Thursday, August 30, 2012

No Sarah at Republican Convention... TV Ratings Pludge!

Out of the midst of our nation have risen many - but one in particular today - whose love for God and country has placed her on the center stage of the conservative movement. One who the masses of common folk greatly respect and admire. One who has become a “mother” in these United States of America in an hour of crisis. One who has the vision and passion that our founders once possessed. One who has spoken out against to political machines of the Left and Republican establishment; and finally, one who has a fear of Almighty God to govern her and to do the right thing in these last days of America.

It would be through the roof my dear friends! One thing that has really frosted many of our Tea Party pumpkins was not having Sarah speak at the RNC Establishment Convention. To leave out Sarah from this convention is absolutely abominable!

I just saw on the Drudge Report that the TV rating for this RNC convention are way down... like  41% down with out Sarah Palin! Could you imagine what the enthusiasm and ratings would be if Sarah was invited to this convention... Shazam! They would be through the roof my dear friends! One thing that has really frosted many of our Tea Party pumpkins was not having Sarah speak at the RNC Establishment Convention. To leave out Sarah from this convention is absolutely abominable! Sarah is the face of the Tea Party and the Tea Party has been the fire in the belly of Americans across this land to rid this nation of the Marxist Obama. Sarah has been so key in rallying Americans and these TV ratings speaks volumes to her being rejected.  I personally have not watched one lick so far of this convention, just listened to the recaps and reviews on Rush and Vicevich the following day. We love Sarah Palin up here and when she gets diss'd by the moderate establishment so do we my fellow Tea Partiers. I hope you see that. They have us do all the work and then they mow our lawns. Despicable! Absolutely despicable!

Here me again my dear friends... When the Republican Establishment (RE) blocks out and shuns one of America's most energizing TRUE conservative they are also shunning out you and me. Make no mistake about it. They are taking you and me as fools and for granted and that dog ain't gonna hunt! ..
When the Republican Establishment (RE) blocks out and shuns one of America's most energizing TRUE conservative they are also shunning out you and me.

The Republican Establishment - who adhere to moral relativism and moderate fiscal policies - are the reason we as a nation are where we are today (in ruins socially/fiscally). Their rubber spine has caved on almost every delusion, falsehood and lawless agenda that the Left has put forth. They have been a door mat for the Red Democratic party of today and have been a fifth column against TRUE conservatism in the Republican Party itself. The RE are always afraid of what will be stated about them in the Main Stream Media and the lawless base and masses of the Democratic Left. The RE has moved towards the Left over the last 15 years and adheres to subtle socialistic policies that have opened the door wide open to the final dismantling of our nation by president Obama. Who can ever forget how the "RE" threw Sarah under the "Straight Talk Express" bus to save face with the godless Left, media and the moderates. I am still ripping over that and so are countless other Tea Party members and solid American conservatives. The Republican Party has NOT received a dime from me and others since then and it looks like it will continue to be that way.

Who can ever forget how the "RE" threw Sarah under the "Straight Talk Express" bus to save face with the godless Left and media.

I am so glad that Sarah has remained independent from the RE, for she has had more freedom to speak her voice and rally TRUE Americans around our Founding Father's vision and the U.S. Constitution. Sarah has also separated herself from the Washington political "beltway" which has given her a position of power an influence that she would not be able to express if she had to exist in that D.C. wasteland. Just Sarah's presence these last few years has revived and fired up the true American spirit and has rallied the masses to stand and take their country back! To cast Sarah aside and mock her is the height of folly and I'll tell you straight out why... for we TRUE American conservatives are already fed up and holding our noses with Mittens. Anymore dismissing of TRUE conservatives (social/fiscal) and we will abandon the ship come this November. I know that I speak for thousands of Americans also. Our nation is already done for and a few more months of "whoever" that is elected into office whether it be the commie secularist or the moderate socialist will make no difference to me. Many of us will be voting this November for the lesser of two evils knowing right well that there is no more saving the American dream. We are now living in a day of delusional narcissistic ignorance, abounding Constitutional lawlessness, horrific social and fiscal decline and devastation and EXPONENTIAL leftist media bias 24/7/365. The Day of the Lord is at hand America and the Four Horsemen are about to ride! It is time to put down the Constitution and pick up the MIGHTY Word of Almighty God and see the ETERNAL in light of the temporal (John 17:17, Eph. 5:16-17, 1 John 2:15-17). May it be that ALL those who are TRUE believers in the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ; who have a position of influence and access to the media put aside the politics of now and lift up the Name of the KING of GLORY and get out His message of salvation to all Americans (1 Cor. 2:2, Gal. 6:14, Eph. 5:16-17). For indeed the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

The Day of the Lord is at hand America and the Four Horsemen must ride! It is time to put down the Constitution and pick up the Word of Almighty God and see the ETERNAL in light of the temporal!
It is in times like these that the remnant to whom possess the true spirit of America and its founding cry out to the God of William Bradford, George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Rush etc, who possessed a saving relationship to Almighty God; that Almighty God in His GREAT kindness may show this nation a little more of His WONDROUS grace and mercy before the "Day of the Lord" arrives!

Sarah Palin is a leader in whom Almighty God has seemed to have risen up to stand for the vision that our Founders once possessed. She possesses all of the founding father's American qualities and has been bold to proclaim them. Any Republican Establishment slight towards her is a slight towards the God fearing Americans who believes and adheres to our Founders deals and vision and we WILL NOT take it lightly.

She (Sarah) possesses all of the founding father's American qualities and is the right leader for the right time.
The sunset is going down fast on America and "the Day of the Lord" will soon be at hand. May it be that Almighty God will grant this nation a little more space so that His Word may continue to go out and that the masses of American people would repent and be saved (Rom. 2:4). for that is what this little world is all about!

May it be that Almighty God will grant this nation a little more space so that His Word may continue to go out and that the masses of American people would repent and be saved!

The trumpet may blow at any time, but while we are here waiting the Lord’s soon return, may we all do our part to help slow the flood of lawlessness and the lawlessness that has saturated or society and nation. May it be our sincere desire to pray for America and it awakening to the realities at hand. For in the end, whatever becomes of her, our hope is NOT in America and our Constitution, but our HOPE is in Almighty God and in His Son Jesus Christ (Col. 1:27, 1 Tim. 1:1 )! Always remember my dear friends in the light of these temporal settings the BIG picture that the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!

Sarah Palin Shares Her Faith in Almighty God - Video
What is Driving the Left's Hatred of Sarah Palin?
What Sarah Palin and the Two Witnesses of Revelation have in Common

A Review of Sarah Palin’s New Book: “Going Rogue, An American Life”
A Book Review of Sarah Palin's: "America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag"


  1. I have to add my "2 cents" here, to let you know what happened several years ago when Sarah was running for the office of Governor here in Alaska. I had never met her, but when in the local WalMart, I happened to see her shopping alone, God spoke to me to go and pray with her and so I did. She was so gracious and welcomed my prayers. I asked the Lord to bless her and keep His hand upon her life. And so He has, and so He will. A lovely woman. But jealousy, envy, and the devil's crowd will always persecute God's chosen. I continue to pray for her.

  2. M. Adam,

    Thanks for sharing that! I agree!

    God speed!
