Friday, December 2, 2011

The False Hope of the American Tea Party

With all that is going on today with the horrific spending practices here in America by our “elected and entrenched” leaders, there is much to be greatly concerned about. In our day a minority of Americans still hold onto the conservative values of our founding fathers, who sought to establish a nation under the adherence and practice of willingly subjecting themselves to the liberating absolutes of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

As we look at our history (from the civil war unto this very hour) we have seen this ideal - which is rooted in reality - removed and nearly eradicated from EVERY facet of our Judeo/Christian culture and society.

We have witnessed first hand the wasteland that our nation has become - both (socially and fiscally) – by the Lefts lawless and secular vision they have promoted and put forth.

As the godless Left has slowly and consistently FILLED and SATURATED every facet of our government branches with their lawless ideology - which totally contradicts ALL that our founders believed - we have witnessed first hand the wasteland that our nation has become - both (socially and fiscally) – by their lawless and secular vision they have promoted and put forth.

Now here at the end, Americans are either apathetic or frantically panicking to try undo 100 years of secular social engineering, socialistic fiscal polices and the greedy mismanaging of the American tax payers money. Good intentions pave the road to ruin here in the “Land of the FREE” and “Reality has been forsaken and lawlessness and anarchy has been awakened.

Delusional Preachers of this Hour

Countless conservative talk show hosts through out these 50 states are daily trying to sustain the panic stricken masses with optimistic appraisals and fictitious ideas and remedies that can NEVER fix our current decimated fiscal state, let alone our catastrophic social crisis that has exponentially sent our fiscal national debt to the moon. My dear friends, How do you save a steel sinking ship when it is filled with 95% water? The obvious answer… You do not! You abandon ship and hope that the sinking ship does not suck you into its abyss when it goes down to Davy Jones locker. That is where we are today here in America. Either you have the courage and fortitude to face this reality or you do not. The choice is yours, but whatever you choose, NOTHING will stop this ship from sinking! Do NOT deceive yourselves about our day and hour! My friend, NO Tea Party will stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from their soon up coming horrific ride (Rev. 6).

Either you have the courage and fortitude to face this reality or you do not. The choice is yours, but whatever you choose, NOTHING will stop this ship from sinking!

Through out this nation, Americans (conservative, moderate and liberal) in their subjective delusional worlds and minds are vainly hoping for the best as our nation’s fiscal house is at the precipice of default and implosion. With blinded minds of ignorance and great faith these believe that we as a nation can remove this consuming exponential behemoth one day and undo 100 years of the horrific consequences of social and fiscal lawlessness.

The Boy with His Finger in the Dike

As we come near to the end of the “Great Experiment”, the Tea Party was founded and started to awaken American to our sobering fiscal realities and sought to hold Washington accountable for their actions. Thank Almighty God for this movement, but sadly and in all reality, this movement - as the little Dutch boy with his finger in the fractured dike - has only slowed down this consuming LEVIATHAN very minutely. Alarmingly, under this cry for accountability by the Tea Party, all goes on in Washington as Washington always does but at an even faster pace. My dear friends, just look at these last 6 years, big Government has morphed into Enormous and Ginormous Government! Even with the countless voices of the Tea Party, Conservative radio, active U.S. citizens and a small group of law makers, ALL goes on as usual. Nothing can stop this U.S. beast from consuming and moving us ever forward to a socialistic state of tyranny and oppression. My Friends, Are we not already there!

Thank God for this movement, but sadly and in all reality, this movement - as the little Dutch boy with his finger in the fractured dike - has only slowed down this consuming LEVIATHAN very minutely.

Americans and those who are active in the Tea Party (we here at the IFB being of those Americans) need to comprehend the REALITY of the hour and know with ALL our hearts that America dream is over. How many Americans today are willingly gullible, naive and delusional about this reality? These cannot see past their noses on this reality. They are imprisoned in a subjective world with NO vision of the ETERNITY that awaits every single one of us (John 3:16-17; Rev. 20:1-3, 11-15; 21:8; 22:11). This is not a fatalistic or “give up” mentality. The REALITY is that the jig is up and innumerable lawless consequences and 5th column foes of our American constitution have entered into the mightily seized Alamo and it is just a matter of precious time before we ALL fall. IT MUST BE my dear friends. To think other wise is to willingly to deceive yourselves!

What to Do?

In these very sobering hours may the realities at hand bring you to the comprehension that bigger forces are at work here in America and in the world in general (Eph. 6:12).

The stage is being set for far greater evils and horrific policies of godless fallen man that will enslave and engulf the entire world (Rev.6-19; 13). Do these biblical observations sound like the ravings of a mad man? Well my friend, they are not! To be wise in this world, one must KNOW the Savior and Creator of this World (John 1:10-12, 3:3-7, 17:17, Rom. 1:16, 1 Cor. 18-31, Heb. 1:2-3). Without Almighty God and His precious Word - which is the ONLY source and key of revelation and light to unlock the subjective, delusional prisonhold of this vain and futile world, there is ABSOLUTELY NO hope

WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable! ALL is despair! ALL is hopeless!

WITHOUT Almighty God’s Word and revelation ALL is a mystery! ALL is unanswerable! ALL is despair! ALL is hopeless! My friend, do not deceive yourselves with false hopes, false vain ambitions. False saviors, and false Utopian visions that can NEVER come to pass in a sin ravished world (Gal. 1:4). My friend, do the very best that you can in this hour for the critical and fatal condition of our nation, but do NOT place ALL your trust in it my friend, see the BIG picture from Heaven’s ETERNAL perspective and trust Almighty God for the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!
(Eph. 5:16-17!)


(Note little man in top of title picture in upper left corner. What can he do?)



  1. “You abandon ship and hope that the sinking ship does not suck you into its abyss when it goes down to Davy Jones locker.” If your eyes and heart are fixed on Jesus there is nothing that can pull you down into the abyss. If Davy Jones (ie. Satan) asks “do you fear death?”, I would have to tell him emphatically “NO”. Because Jesus has already suffered death and shed His blood for me so that I could have everlasting life.

    Matthew 14:30 - 32 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. It is difficult for many Christians to put their complete trust in God. But, that is the only way you can “walk on water” without sinking. It took me some time before I realized that my Father in heaven only wants what is best for me. How many are going to wait until the last minute before they say “Lord, save me!”?

    There is only ONE hope and that is in Jesus Christ! There is only ONE salvation and that is under the shed blood of Jesus Christ! There by the GRACE of God I will not sink.

    El Paso, TX

  2. Joel, Thanks for your reply! and Amen! Glad that you have the Hope!

    Pray that those who do not have ears to hear God's Word. For this message is to get people to see the Big Picture.

    They need to know the Savior...for the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!


  3. Dave, believe me I am praying fervently. And for those that attend church every Sunday and Wednesday night, because there are some that still do not have that hope. Thank you for the articles and the website. These help keep me pinned to the work that God has for me.


  4. Joel, many Christians cannot see out side of the box. I am truly shocked. For 3 1/2 years I have found this alarming. We need to possess this reality and see things from our place in Christ, which is at the pinnacle of all ETERNITY... at the Right hand of Almighty God in Christ (Col. 3:1-4, Psalm 110:1, Eph. 2:6)!

    Redeem the time my friend!! or God's great Name and glory!


  5. Well said Ignorant Fisherman.Ihave
    observed for some time now the
    very things you speak of....
    I am amzed at how many Americans
    and Church people are still
    hanging on to something that does
    not exist........
    Behold The Change Comes and no man
    can stop it..........DaveV

  6. Completely agree.

    Our "bohemoth" of an economy needs an ever-increasing amount of funds to make it to the next day. There is simply not enough money in the world to keep it going.

    Most of America just hopes that the "people in Washington" do whatever it takes to make life continue as it did yesterday. It's a delusional mentality.

    The sooner the end comes, the sooner the Son comes. Can't wait!
