own personal agendas for our brief existence here in time for Almighty God's glorious will and way in time for His ETERNAL glory (1 Sam. 2:30, Matt. 10:38, Rom. 8:28-29, 1 Cor. 2:9).
Today at the end of our nation's journey, believers have become slack
and lazy, self centered and possessors and promoters of their own
agendas sprinkled with a dash of biblical Christianity and conservatism.
Today as in times past believers believe the delusion that if they want God's perfect will for their lives that they will be sent to Africa, or forced to sell everything they have or to have to eat locust etc... Dearly beloved, that is NEVER the case. When we were saved, the Holy Spirit perfectly places us in the Body of our Savior and gives us a position in His body PERFECTLY in the will of God (1 Cor. 12:1-14, Eph. 4:1-16). As the Holy Spirit develops our gift and calling we will love and enjoy His will no matter how hard the road. That is God's perfect will for your life and how foolish it is to through it away for earthly treasure that will fade away (Rom. 8:28-39, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 21:1). We ALL have a holy calling from the Father to be lights to this dying world and servants to the will of Almighty God for His glory! There is NO GREATER calling for one then to possess the perfect will of Almighty God in light of ETERNITY!
Dearly beloved, we as fallen humanity live in a spiritual wasteland and a HORRIFIC battlefield where the fallen host of heaven seek to corrupt, ruin and destroy Adam's fallen race and usurp the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS REIGN of Almighty God (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.2:1-3, 6:12, 1 Peter 5:18, Rev. 12:10). We are to by the grace and mercy of Almighty God the Father are to be ALL that our Heavenly Father would have us to be for His Glory (Rom. 8:26-29, 1 Cor. 10:31, Eph. 4:11-13). We are to be soldiers for His glory and not idle vacationers and spiritual sloths for the will of God (1 Cor. 10:31, Eph. 5:16-17, 2 Tim. 2:3). The bottom line is that it is ALL about ETERNITY and when we possess that REALITY by the Holy Spirit's wondrous working in our hearts and minds we will - in Almighty God's grace and mercy in His will - be unstoppable for Almighty God's glory! The will of Almighty God is the safest place to be in this world and it is there that we have ALL of Almighty God and His ETERNAL blessings and resources; and it is also there where we have ALL of His favor and PERFECT love (Rom. 8:26-29, Eph. 1:3)!
The bottom line is that it is ALL about ETERNITY and when we possess
that REALITY by the Holy Spirit's wondrous working in our hearts and
minds we will - in Almighty God's grace and mercy in His will - be
unstoppable for Almighty God's glory!
Today there are very little possessors of the Word of God who can speak with this POWER and AUTHORITY, who Almighty God the Holy Spirit has done a mighty work in for the glory of Almighty God.. We are to not just see the events and things of this world from a subjective earthly realm but from a Heavenly ETERNAL perspective and to be possessors and victors of these wondrous TRUTHS and REALITIES (1 Cor. 15:57, 2 Cor. 2:14, Eph. 2:6, Col. 3:1-4, 1 John 5:1-5)!
Dearly beloved, we would like to encourage you and ourselves to be possessors of the Word of God and not just a bunch of christian parrots that lack wisdom and depth and are just quoters of Biblical TRUTHS. May we desire with ALL sincerity the maximum will of God for our lives with all our heart, soul and mind! In these last Days may we who truly know the Savior be fully surrendered to the will of God for our life and be absolutely filled with the Holy Spirit (He reigning supreme) and His leading (Rom. 8:26-29, Eph. 4:30, 5:18, 1 Thess. 5:19)! Our labors are NEVER in vain in the Lord, but have ETERNAL reward and glory and in the end the smile and joy of our Heavenly Father, our Savior and the Holy Spirit with the pleasing words, Well done my child! Oh my beloved, may it be so!!! Unto Victory for the Father's glory!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!