Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lawlessness, Fascist Sodomy and the Shredding of the U.S. Constitution

Judge Vaughn Walker’s verdict on Proposition 8 this week - overturning the California referendum which upheld the traditional view of marriage between one man and one woman - was nothing more than a DEMONstration of activist judicial tyranny that amounts to a fascist takeover by the federal bench. Walker’s single act of base totalitarianism was a spit in the face to the 7 million voters in California, 300+ million Americans, our Founding Fathers and - most of all - Almighty God, the Creator and Maker of Heaven and Earth. The Left are waging war on Almighty God and the natural and moral absolutes He ordained for man. Woe unto them (Isaiah 5:20-24)!! This defiant act of insanity has left multitudes wondering how long till the end of the great American experiment and our Republic of America. .

"Walker’s single act of base totalitarianism was a spit in the face to the 7 million voters in California, 300+ million Americans, our Founding Fathers and - most of all - Almighty God, the Creator and Maker of Heaven and Earth."

Individuals who think like Justice Walker live in a godless delusion and are fully given over to their base, unbridled passions and the radical promotion of them (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7, 10). This includes the base heterosexual world in America that is dominating our American culture today. Such “judicial reprobates” are seeking to legalize and promote lawlessness in light of their own sexual deviance, base desires and unbridled passions. It is quite insane how they are trying to pass off licentiousness as lovely, normal and acceptable. With the help of the godless media and Hollywood, they have successfully marketed perversity and slandered the opposition to transform the landscape of America into a “red light district” and sexually deviant culture. Just fifteen years ago, who would have believed that the preservation of marriage would be the greatest fight for the heart and soul of our nation? No nation in history who has gone down this road has ever survived the advocacy and espousal of such deviancy. What makes these lawless lefties and progressives think they are any different from their base predecessors?

A Lawless View of the Constitution

Today’s apostate American Left holds the position that our Founding Fathers’ original intent for the Constitution was that it should be an “evolving” or “living” document fitted and conformed to the current hour and day in which Americans live. America has devolved into a lawless, narcissistic, decadent, and immoral nation because of the ABANDONMENT of our Founding Fathers’ ideals. Therefore, the Left believes that the Constitution must be changed due to the lawless and godless practices of many (including themselves). The prevailing immoral decadence must likewise be accommodated by calling it "normal" and "constitutional." It doesn't matter how many people agree that 2 + 2 = 5, it is still wrong no matter how many math scholars and college professors nod their assent. Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not.

"The Left believes that the Constitution must also be changed due to the lawless and godless practices of many (including themselves). The prevailing immoral decadence must likewise be accommodated by calling it 'normal' and 'constitutional.' "

My friends, nothing could be more damaging to a healthy society than holding this pluralistic and relative position. It is a damnable lie, and those who adhere to it will only reap the consequences of its poisonous fruit. Are we not as a nation beginning to reap a whirlwind (tornado) of calamities for abandoning our Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom and accurate insights? The rhetorical answer is YES, we absolutely are.
"Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not."
These Constitutional apostates interpret the Constitution from a subjective and secular worldview. They are driven by their unbridled passions and emotionally dominant reasoning which are contrary to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. These subjective practitioners of lawlessness – to which they are completely enslaved – are for the most part easily offended when their anti-natural law positions are called into question. Have you ever noticed how quickly liberals and progressives get "hot under the collar" when challenged on their anti-Constitutional perspectives and lawless positions? They become enraged, spiteful and vindictive toward any who point out to them the error of their way.

"The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviancy and the promotion of licentious behavior as ‘normal and natural.’ Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishment of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"

At the root of their liberal, progressive ideology and fanatical adherence to the anti-natural law position is their stark rejection of Almighty God and His moral absolutes instilled at the dawn of creation (Gen. 1:1-31). The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviancy and the promotion of licentious behavior as “normal and natural” (Jude 1:10). Ever notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishment of sexual deviancy and the legalization of licentious behavior? These seek to make such vices legal and socially acceptable by the marketing of them, and they demonize any who voice a sound, moral stance against them. From sodomy to pedophilia, from infidelity to abortion, from the redefining of marriage and family to the war against abstinence and sound moral teachings, to the removal of personal accountability and responsibilities of the father (and even seeking the elimination of fathers!), these are the advocates of deviancy and the destroyers of historic American culture and society.

Judge Vaughn Walker fits this lawless, secular mold to a tee. Walker’s lawless perception and outright rejection of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, the Constitution and moral absolutes are aptly described in God’s Holy Word in Romans 1:18-32. These REFUSE to retain Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of everything, in their thoughts and thus are given over to a reprobate mind. Like Supreme Court Judges Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, Vaughn Walker is the perfect constitutional apostate to help achieve the total secularization of America. This goal involves spreading a base and lewd vision for society, eroding our traditional moral values and removing the necessary mechanisms for continuing American prosperity, freedoms and liberties. My friend, we are truly seeing the last days!.

"Ever notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishment of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"
When a nation that was founded on the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God have given themselves over to the basest of all immoral ideals and then call it “normal,” we are truly done (Prov. 14:34). The writing is on the wall folks, and the fat lady is singing. This latest aggression by these Constitutional apostates is just the beginning of our nation’s acceptance of sodomy and redefinition of marriage and our tacit approval of their lawless agenda. WELL does this godless agenda fit into the scheme of the god of this world (i.e., Lucifer), as he seeks to soften up the world and our nation to prepare for its master, the lawless global fascist, the Anti-Christ (Eph. 6:12; 2 Thess. 2:3; 10-12).

May you find your hope and stability in these last days in Almighty God and His saving grace. For indeed… The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Edited by BEL I.F.

The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?

Setting In The West and Rising In The East - The Glorious Gospel Message
The Left - Lucifer’s Wrecking Ball

The War on Christianity by the Militant Gay Movement - video


Steven Bennet Ministries -

I Was Once Gay - By Steven Bennet - A POWERFUL testimony of God's saving grace and love!


  1. 1. Gay marriage is a Constitutional right. Marriage is a Constitutional right (Loving v Virginia) and being gay is a Constitutional right (Lawrence v Texas) therefore gay marriage is also an implied Constitutional right.

    2. We have separation of church and state in this country. You can believe whatever goofy religious thing you want, but CIVIL marriage is completely unrelated to religion or morals. To even mention religion is to admit you are wrong.

    3. The majority cannot vote away the civil rights of the minority. We live in a Constitutional republic, not a fascist mobocracy. The 7 million who voted against gay marriage overstepped a Constitutional bound and were rightly slapped down by the court.

    Justice Kennedy will provide the 5th vote and gay marriage will become law of the land in all 50 states. The founding fathers would be proud of seeing a Constitutional republic in action.

  2. “Anonymous”... Nice try with your twisted reasoning. You need to get your mind out of the gutter though... You can try to justify any thing you want as you have proven (John 3:16-21, Romans 1:18-32)

    The practice of an unnatural perversion is not a right and should not be forced on a society which is totally opposed to it. Neither should any other vice what ever it may be. Look at the consequences of the sexual lawlessness gone crazy. It is a total NO brainer. This is not gay hating. As a matter of fact, in love we point out the truth and realities to the base practices of society (heterosexual and homosexual) for the betterment of good for all.

    You may do what you want in your own house… no one is stopping you.. but no one has the right to push such vices on the American culture and society. In the end though, one will have to give account to their Creator for their deeds done in the flesh (Rev. 20:11-15).

    May you let Almighty God and His Unchangeable Word be you light.. For
    God loves you and sent His Son to die for yours and mine transgressions against His Holy Laws (Romans 10:2-4, Gal 1:4).

    The Ignorant Fishermen

  3. Dear Anonymous 2,

    First, you CAN NOT rewrite natural laws and moral absolute no matter how many people you gather and want to change concrete absolutes. It is what it is. The bottom line is that the gay lobby wants acceptance and justification from society to practice a vice.
    So also does the heterosexual community which is licentious in their base practices.

    Second, We have freedom of religion (to worship the God of the Bible as we dictate). But NEVER to practice vice and lawlessness as a right. Think it through.. There are moral and natural absolutes like it or not that are far above you or me. We do not have a say in the matter. They are what they are. They were instilled at the foundation of the world by Almighty God Gen 1:1-31). The Founders spoke quite clear to that point. They warned against lawlessness and anarchy by using the constitution to promote deviancy. There is no denying that.

    Thirdly, Fascist regimes are usually run by a small minority. In your justification of using our nation’s foundational document (Constitutional Republic) you condemn your cause. Our nation’s birth certificate - Declaration of Independence – states our bedrock for law is the LAWS OF NATURE AND NATURE’S GOD and our Constitution follows suite. The Courts are lawless and tyrannical and by passed Constitutional law and over ride it. That is called LAWLESSNESS.

    And in your last point… Sadly… I TOTALLY agree with you. That movement will… win the day, just as you stated but in the end will lose ETERNITY by holding on to its rebellion against their Creator Almighty God (Rev 19:11-21, 20:11-15).

    May you let go of your rebellion as I once did and place your faith in the Savior of the world. He is coming soon to restore all things. May you be found trusting Almighty God’s saving grace and mercy. You will NEVER be the same!! (2 Cor. 5:1-21)

    In Christ perfect love,
    The I.F.

  4. Dear have the right to be silent... for a change.

  5. Excellent piece exposing the reprobate's glaring hypocrisy of state worship in their war against God...animated by dark forces they do not eveb believe exist. They hated Our Jesus...and so shall it be no different with hatred for His offspring. So be it...we will love in spite.


  6. Natural law? Can you tell me what that is exactly?

  7. My friend, Here is a link on Natural Law... also the book "the 5000 Year Leap" is a must read! This book will help you comprehend and see into the vision of our Founding father's and there belief and practice of the Laws of Nature and of God.

    God bless!
    DJP I.F.
