Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Dear friends, we all have our different upbringings; realities, and perceptions of this world, which are directly affected by our experiences and established by our truths. These truths are legitimized in our minds from what is familiar and from the observations we have made in relation to our families, friends, and the world. We grip onto our beliefs like a powerlifter grips a barbell when performing a lift. A powerlifter uses techniques that are comfortable and work for him. His form and strength have been well established from countless hours of training in the gym and out. He lives his life according to what he knows works for him and makes that his reality. We all do this when faced with different challenges, the weight we have to lift represents our opposition in life. Whether it is financial, relational, spiritual, or in any other aspect. The techniques we use and how we train to lift them depend on the standard in which we were taught. These efforts are challenging and ultimately futile when we train and perform in accordance with how the world thinks (1 JOHN 2:15-17). Dear friends, we are not meant to do the heavy lifting of this life, our precious Jesus is! Our lives do not belong to us but belong to the LORD (PSALM 139:3-16; Gal. 2:20). He knows how we should approach the unliftable weight of our problems and fears, and through His Word; Jesus tells us exactly how to train for and approach the barbells of life (PROV. 3:5-6; MATT. 11:28-30). When we abide by our own truths and not by GOD’S ABSOLUTE TRUTHS, our labors and efforts are vain, insufficient, and meager. (ECCLESIASTES 2:17-26; JOHN. 15:1-7; GAL. 2:20).

 Dear friends, we are not meant to do the heavy lifting, Our precious Jesus is!

We can be deceived by our own efforts into thinking that we are all-sufficient in what has moved the weight and got us through the tough times. When we do this and do not put God’s rightful Name on it we are actually adding more weight to our bar. The problem may appear as solved but is just a  temporary fix. We are just creating more trials for ourselves down the line because we believe we can do things apart from God (GENESIS 11:1-9; JOHN 15:5, ROM. 1:18-32; PHIL. 4:13). It is so easy today to be self-righteous and in fact, it is encouraged by the world. Everything in this world apart from God is set against God (1 JOHN 2:15-17). Satan is the ruler of this world; he has his hand in EVERYTHING. The subtle things that may seem harmless and enticing are really meant to destroy us (1 PETER 5:8, 1 JOHN 5:19).

Jesus' love for us is ETERNAL and wants nothing but the best for us. The best is only found in Jesus and that is why our realities need to become His ETERNAL REALITY.

So my friends, how does one discern whether their efforts abide by God’s righteous absolutes? The simple answer is, that we don't but the cross of Jesus does (JOHN 3:16; 19:30; ROM. 10:2-4)! Everything in this world and everything we do has to answer to Christ. God puts us in situations that we cannot face on our own that will bring us to Him. Jesus' love for us is ETERNAL and wants nothing but the best for us. The best is only found in Jesus and that is why our realities need to become His ETERNAL REALITY (1 COR. 2:2). So, no matter what background you come from, or ideologies you have been taught, all of that is foolishness apart from Jesus Christ (PHIL. 3:7-10). The ultimate victory is found in Christ and our worldly problems are washed away by His shed blood (PSALM 51:7; 1 JOHN 4:10). My dear friends, may we seek to stop trying to lift the weight of the problems in our lives and give them to Christ to outwork for His ETERNAL glory (MATTHEW 11;28-30).


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