Friday, August 28, 2020

The Tower of Babel is Where Racism Began but Ends in Jesus Christ - A Biblical Perspective

Where did racism begin? Where did slavery begin? Dear friends, the most sold and printed book in the world tells us very clearly, yet today; near the end of the age and the fullness thereof; how many billions of this world's inhabitants will actually hear and believe the Word of Almighty God in its RIGHT and RIGHTEOUS context (Psalm 2:1-4; 9; 138:2, Zech. 14:1-4; Matt. 6:33, John 3:19-21; 17:17; Acts 17:24-32, Rev. 16:13-16)? Tragically, very very few, that is why we as a world are headed as a rocket into the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19)! Jesus stated to His disciples, be NOT deceived! For ethnicities will rise up against ethnicities because of abounding lawlessness and here in America we are seeing lawless hearts (white and black) being agitated and provoked to do violence (Matt. 24:7). Dear friends, we must go back to the Book of Beginnings and see and believe! The Bible is Almighty God's "Time Machine" for the world to see and understand... so my dear friends, let us believe, see... and seek to understand!

The Bible is Almighty God's "Time Machine" for the world to see and understand... so my ear friend, let us believe, see... and seek to understand!   

About a hundred years after the Genesis Flood (Gen. 6-9), the godless offspring of Noah began to depart from Almighty God; and in the fullness of that time, these willfully abandoned ALL Divine RIGHTEOUSNESS, REALITY and REVELATION for a delusional fleshly, godless vain existence here in this fallen and temporal doomed world (Gen. 11;10;  John 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32). These possed the same rebellious spirit and mindset of Cain, who abandoned Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS Presence and sought out a vain existence apart from their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Gen. 4; 11; Rom. 1:18-32; 8:5-8, Gal. 5:17-21, Jude 1:10). In their vain godless delusion; these just as Cain, left Noah and his Ark community to build a tower and name for themselves in FULL LAWLESSNESS and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS (Gen. 11; Psalm 14, Rom. 1:18-32; 3; 8:5-8, Gal. 5:17-21, Jude 1:10)! You see, this darkened mindset of lawlessness was the seed and the conception of the birth of the nations of the world! As these began to build and construct a united godless world order under the fallen prince of this world (Rom. 1:18-32, Eph. 2:1-2), Almighty God in His mercy and grace scattered these by giving each family different languages as a barrier to prevent them from uniting in the oneness of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and LAWLESSNESS (Gen. 11; 10)!

It will be at the end of this EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGICAL age, that we will see all of the fullness of the nations unite in a FULL global UNRIGHTEOUS and GODLESS rebellion and war under Satan and his man of lawlessness against ALL that is Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Son, who is this world ONLY RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and SAVIOR of this fallen world.

Each family was scattered and went off into the post-flood world and took with them the UNRIGHTEOUS and GODLESS "babelology" of Babel. Thus the nations were born and with them all that goes with a godless and lawless mind (Gen. 11;10, Rom. 1:18-32, Rom. 8:5-8, Gal. 5:17-21, James 4:1-2, Jude 1:10). It will be at the end of this EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGICAL age, that we will see all of the fullness of the nations unite in a FULL global UNRIGHTEOUS and GODLESS rebellion and war! Under Satan and his man of lawlessness, the nations will rage against ALL that is Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Son, who is this world's ONLY RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and SAVIOR (Psalm 2; 110, Dan. 2:42-45; 7:13-14; John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10; Acts 4:12; 17:24-32; Rev. 13; 17:14-18)Whenever the word "nations" is mentioned in the Bible, one should understand where Almighty God is coming from when He speaks of them. The nations are the product and rebellious offspring of the lawless rebels of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11;10, Rom. 1:18-32); however, there is ETERNAL GREAT hope in RIGHTEOUSNESS for the inhabitants of the nations who will trust and believe in Jesus Christ, the ONLY RIGHTEOUS Savior and Propitiation of this fallen world (Isa. 42:6; 45:22, 49:6, Matt. 11:28-30, John 3:16-17, Acts 17:24-32, 1 John 4:10, Rev. 7:9-14, 21:22-27; 22:1-5).

The Nations of the Earth were:

- Conceived in a concerted, godless rebellion (Gen 11:1-9, Rev. 17:5, Acts 17:26).

- Born (brought forth) in divine judgment (Gen 10, 11:1-9, Rev 17:5, Acts 17:26).

- Reared (raised) in godless unbelief and ignorance (Acts 17:26 -30, Rom 1:18-32, Eph. 2:1-3,11,4:17).

Ever since the Tower of Babel and its inhabitants have been scattered by Almighty God 4300 years ago - Gen. 11:1-9, Rom. 1:18-32), unrepentant, lawless and godless men can NEVER unify! It is because of their total disregard of the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and the moral absolutes of time, which has kept them divided and un-unified for 4300 years. War, violence, slavery, slave trade, racism, rape, prostitution, abounding immorality, abortion and child sacrifice, oppression, death, pestilence, etc. are all the by-products of a fallen godless mind and a babelology mindset (John 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32; 8:5-8, Gal. 5:17-21, Eph. 2:1-2, James 4:1-2)! This is not at all hard to see when we objectively stand back and observe this fallen world from the eyes of Almighty God the RIGHTEOUS (John 3:3-7; Col. 3:1-3). As a smashed watch is out of harmony with its watchmaker, so also is fallen mankind out of order and out of sync with their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Rom. 1:18-32; 5:12-21). Godless men and women no matter what the color of their skin will always seek to divide, conquer and rule over each other to obtain power, false peace and a delusional utopia, which can NEVER come to be because it is governed by lawlessness (Psalm 14, Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32; 3, Gal. 5:17-21).

Ever since the Tower of Babel was established by Almighty God 4300 years ago, unrepentant, lawless and godless men can NEVER unify! It is because of their disregard of the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and the moral absolutes of time which has kept them divided and un-unified for 4300 years. When they finally do come together it will be under the Anti Christ; via an EXPONENTIAL ravished world.

When men and ethnicities have found forgiveness and pardon in Jesus Christ (Almighty God's ETERNAL Lamb of salvation), the Babel curse is broken and then these can finally unify under the ETERNAL Son of Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 12:12-14, Gal. 3:26-28, Eph. 2:11-22; 4:1-16, 1 Peter 2:9-10)! The Last Adam becomes fallen Adam's offspring's propitiation and Savior (John 1:12, Acts 17:26-31, 1 John 4:10); and something Divine and wonderful happens which could have NEVER happen in this fallen world. When a fallen son of Adam turns to their ETERNAL Creator and Savior by faith, they are set free from Satan's tyranny and are restored to harmony with Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rom. 8:14-17, 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 2:1-14, James 3:18). It will be at Christ's second coming that the redeemed of ALL nations of this world will unify under the Messiah of Israel in RIGHTEOUSNESS and enter into the Kingdom Age of Messiah for a thousand years (Psalm 67:4; 86:9 Isa. 19: 23-24, Dan. 7:27, Zech. 9:23; 14:16, Micah 4:1, Matt. 25:31-46, Rev. 7:9-10). It will be also at the end of time, that all the redeemed of the nations will reign with the Lord Jesus Christ (the ETERNAL Son of God) FOREVER in RIGHTEOUSNESS in ETERNITY (Rev. 21; 22:15).

 It will be at Christ's second coming that the redeemed of ALL nations of this world will unify under the Messiah of Israel in RIGHTEOUSNESS and enter into the Kingdom Age of Messiah for a thousand years. It will be also at the end of time, that all the redeemed of the nations will reign with the Lord Jesus Christ (the ETERNAL Son of God) FOREVER in RIGHTEOUSNESS in ETERNITY!

Today there is found RIGHTEOUSNESS, pardon, harmony, unity, love, peace, forgiveness and healing ONLY in Jesus Christ; and until ALL nations, colors and people come to that ETERNAL REALITY there will ONLY be division, violence, war, racism and global tribulation (John 13:34-35; 17:17-26, Rom. 5:12-21; 12:4-5, 1 Cor. 1:30-31, Gal. 5:22-24, John 1:3-4; 4:1-10, 2 John 1:6, Rev. 6-16). Dear friends, do not get sucked into the lawless war of racism between lawless blacks and lawless whites; for in the end it will ALL lead to America's demise, global war, and global tribulation (Matt. 24:4-7, Rev. 16:13-16)Nations -see link

Today there is found RIGHTEOUSNESS, pardon, harmony, unity, love, peace, forgiveness and healing ONLY in Jesus Christ; and until ALL nations colors and people come to that ETERNAL REALITY there will ONLY be division, violence, war, racism, and global tribulation.

TRUE blood-bought believers in Jesus Christ - no matter what their color or race - will always live and work together in harmony in Christ (John 17:21-26). The simple reason is that they are governed by the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVE of Almighty God, His reverence and fear, His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PERSON and Word, the shed Blood of Christ and the power of the love of forgiveness which is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30-31, Eph. 2:1-14, Rev. 1:5)! Dear friend, do you know the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and TRUTH as the Holy Scriptures simply testify? If not my dear friend, please be sure that you do! We challenge you to see for sure from the Bible that you are in the Beloved of God and a blood-washed child of the Heavenly Father!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Black Man's ONLY TRUE Friend - The Lord Jesus Christ!


The Blood of Christ

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