Thursday, May 5, 2016

The National Day of Prayer - Heaven’s ETERNAL Perspective Will Set You Free!

To fully comprehend this day and hour in which we are living in here in America, one MUST possess an objective ETERNAL Heavenly Biblical perspective and REALITY which comes by faith (Heb. 11:1, 6, 1 John 5:3-4). Unless you are regenerated by the act of faith in Jesus Christ and His saving propitiation for our transgressions (born again - John 3:3-7), you CANNOT comprehend, yet see the Kingdom of God, let alone the coming Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:1-21). If you reject the Lord Jesus Christ's saving grace and the Holy Spirit's testimony you will continue to be imprisoned in the delusional fantasy of make believe in your darken mind (2 Thess. 2:9-12)

 They will continue to be imprisoned in their delusional fantasy of make believe in their darken mind.

Today on this "National Day of Prayer", ecumenicism and good intentions will not save our nation. However, we as believers in Jesus Christ NEED to be praying for Almighty God's PERFECT will and wisdom, believing and seeking open doors to proclaim the saving grace of Jesus Christ in these last days before the soon global tribulation arises (Isa. 24, Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19)! Anything else is a waste of time, vanity and is wood, hay and stumble (1 Cor. 3:9-15). Our nation at present is already being judged by Almighty God and it is my personal opinion - after years of personal observation (politically and spiritually) - that we as a nation are far past the point of no return! All the sincere prayers of Almighty God's redeemed in such an hour are outside the will of our Heavenly Father! This very sobering REALITY is not received today by religious Americas and is even too much for believers in Jesus Christ to receive. Almighty God's great desire is for us not to pray for our nation's healing but for individual Americans to believe, repent and be rescued from His RIGHTEOUS wrath and judgment which is now to come (John 3:16-17, 36, 1 Thess. 1:9-10, Rev. 6-19)!
Almighty God's great desire is for us not to pray for our nation's healing but for individual Americans to believe, repent and be rescued from His RIGHTEOUS wrath and judgment which is now to come!

As the great American experiment is coming to a horrific conclusion, we remember what our Founding Fathers warned us of when immorality and godlessness reigns. May it be on this National Day of Prayer that Americans will look objectivity outside of their subjective world’s confines to a place of absolute ETERNAL security and assurance (Prov. 3:5-7). That place is none other than Almighty God's Person and Presence (Heb. 4:16). Access to Him is ONLY granted by a saving relationship to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:8-9). When one places their trust in Almighty God's saving solution and remedy - in Spirit and TRUTH (John 4:24) -, Almighty God will save (deliver/rescue) that one from the consequences of sin and also from the limited and temporal confines of this fallen world (Rom 5:12-19, 1 Cor. 2:14, Gal 1:4).

Do you know the Lord Jesus as the Bible (i.e., God’s Infallible Word) clearly teaches? May it be so in these last days? The Son has come to set men free from the prison hold of planet earth and to deliver them from their sins and trespasses against Almighty God and to fully enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS (perfection) FOREVER!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
Birth Pangs The Coming Day of the Lord



  1. Notice the words to the old song, He Set Me Free:

    Once like a bird in prison I dwelt
    No freedom from my sorrow I felt
    But Jesus came and listened to me
    And glory to God, He set me free
    He set me free, Yes, He set me free
    And He broke the bonds of prison for me
    I'm glory bound my Jesus to see
    For glory to God, He set me free
    Now I am climbing higher each day
    Darkness of night has drifted away
    My feet are planted on higher ground
    And glory to God, I'm homeward bound
    Goodbye to sin and things that confound
    Naught of the world shall turn me around
    Daily I'm working, I'm praying too
    And glory to God, I'm going thru

    The Cold Texan

  2. Ain't it grand, Cold Texan?!

    Praise the Lord! :-)
