Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Godless Misuse of the Word "Love" by the Lawless

We have - of late - been hearing those in the secular media and in the homosexual community misusing and abusing the word "love" to justify their lawlessness, unrighteousness and one's anti moral practices; which VIOLATE the ETERNAL ESTABLISHED RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES of time of and of Almighty God. These seek daily to slander and directed hate at any who oppose such lawlessness and who know what TRUE LOVE is as defined by Almighty God our Creator. (Deut. 6:4-9, Matt. 22:37-39, John 3:16-17, Rom. 12:9, 1 Cor. 13:4-8, Eph. 5:22, Rev. 1:5). The lawless secular definition of the word "love" has been used as an artillery barrage against the American people to lay a twisted guilt trip on us for the legitimization of base practices (homosexual and heterosexual). All is used in this campaign of lawlessness and TRUE HATE to desensitize, justify, legitimatize, destroy and impose a minority's unbridled passions upon our nation (Rom. 1:18-32). It is the true height of narcissism and selfishness! As John Lennon sung, "All we need is love..." right? No my dear friends, not godless man's fallen love (Rom. 1:18-32) that excludes our ETERNAL Creator! All we need is Almighty God's ETERNAL LOVE, rooted in TRUTH, JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS! These ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES will FOREVER endure throughout time and ETERNITY.
The lawless secular definition of the word "love" has been used as an artillery barrage against the American people to lay a twisted guilt trip on us for the legitimization of base practices (homosexual and heterosexual). All is used in this campaign of lawlessness and TRUE HATE to desensitize, justify, legitimatize, destroy and impose a minority's unbridled passions upon our nation.

Love, love, love... If someone "loves" someone, then who are we to judge as fellow fallen creatures living in this fallen world (John 3:16,17, Rom. 3:23, 5:12-21)? Well my dear friends, no one has any right to impose our delusional self judgment on any! We are just created beings placed into a world of ESTABLISHED MORAL ABSOLUTES (Gen. 1, John 1:1-3, Rom. 1:20, Psalm 8, 19:1-7, Rev. 5:11). Right and wrong, lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS, good and evil, moral absolutes and iniquity, the established laws of science, physics etc.. are not based on fallen man's vain imaginations but were established at the beginning of the creation by Almighty God and are to be reverenced, honored and obeyed by the sons of Adam (Gen. 1-2, Deut. 6:4-7, 30:19, Isa. 44:24, Psalm 19, John 1:1-5, Rom. 1:20, Rev. 5:11). Men and women every day choose what they will do with these established ABSOLUTES, will they will honor them or violate them.

Right and wrong, lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS, good and evil, moral absolutes and iniquity, the established laws of science, physics etc.. are not based on fallen man's vain imaginations but were established at the beginning of the creation by Almighty God and are to be reverenced, honored and obeyed by the sons of Adam.

Almighty God’s ETERNAL love vastly transcends the frail and temporal confines of finite man into the ETERNAL REGIONS of FOREVER. God’s selfless love seeks only the highest and best towards the object of His love, it is unconditional and selfless and rooted in RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH (John 3:16;  Rom. 8:28-29, 1 Cor 13:1-13).
The word Agape (love) in the Greek language describes the highest form of love. This love seeks only the highest and best for its object in all matters of life here in time and in eternity future. Unlike Eros love which is rooted in self and a narcissistic agenda, Agape love is rooted in the pinnacle of excellence and selfless expression towards its object. Almighty God’s love (His highest and best) for you and me is nothing less than God Himself and His perfect will for the object of His love (Rom. 8:28, 32, 35; 2 Cor. 2:15, 1 John 4:10). GOD is love. Note God’s love in action towards you and me. The Bible states:
"For God SO LOVED the world, that HE GAVE his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).

God GAVE His Son for us so that we should not perish but have everlasting life. How wonderful is that! All of God’s love is found in the Person of Jesus Christ for you and me. My dear friend, I do not know anything more wonderful than that!!

Almighty God’s love (His highest and best) for you and me is nothing less than Almighty God Himself and His perfect ETERNAL will for the object of His love in RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH.

Do you know the agape LOVE of Almighty God that is found ONLY in His Son Jesus Christ? God so LOVED you that he sent His Son to pay the price for your transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS standards of Almighty God (Rom. 10:4; 1 Peter 3:18). Again, my dear friend, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that! The one true God and Creator of the Universe truly loves you (1 John 4:10)!
Today, choose to follow the One who LOVED you and gave Himself to you (Gal. 2:20). Place your trust in Him today. You will NEVER be the same – no, Never!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What True Love is Not

The Gospel of John Challenge
I Love You! Follow Me My Beloved Share

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