Wednesday, December 13, 2023

So This Is X-mas/John Lennon - A Biblical Perspective

Dear friends, I grew up in the world for 24 years before I came to Christ, so I know its thinking and ways because I once lived it and walked its course (Eph. 2:1-14). As I was at work, they were playing the world's Christmas carols which have a secular and demonic mood to it of utopia dreams through relativism and bankrupt human love; which excludes RIGHTEOUSNESS and Almighty God; man's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Rom. 1:18-32). One song that was played today was John Lennon's, So This Is X-mas (War is Over). I had to laugh as I listened to the words and praised the Lord from what He saved me from! This John Lennon song is a total swipe and dig at the TRUE biblical Christmas message and the rejection there of. Mr. "Peace" (John Lennon himself), seeks to encourage all through moral relativism and lawlessness to seek world peace, to end war and "love" one another as fallen humanity (Isa. 48:22; 49:1; 57:21, Rom. 3, Jude 1:10). Hey world, how has that idiocy and delusion worked out for humanity since the fall (Psalm 14, Rom. 3, James 4:1-4)

I see Lennon's global utopian vision EXPONENTIALLY farther away then it was 40 years ago; for the Day of the Lord is at hand, in which He will judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Today in 2023, I see John Lennon's global utopian vision EXPONENTIALLY farther away then it was some 40 years ago; for the Day of the Lord is at hand, in which Almighty God will judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rev. 6-19). The tragedy of the vain lawless utopian dream and its dreamer is that it can NEVER EVER come true without RIGHTEOUSNESS and Almighty God (Matt. 6:33; Rev. 21; 22:1-5)! My dear friends, I use to think just like the world; for John Lennon was a hero of mine in the days of my vanity. That demonic mindset is a TOTAL DELUSION and how mankind loves to drink it in, especially during the Christmas holiday season! Satan's subtle counter Christmas message is alive in well on planet earth and because of global unbelief, it is received yearly. Tragically, as John Lennon goes, he is probably the world's leading musician advocate for "peace"; however, in the reprobate world of John Lennon, he NEVER found "peace" in this world and in the end was murdered by one of his fans.

 This song is a total swipe and dig at the TRUE biblical Christmas message and the rejection there of. Lennon seeks to encourage all through moral relativism and lawlessness to seek world peace, to end war and "love" one another as fallen humanity.

There is absolutely no way that TRUE PEACE and PERFECT HARMONY can EVER be brought about WITHOUT the ETERNAL established RIGHTEOUSNESS of ALMIGHTY GOD (Isa. 32:17, 48:18,22). Almighty God’s whole ETERNITY and physical universe were established based on the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PERSON of the TRIUNE GOD! How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands (1 Cor. 6:8-11, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8, 22:14-15).We are a smashed glass or broken egg with absolutely no way our repairing ourselves. 6000 years of human history testifies to the fact that we are a violent and lawless race with death as our future and destiny (Rom. 3:23) and on our way to total destruction. If it had not been for Almighty God’s outside intervention holding back the full accumulation of violence of mankind we would have been extinct a long time ago  (Matt. 24:21-22, 2 Thess. 2:6-8). Isn’t it amazing that as American’s listen to our leaders in Washington D.C., the media (conservative and liberal), Hollywood and the music culture and industry preach utopian ideals unto them that the majority of the world sincerely believe that lie from hell, which is if we just keep working at “peace” (give peace a chance) that we will one day finally achieve it.

How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands.

My friend, let's wake up and get real! There is NO WAY that a smashed egg can EVER again be put perfectly back together and there is NO WAY that this broken world can EVER fix itself. This vain utopian pursuit is the ultimate delusional chasing of the devil’s cattle. At the end of this vain delusional chase, the world will tragically finally find out the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY that they have REJECTED their whole lives (Luke 16:22-31, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15). It will be in that Day that these will be fully AWAKENED from their self-induced godless hypnotic delusion and will FULLY understand that their lawless self-willed existence here in time has led them straight into the slaughter house of the ETERNAL Divine Judgment and wrath of Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess. 2; 8-12, Rev.20:11-15).

 He sent His Son 2000 years ago born of a virgin so you might LIVE FOREVER with Him and to enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUS PERFECTION and BLISS FOREVERMORE!

My dear friend this is not Almighty God’s desire for you, to die in your transgressions. He sent His Son 2000 years ago born of a virgin so you might LIVE FOREVER with Him and to enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUS PERFECTION and BLISS FOREVERMORE (1 Cor. 2:9, Rev 21-22:1-5)! This was Almighty God’s grand desire at the beginning of creation for mankind not what man has horrifically reaped upon himself. We as a world do not know divine PEACE let alone the temporal peace that fallen man can barely manufacture (Isa. 32:17, 48:18, 22, 53, John 1:10-11, Rom. 3, Rev.6-16).

A Savior was born and is soon coming again in great glory to establish His 1000 year reign of PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!

This season may we truly - with all our being - want to know, possess and exercise the wondrous peace of Almighty God which He has brought to us by the shed blood of His dear Son (Eph. 2:14). As we walk in time may we seek to enjoy our redemptive benefits which have been given to us by our God and Savior (Eph. 1:3, 2:1-19, Phil. 4:17, Col. 3:1-4) and the heavenly peace of heart that comes with the fact and reality that our sins and trespasses are removed FOREVER (Psalm 103:12, Rom. 7:24-25, 10:4, Gal 1:4). That my friends is what “peace on earth is all about! Rejoice GREATLY (Phil. 4:4)! A Savior was born and is soon coming again in great glory to establish His 1000 year reign of PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (Isa. 2:1-4, 9:6-7, 11:1-9, 32:1 Jer. 23:5, 33:15-16, Dan. 2:44-45, 7:7:13-14, Micah 4:1-4)!!!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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