Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Nugget Net Newline - Prophetic Cutting Edge News Outlet!

To all of the Ignorant Fishermen (and women) out there in the good Lord’s world and to those especially of the Ignorant Fishermen brigade, Greetings in the Name of the Only Savior and Hope for this fallen and doomed world – the Lord Jesus Christ!

My beloved and fellow prophetic seekers of the Lord Jesus Christ’s glorious Second Coming, I must encourage you all – if you have not done so in the past - to be sure to visit the Nugget Net Newsline on a daily basis. This site has about 140 to 150 posts a day from many different authors and news agencies which provide more than an abundant crop of cutting edge information pertaining to the pre-trib Rapture position, the nation of Israel, the Last Days, biblical prophecy, global events and sound biblical teaching on salvation and much more. I personally tell many that the Nugget Net Newsline is the Drudge Report for the believer in Christ who wants to be kept on the cutting edge of prophetical evolution.

Nugget Net Newline is the Drudge Report for the believer in Christ who wants to be kept on the cutting edge of prophetical evolution!

The editors of the NNNL have been posting the Ignorant Fishermen Blog’s posts for a few years now and we are grateful for them doing so. In it all... the bottom line for all who know the Savior is NOT to get hits on our web sites but to proclaim from our Internet pulpits the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and His soon coming. We must keep Almighty God’s people on the cutting edge, alert and always ready to give and account of the biblical program of Almighty God, His Word and the glorious hope that He offers to all in these wicked, lawless and decadent last days. We are indeed debtors.

So my beloved, keep all those who are about getting Almighty God’s precious Word out in your prayers for ALL of God’s highest and best, which is for Almighty God’s will and way for each one for His wondrous glory! Be redeeming the time for your labors are NEVER in vain and always remember, that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!

God speed Christ's beloved!

Eph. 5:16-17!




  1. Thank you for sharing this David. It is a real gem of a website. Another wonderful tool to Thank and Bless the Good Lord each and every day of my life and eternity.

    God Bless You!


  2. Anne, These guys are the best! They post our posts everyday and are faithful in getting the cutting edge news on Biblical prophecy and world current events. That is why I wanted to share them with our many I.F. visitors.

    All of God's highest and best Anne!

