Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Media’s Environmental Movement vs. Obama’s Totalitarian Agenda

In today's progressive ideology of secular liberalism there are two different sects which exist. In this post we will seek to take an in depth look at them.

The first sect is the Green or Radical Environmental Movement. This radical environmentalism is the foundation on which many progressive liberals build their secular ideology on. This green ideology dominates all manner of their living and many of the progressive liberals of today adhere to this green position. The Machiavellian agenda and game plan of these is to control and convert as many as they can to this green life style. These will fight tooth and nail to persevere and to promote this agenda at any cost. The ends in this radical green agenda ALWAYS trumps and justifies the means there of.

"This green ideology dominates all manner of their living and many of the progressive liberals of today adhere to this green position"

The majority of these individuals practice the godless ideology of Pantheism. These have also submitted themselves to the pessimistic ideology of evolution, the mature evolving of fallen man and to the delusional mechanics of time and chance. It is on this position and adherence of anti - natural laws that these seek to create their global utopia. It is their delusional firm belief that by these means - with time and chance on their side - that they can achieve this global harmony with man and the environment. To these individuals, the environment is all crucial and must be preserved at all costs. It is their great commission to preserve the world's environment so that they will possess a place to abide when these finally reach their “state” of utopia.

The second sect - which is quite smaller and a lot more powerful - is the Totalitarian Movement. The progressives and secularists, who fall into this Totalitarian class, have been the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Castro. This sect firmly believes in the full acquisition of ABSOLUTE power at any cost. These disciples of Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-15, John 8:44) are totally consumed by the despotic addiction and spirit of totalitarianism. At heart of this ideology is the subjective worship and radical narcissism which seeks the worship and exaltation of ones self among the masses.

"This sect firmly believes in the full acquisition of ABSOLUTE power at any cost"

Unlike the Green or Radical Environmental Movement which seeks to worship the creation (Romans 1:18-32), the Totalitarian Fascist seeks to BE worshiped and to BE exalted to the heights of the social pyramid (2 Thess. 2:4). It is in this fascist movement, that ALL is Machiavellian. Even the green and radical environmental movement and agenda of today takes a back seat to this quest for the total acquisition of absolute power.

Why the Drive Bys Took Comrade Obama to the Wood Shed

In President Obama’s BP speech from the oval office, the President came across to the majority of liberals in the Green Movement as weak and lacking the authoritarian prominence for solving this current BP crisis. These individuals - at present - are extremely alarmed and anxious about what the final out come of this crisis will be. These have observed Obama's careless attitude of addressing this situation with zero zeal and vigor. To the main stream media, this oil spill along with Obama’s weak response is a threat to their foundational core beliefs of environmentalism and their precious Utopian green ideals. Why else would these progressives in the liberal media go after Obama as they just have? These in the liberal media have finally left the Obama rally post for the Obama criticism post.

"To the main stream media, this oil spill along with Obama’s weak response threatens their foundational beliefs of environmentalism"

In all honesty, it is this writer’s opinion and a few others that Obama is using this crisis to further his totalitarian agenda. Obama fits perfectly into the totalitarian camp of secularist, and even though he is a weak totalitarian, this crisis is the perfect storm for the further acquisition of more power. Obama and his cronies are well aware of this, and in the end, they can care less about the environment when absolute power is to be seized. All other causes and issues become secondary when the totalitarian agenda is seeking furtherance. In the end this crisis will further their totalitarian agenda perfectly. It is all Machiavellian my friend, it is all Machiavellian.

What’s in the Future?

Coming up in the not so distant future, the Green ideology will be consumed and absorbed into the Totalitarian ideology of one man. While the Green ideology will not compromise on its core environmental issues for absolute power, the Totalitarians will. The Totalitarians are more than willing to throw all under the bus for the total acquisition of absolute power. These possess NO sentimental values or allegiance to anything or anyone. Their sole allegiance is only to the acquisition of total authority and power. That is what makes them so powerful. They possess absolutely no conscience at all. This rivalry found in the secular progressive ideology between the greeners and totalitarians will reach its final destination when Lucifer’s human Despot of despots and Totalitarian of totalitarians consumes all that stands before him including the green Utopian aspirations of the green progressive (i.e., the Anti Christ). Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2 3-12, Rev 13

"The center piece and fulfillment of this totalitarian state will be the unconditional global WORSHIP of this Man of Lawlessness as Almighty God"

The final acquisition of absolute power will come to a head when this man will seek the global dominance of the world and will establish his global totalitarian state, in which he will eradicate any that seek to contradict his "Mark of the Beast" global agenda (Rev 12: 16-18). The center piece and fulfillment of this global totalitarian state will be the unconditional global WORSHIP of this Man of Lawlessness as Almighty God (Dan 11:36-39, 2 Thess. 2:4, Rev 13:4, 8, 12, 14:9).

A Blind Man Should Be Able To See It!

As we see the prophetic truths of Almighty God’s unchangeable Word - which have been promised and preached since the fall of Adam - coming to light right before our very eyes, one has to be astounded by the spirit of unbelief that is prevalent through out humanity today (Romans. 5:12-19, 2 Peter 3:3).

May it be that YOU do not find yourselves with in this camp of unbelief. The promises and prophetic truths of Almighty God are to be fully received and fully believed by all (2 Cor. 1:20, Heb 13:8). In the end, all these promises will be fulfilled and everyone will give an account to the RIGHTEOUS Judge of the earth (Isa. 45:23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 4:10, Rev 20:10-15).

"The promises and prophetic truths of Almighty God are to be fully received and fully believed by all"

May it be your sole desire to personally know what Almighty God’s infallible Word teaches and may it be that you truly know the Savior of this fallen world, the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? In a day which offers many false saviors and vain solutions for this fallen and doomed world, may you remember what God’s Holy Word has stated, that all is headed towards a fascist totalitarian global state and absolute ruin (Rev. 13, 14: 9-11, 20:11-15). May the Christ of Holy Scriptures be your ONLY Savior and His solutions and remedies your ONLY hope.

The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand!


Secular Fundamentalism, Profane Prophecy and Its Godless Social Engineering
Green Social Pollution and Green Righteousness


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