Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Almighty God Created You With Divine Purpose

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them” (Gen. 1:27). Almighty God made every person either male or female, and everything Almighty God does is ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE and RIGHT. He made absolutely no mistakes at the beginning of the creation (Gen. 1:31). We need to be the person Almighty God made us to be, both by creation and also by redemption: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7).
If a biological male identifies as a female, then he should be allowed to be a female, according to the lawless rational of our ETERNAL Creator rejecting, relativistic, politically correct society.
We are now told by government and society that a person’s sex or gender is not determined by biology, but by psychology. Supposedly, each person may decide his or her own gender, based on one’s own subjective sense of identity. If a biological male identifies as a female, then he should be allowed to be a female according to the lawless rational of our ETERNAL Creator rejecting, relativistic, politically correct society. However, in other settings and realms of our culture, world and thinking we do not allow this lawless rational.
 We are now told that a person’s sex or gender is not determined by biology, but by psychology. Supposedly, each person may decide his or her own gender, based on one’s own subjective sense of identity.
Some examples; A girl suffering with anorexia could be very thin but she sees herself as fat. To honor such wrong thinking could be disastrous for her. Also, can a Hispanic person or a Caucasian person suddenly declare himself to be Chinese or an Eskimo?  Is our ethnicity based on how we might self-identify? If we can change our birth sex, can we also change our birth date? Can a thirteen-year-old identify as a 21-year-old who would be legally able to vote, drive and drink?  Can a 5'10" basketball player become a 6'7" player just by seeing himself as taller? Would his height delusion or the demanding of society to receive his delusion improve his game?  When we leave the realm of reality, there is no end to the nonsense that results (Rom. 1:18-32). Dear friends, is this not a simple matter to discern? But in the mind of millions it all comes down to one's own personal rebellion, lawless selfish ambitions and narcissistic thinking; that all are expendable and must be forced to keep one's illusion and delusion alive and intact.

We tell Almighty God, I want to be what I want to be and live the way that I want to live and don't you dare judge me or shed any ETERNAL REALITY on my subjective delusion.

Dear friends, does not the world do the very same thing when it comes to the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God? We who are fallen sinners tell Almighty God that we are RIGHTEOUS and DO NOT need a His propitiation and Savior (Psalm 14, John 3:16-21, 1 John 1:8-10)! We tell and demand of Almighty God, I want to be what I want to be and live the way that I want to live and don't you dare judge me or shed any ETERNAL REALITY on my subjective delusion! Dear friends, that mindset is the true fulfillment and heart of all such crazy thinking in our world today!

The all-wise ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator does all things well and for us to lecture Him and condemn Him is indeed the height and zenith of man's insanity and rebellion!

The all-wise ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator does all things well and for us to lecture Him and condemn Him is indeed the height and zenith of man's insanity and rebellion! Now dear friends back to the topic at hand; Our sex is not our own personal choice but rather it is part of God’s perfect plan for our lives for His glory. We need - as human beings - to be content with who we are, because we are very precious in God’s sight. Dear friends, that is the wonder of it all; that Almighty God loved us so much that He sent His Son to be our propitiation for our sins and seeks to redeem us to be Whom He intended us to be from the beginning of creation (Gen. 1:30, John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4). Almighty God loves us ETERNALLY to much to compromise and allow us to live in our sinful delusion and to deceive us that we are fit for ETERNITY when we are fully not.

Almighty God loves us ETERNALLY to much to compromise and allow us to live in our sinful delusion and to deceive us that we are fit for ETERNITY.

Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? To know Him is to know forgiveness, pardon, REALITY and RIGHTEOUSNESS! If you do not, we would like for you to do our Gospel of John Challenge that you can see for yourself how much Jesus loves you!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Quite interesting what we humans are doing with this subjective way of deciding ‘what sex we are’. It reminds me of how Lucifer believed he was as good or better than the Creator, God.

    Not a very good outcome did Lucifer and his followers have. I doubt humans will get a better outcome. Will they also be thrown from the presence of The Glory of God?
