Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Fatal Distraction of American Evangelicals

The believing Evangelical church of America today has been so distracted by Washington politics that it has neglected the REALITY that the Kingdom of Heaven is at our very door! They are all trying to save this doomed "American Titanic"- all in vain - and are neglecting telling those on board to man the life boats (i.e., Christ)! Of course as believers we should do our part as American citizens to give our voice etc., but that day is far far past us. We are now living in a new era of time called post Judeo/Christian America. What is most alarming is the hopeless spirit of fear, anxiety and worry that seems to have possessed and clouded the evangelical Christian's vision to a point that they are in a subjective slumber to the realities of the day and hour in which we live (Rom. 13:11, Eph. 5:14, 1 Thess. 5:6, 1 John 2:18, Rev. 3:2). Wake up beloved, oh thou that sleepest (Rom. 13:11, Eph. 5:14, 1 Thes 5:6)! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! This is why the exponential and overwhelming national and global calamities are present. There is an EXPONENTIALLY horrific tribulation at our door, which we should be warning people of and NOTHING is going to stop that from coming to be (2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 6-19)! Drop the political strawmanic kool - aid my beloved and send the Blessed Gospel Light!! For that is what it is ALL about in this last American hour.

The believing evangelical church of America today has been so distracted by Washington politics that it has neglected the reality that the Kingdom of Heaven is at our very door!

What is most horrifying is the secular indoctrination of godless relativism and lawless tolerance – which has been spreading like wild fire and many Americans (including so called ‘Christians”) are eating it up and love it so (Rev. 3:14-19).

The 2010 election victories of moderate and weak conservative has NOT been able to overturn the last 75 years of ingrained secularization and socialism, let alone the current Obama and the Progressive Left secular agenda . The Left has so charged their crazy hate filled base that they will lose it. There will be blood in the streets from the secular socially dependent Americans if Obama loses the 2012 election. These past shallow Conservative victories can only slow down for a few moments what MUST eventually be. America WILL implode under its own godless and decadent immoral weight and fiscal irresponsibility. Nothing can stop that now, NOTHING! The U.S.S. Titanic is sinking and nothing can stop it from going under! We are at the point of NO RETURN. The END of America is at hand and GLOBAL tribulation is at the door step! (SEE CHART LINK)
.As "we as a nation" passes into oblivion, may Almighty God and His Word be your total source for consolation and optimistic reality for today's crisis. Have FAITH in Almighty God America! He alone is able to deliver one from the poisons and corruption that dominate and infest this fallen world (Gal 1:4). My beloved, invest in ETERNITY, not in the few futile seconds of this vain life (Eccl 1:1-3). ETERNITY is where our sights should be set. ETERNITY is our future home (Isa. 65:17, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21,22:1-5). It is crucial today to be able to distinguish between these two perceptions.

He alone is able to deliver one from the poisons and corruption that dominate and infest this fallen world.

If you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior, may you be redeeming these days; for they are indeed evil (Eph. 5:16). May we all - that know the Lord in spirit and truth - dedicate this New Year whole heartedly to Him for His glory and honor (1 Cor. 10:31, Col 3:17, 1 Peter 4:11). May pointing people to a saving knowledge of the Savior be priority one! My beloved, keep focused and looking for the Savior's soon return… for the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!


Heaven’s Eternal Perspective Will Set You Free!
Time and ETERNITY - Mankind’s Destiny
Servants of Christ First - Conservatives Second


1 comment:

  1. What the "jewish" moneychangers have done to The West's economies since 2008 is nothing new:

    Julius Caesar took back from the money changers the power to coin money and then minted coins for the benefit of all. With this new, plentiful supply of money, he established many massive construction projects and built great public works. By making money plentiful, Caesar won the love of the common people.

    But the money changers hated him for it and this is why Caesar was assassinated. Immediately after his assassination came the demise of plentiful money in Rome, taxes increased, as did corruption.

    Eventually the Roman money supply was reduced by 90 per cent, which resulted in the common people losing their lands and homes.
