Friday, July 27, 2018

Blah, Blah, Blah...?

No doubt our message here at the IFB concerning our nation is becoming very repetitive and "blah, blah, blah" to some of our visitors, but was not this also the same message in Jeremiah's day before Babylon came in to level and ravish Jerusalem (Jer. 6, 7, 15:1, Ezek. 14:14, 21)? The message then was not popular and neither is this one today. Hear me my dear friends...  I beg you, as a voice shouting in the wilderness, Almighty God has already given this nation over to His Divine judgment and once this has begun who can abide and let alone stop it? In our dire hour DO NOT be deceived and seek to pray for our nation any more, for we are well pass the point of no return. Almighty God the RIGHTEOUS Judge of ETERNITY has now become our nation's RIGHTEOUS Adversary and WOE! WOE! WOE unto America!

However dearly beloved, pray fervently in these hours that individuals will wake up to the REALITY of our hour and their desperate need of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS and be saved!

However dearly beloved, pray fervently in these hours that individuals will wake up to the REALITY of our hour and their desperate need of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS and be saved! The upcoming seven tribulation will begin because the Age of Grace will have come to a stone hearted end - being that there are no more in this dispensational time block which will hear the global message of Almighty God's wondrous grace and mercy. All that is now left for our nation and world is Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS WRATH (Isa. 24, Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19). Do your part as an American, May God help us... but DO NOT trust in it at ALL any more, for the Day of the Lord is at hand and who then will be able to stand and let alone stop the global EXPONENTIAL CATASTROPHIC tsunami which is heading our way (Isa. 24, Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19).

Beloved, Be strong in the Lord and rejoice in His PERFECT salvation and RIGHTEOUSNESS!

God speed for Almighty God's glory!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!




  1. Thank you for speaking the truth because so many (the church) have their head in the sand and, it seems, cannot be shaken awake.

  2. Thanks for your reply! and to God be the glory!

    Eph. 3:20-21!

