Sunday, February 7, 2021

Super Sunday! It's The Lord's Day!

Dear friends, it's that time of the year again when ALL America (from top to bottom) will gather together as a nation for Super Sunday! Tragically, millions of Americans will be missing out on and not attending the TRUE Super Sunday that transcends ALL time and ETERNITY! The Lord's Day! The original "Super Sunday", the day which the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior of the world FOREVER defeated Satan, Death, and Hades (Sheol) and rose ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS from the grave (Acts 2:22-36; 3:13-18; 4:10-12, 33; 5:29-32; 10:37-43; 13:27-37; 17:23, 30-32; 23:6; 24:14-16; 25:19; 26:68, 22-23, Rev. 1:18); is now the day of the week that His redeemed gather together to hear Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS Word and worship Him collectively in SPIRIT and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS TRUTH! It is a day set apart by the Almighty God the Father for His saints to enter into His HOLY presence in a very special way; to worship Him in Spirit and TRUTH, to sing praises unto Him, to expose one's heart and mind to the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY, to be challenged, strengthened and encouraged in the Savior; seeking His PERFECT will for our lives here in time and to fellowship with believers in Spirit and TRUTH; ever looking for His blessed hope in the clouds for us on that day (John 3:21, 4:24)! Beloved, that there is pretty SUPER and WONDERFUL to me and I pray that it is to you as well my beloved!

  The original "Super Sunday", the day which the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior of the world FOREVER defeated Satan, Death, and Hades (Sheol) and rose ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS from the grave!

My beloved, is the Lord's Day "super" to you? I pray it is; but if it is not; then it is safe to say that the ETERNAL God, His Blessed ETERNAL Son, His ETERNAL loving saving grace, and ETERNAL promises for you in Jesus may not be precious to you either (Matt. 7:21-23, 2 Cor. 13:5, Jude 1:10). Football today in our nation has made millions of Americans obsessed and fanatical! It consumes and dominates their minds 24/7 and occupies nearly all of their free time! I see it at work, with my family and acquaintances. Look, I love sports and I love football, but we all got to get our priorities in order and set right! Could you imagine if God's people; who are heirs of ETERNAL LIFE, were that fire up about Almighty God; ever-growing, learning, developing, and sharing the ETERNAL Gospel of Jesus Christ with the zeal of football America? Oh, my beloved; what would be! May our Heavenly Father help us all in His PERFECT grace! 

Could you imagine if God's people who are heirs of ETERNAL LIFE were that fire up about Almighty God; ever-growing, learning, developing, and sharing the ETERNAL Gospel of Jesus Christ with the zeal of football America? Oh, my beloved; what would be!

Football is indeed the greatest game to play and watch! However, our nation has become totally consumed with this sport and the day in which it falls upon! The challenge for all of God's people today; starting with me, is to desire and set our affections on the ETERNAL things from above and see the ETERNAL plan for all in Jesus from our position in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 2:1-14; Col. 3:1-4; 1 John 2:15-17; Rev. 22:1-5)! To seek the Kingdom of Almighty God and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS for myself and for all and then the other things of this life will have their place to enjoy (Matt. 6:33; 1 Cor. 10:31)! The Good Lord desires us to enjoy the good things of this life, but always from a position and standing of RIGHTEOUSNESS and Kingdom priorities; which are outworked in a sincere pure love and service to God firstly!

REJOICE in the Lord ALWAYS! And again I say REJOICE!

So; Enjoy the Lord's Day today with ALL your heart firstly; for Jesus is ALIVE FOREVERMORE (Phil. 4:4), and then enjoy the big game! Being from New England, I am a huge Tom Brady Fan! So... Go Bucs!

The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!

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