Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Near Extinction of the God Honoring Father

We here in America have witnessed over the last past 50 years the EXPONENTIAL disintegration of the family unit and its catastrophic tsunami of violent physiological effects on our nation’s citizenry. From this disintegration and devastation has come most of the horrific social consequences in which we as a nation shall NEVER recover. The question that must be asked is, “Where is the God honoring father today in the “Land of the Free?” Well, America's culture has replaced the father by marriage to the mother with the "Baby's Daddy" and countless women are selling themselves to this immoral practice only to have their children left desolate and ravish by the absence of a father figure.

We in our “lawless good intentions” - ever seeking our godless utopian world - have LEFT OUT of the social equation a God fearing father, personal responsibility, accountability, morality, the Laws of Nature and the fear and reverence of Almighty God the Creator of Heaven and earth.

Our nation has invested TRILLIONS of taxpayer money into fixing America’s social disaster only to see the EXPONENTIAL increase in our nation’s social deterioration. How can this be? We in our “lawless good intentions” - ever seeking our godless utopian world - have LEFT OUT of the social equation a God fearing father, personal responsibility, accountability, morality, the Laws of Nature and the fear and reverence of Almighty God the Creator of Heaven and earth. To put it simply and to visualize our current state, we in our reprobate lawless bent and narcissistic mindset have sought to put out America’s ravishing social fire by using gasoline (Isa. 5:20). Is that not simple enough for all to understand? Yet to convey such common sense reality to America today and to both political parties is to be called insensitive, bigoted, extreme, radical and a host of other slanderous names in an attempt for America to hold onto their subjective, godless and lawless delusions (Rom. 1:18-32, 3). America today is drunk with delusion, void of common sense and saturated with lawlessness. All that is left is Divine judgment for her, which is at our very door.

Since the removal of prayer (i.e., Almighty God and His Word the Bible) from our children’s classrooms in 1962 and the rejection of healthily moral boundaries by the adults of that generation we have become a godless, reckless, tribal, sex addicted, drug addicted, drunken, super narcissistic and a pleasure seeking nation hell bent on full destruction (Rom. 3). We are as a train roaring out of control with nothing to stop her but the end of a cliff and a ball of fire. Who is to blame and to be held most accountable for the current state of our godless and lawless nation? As we shall see it is none other than the godless American man.

When the man abandons his God given responsibilities for the family unit expect only lawlessness to increase and social devastation to follow.

Men are firstly and most soberly held personally accountable to Almighty God for their behavior, family and for a health society. This is God’s order like it or not (Gen. 2:7-17, 1 Cor. 11:3, Eph. 5:23, 1 Peter 3:5-6). When the man abandons his God given responsibilities for the family unit, expect only lawlessness to increase and social devastation to follow (Rom. 1:18-32, 5:11-21). With Christ as the foundation the family unit is Almighty God’s design and building block for a healthy society for a sin fallen world (Matt. 7:24-27). One can always tell the strength of a nation by the strength of its family unit. Destroy the Divinely ordained institution of the family and reject Almighty God’s moral absolutes and a nation will fall. Strengthen the Divine ordained institution of the family and apply Almighty God’s moral absolutes and a nation will prosper (Deut. 4:7-8, Psalm 33:12). It is just that simple. Our founders held to Almighty God’s ordained institutions and thus we rose to be the greatest nation in the world. Our current leaders have rejected these Divinely ordained institutions and we are on our hospice deathbed.

The family unit (i.e., Father and Mother) is Almighty God’s design to protect and insulate mankind from the immoral ravishings, which manifest themselves by the violations of the moral absolutes instilled at the beginning of the creation (Gen. 1:1-31, Ex 20:1-17, Mark 10:19, Rom. 13:9, Heb. 13:4).

The family unit (i.e., Father and Mother) is Almighty God’s design to protect and insulate mankind from the immoral ravishings, which manifest themselves by the violations of the moral absolutes instilled at the beginning of the creation.

It was man’s rejection of Almighty God’s moral absolutes and Divine mandates for the family which led to the Genesis flood (Gen. 6) and it will be the global rejection of Almighty God’s moral absolutes for the family unit which will lead to the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19).

My dear friend, it is an ETERNALLY, HORRIFIC and a SOBERING thing to fall into the hands of the RIGHTEOUS judge and ETERNAL God of Heaven and earth (Heb. 13:4). When a man rejects and refuses Almighty God’s design for society and the family he will be  held FULLY accountable in that Day of Judgment (Matt. 12:36-37, Rev. 20: 11-15). What one does not recognize is that the deeds of a man's life here in time have huge consequences on his family (pro or con) and on society in general and will follow him all the way into that Day to be manifested and to be judged accordingly (Matt. 12:36-37, Rev. 20:11-15).

It was man’s rejection of Almighty God’s moral absolutes and Divine mandates for the family, which led to the Genesis flood.

The American male today is a wild man and there is no taming him. He is lawless, godless and a destroyer of the youth of America. This Father’s Day how many fathers truly seek Almighty God plan for their life and will for their family with all their heart, soul and mind? The God fearing father is near extinction today in America and in this world and the devastation of it is seen everywhere.

My dear friend, may it be our sincere desire to be all that Almighty God would have us to be to your wives and our children (Rom. 8:29). As the Day of the Lord is at hand we as fathers have much to offer our children and loved ones. We have much to tell them of Almighty God’s WONDROUS LOVE and ETERNAL HOPE (John 3:16-17, Rom. 8:28-39, 2 Cor. 1:9, 20, 1 John 3:1-3, Rev. 21-22:1-5). For us who know the Lord, this world is not our home and Almighty God has rescued us from the destructive consequences that will FOREVER follow those who rebel against the Creator of Heaven and earth (John 14:1-3, 1 Cor. 9-11, Gal. 1:4, Rev. 20:11-15). We have a Heavenly Father this Father’s Day who ETERNALLY loves us! What could ever be greater than that!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



  1. It's amazing to me when I compare the men of my grandfather's generation(WW2)to the men of today. Today's boys do not know what honor, humility and politeness are or should I say were. Today's men are wishy-washy, feminized pleasure seekers who like you say, believe they are perfect with no faults. Without strong fathers there is no hope for a society. Unfortunately for the U.S. it's only going to get worse from here.

  2. Indeed my friend, How can we fix this? We are far past the point of no return!

    Rejoice my friend! The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!

    Eph. 5:16-17!

