Thursday, January 13, 2011

Newsflash for the Left: Your Lies Aren’t Working

Newsflash for the Left: Your Lies Aren’t Working - link

Gina Miller - The Dakota Voice

1 comment:

  1. I have been brought up to be a proud New Zealander and spend a lot or most of my time in the outdoors and have come to respect everything about the outdoors, weather, physical environs like rivers, lakes and firmly believe in a power higher than myself. I am not sure what form this takes but I know it is greater than myself at times as I have been blown out to sea, lost in bush and stuck out in the bush for an extra week at one point when a power greater than me resulted in restricting my movements. But it has at this point in time kept me alive both physically and mentally.

    Since you are fishermen I thought you maybe interested in this fishing expedition I had last year when I headed into the hills and found something interesting about fishermen. Before I headed on this expedition I new there were other ways of fishing apart from my way which had been taught to me by my father and his father alike. Yet I had not seen any other way of fishing in my entire life. I really did.

    On the first day of the expedition I found that my fishing companions had a way of fishing that was not even remotely like mine. I was amazed at this new technique but after watching the thinking about it I still had some fundamental problems with how it was conducted, the conditions it was conducted in and the type of fish it was catching.

    While I had not seen this method of fishing in my life and “did not make a lot of sense to me” I had always been taught to respect others beliefs. So I thought “interesting” but not for me and fished my way through the evening on my own. However, I was lost for words later the first evening when we were talking over dinner to find that one of my companions obviously did not respect my way of fishing and was immediately trying to convince me of a “better way”. I spent the evening silent, just listening. I spent the following days in places I had been, not wanting to be again, fishing for fish I did not want using methods I did not prefer.

    I now only consider myself to be an experienced fisherman even after 28 years. What I mean by this is I will go fishing and share the same water with anyone in the world even when I have fundamental disagreements with the way they are fishing with two conditions:
    Please do not compromise my fishing
    Upmost, respect other peoples ways of fishing.

    Are you an experienced fisherman?
