Saturday, September 4, 2021

Today's Abundant and Violent Last Day's American Woman - The Day of the Lord is at Hand!

We have seen since the beginning of the social and sexual revolution here in America that the American man has been made base, feminine, and weak by the subtle charms of the lawless intellect, licentious behavior, dominating spirit and position in the new social order of our post-Judeo/Christian culture. Satan’s hand is all over this. Tragically with this rise of the godless woman and the promotion of secular feminism here in America, there has come a ravishing price tag for this delusional “liberation”. The American woman of today is plagued and oppressed with compounding guilt, personal unfulfillment, sex, drug, and alcohol addictions, plaguing STDs, physical abuse, deep dark depression, psychological trauma, rage, hatred, bitterness, a vindictive spirit, and emotional instability. They are personally unfulfilled and spiritually vacant (Gal. 6:7,8)

These wounded subjected minded women have drunk the demonic destroying lawless kool-aid of the secular liberation movement's message and have been sold a demonic bill of wares! 

These wounded subjected minded women have drunk the demonic destroying kool-aid of the secular liberation movement's message and have been sold a demonic bill of wares. They are at total war with and have forsaken and rebelled against Almighty God’s Divine purpose and design for them, and it has greatly ravished them immensely according to their own personal application of this secular and lawless ideology. Tragically they have become shipwrecked on the lawless shores of godlessness and have been reaping the lawless consequences continually 
(Gal. 6:7-8). Instead of humbling themselves to the love, mercy, and grace of Almighty God they have tragically only hardened their hearts and have become bitter and even more vile in their manner of living. Through demonic euphemistic slogans and in the name of deceptive oppressive "rights", these have become Satan's "champions" of ETERNAL DEATH, destruction and the consequences of imprisoning vice - Isa. 5:20; John 8:44; Rom. 1:18-32; Eph. 2:1-3; 6:12! When millions upon millions of American women unrepentantly, unashamedly and violently scream for the right to murder their own babies, we are doomed as a nation - Psalm 11:3!

Satan's delusional and lawless ambitions for godless liberation have only shackled these women with iron battleship chains and have self-imposed a lawless tyranny upon themselves.

Almighty God created the woman to be finer than the man. She was created to balance the dominant nature of man, to hold him accountable, to be his helpmeet, to be loving, motherly, caring, compassionate and the anchor of the Divine design of the family unit (Almighty God being the bedrock) - Prov. 31: 10-31, Matt. 7:24-26). One can always tell the temperature of a culture and society by the state and condition of its women. When women are in a right relationship with Almighty God Satan is limited in his corrupting powers. When she adheres to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God there is a healthy restraint, order, and harmony in a fallen society, to preserve it and to keep it from corruption. Since 1962 - when prayer and Almighty God was removed from our nation’s schools - the lawless dam here in America has broken wide open and the American woman has been swept away and has been its greatest victim. Satan's delusional and lawless ambitions for godless liberation have only shackled these women with iron battleship chains and have self-imposed a lawless tyranny upon themselves (Gal. 6:7-8).

One can always tell the temperature of a culture and society by the state and condition of its women. When women are in a right relationship with Almighty God Satan is limited in his corrupting powers.

As we come to the end of the age; expect evil men and women to get  EXPONENTIALLY worse and worse as the day continues 
(2 Tim 3:1-7). The Day of the Lord is at hand and His time for global judgment on all those who hold the TRUTH, physical and spiritual ABSOLUTES and RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 6-16). When the women of a society have sold themselves to lawlessness and have given themselves over to Satan's lawless and tyrannical designs as we have seen for these last 50 years, we are indeed at the end of our nation’s journey.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!


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