Friday, September 27, 2024

Babelology - Ideologies and Their Origins

Babelology is the delusional, godless ideology and philosophy (religious or political) that is outworked and practiced here in time by unregenerate (i.e., Fallen) man (Romans 7:15-24; 8:5-8). This vain ideology seeks to exclude the reality of Almighty God - His Word, His Attributes, His Absolutes, His Natural Laws, His Righteousness, His Salvation, His Judgment, and His Sovereignty as Creator - from one’s thoughts and actions. It is manifested in a life led by self-will, ruled and dominated by man's fallen nature marred by sin (Romans 5:12,19; 8:5-8; Gal. 5:16-17) and a deceived heart (Jer. 17:9). Unbelief and its godlessness outworking is its fruits (Matt 15:16-20; Gal 5:19-21; 6:7-8). During the whole time of earth’s history (which Biblically is approximately 6000 years), Babelology has expressed itself through the nations, human defiance and unbelief these last 4300 years (Romans 1:18-22).

This vain ideology seeks to exclude the RIGHTEOUS REALITY of Almighty God - His Word, His Attributes, His Absolutes, His Natural Laws, His Righteousness, His Salvation, His Judgment, and His Sovereignty as Creator - from one’s thoughts and actions.

Babelology may be found in many different religious and political manners and forms (Left/ Right, Subjective/ Objective, Absolute/ Relative, etc.), and purports that man can exist in time and eternity without a vital relationship to the Eternal Creator and Sustainer established in truth and righteousness (Rom. 1:23-32). It is an existence that functions in darkness - not in light, in error - not in truth, in unrighteousness - not in righteousness, and in godlessness - not in godliness. The end result of this delusion is the absolute damnation and eternal ruin of its practitioner in Almighty God’s eternal prison for rebellious (lost) men and angels: Hell, or the Lake of Fire (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; 1 Cor. 15:50; Rev 20:11-15; 21:8,27; 22:11).
It is an existence that functions in darkness - not in light, in error - not in truth, in unrighteousness - not in righteousness, and in godlessness - not in godliness.

Outside the Box Lays the Answers
One must look outside the box of this world system and believe Almighty God and His Word! Then and only then can one find the answers of life, and see the reality of what life and existence in time and eternity is all about.” (see 1 Kings 8:60; Isaiah 45:21-24; John 14:6)
Almighty God is the reality of time and eternity! All gods, ideologies, philosophies, and traditions are absolutely bankrupt and an abomination before Him (Exodus 20:3; Deut. 4:23-25). Almighty God’s Word states:

"I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me" (Isaiah 45:5a).

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John 17:17).

"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89).

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever" (Psalm 119:160).

The Bible states that Man must be rescued from his fallen humanity (i.e., lost condition). This is achieved when one puts their trust and faith in the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ (Romans 7:24, Acts 16:30-31). In Christ is found all the provision for the sinful soul (1 Cor. 1:30).

Almighty God will one day remove this fallen world (1 Peter 2:7-13; 1 John 2:15-17) and create a New Heavens and a New Earth (Isaiah 65:17; Rev.21:1). Then, and only then, will all things be redeemed and in harmony with Almighty God, the Creator of all (1 Cor. 15:26-28; Rev. 21; 22:1-5).

In these last days come out of the godless ideologies of the day - religious and political - and put your sole trust in the God of Truth and Reality (2 Cor. 6:17-18)! Your hope will be sure and you will never be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Edited by BEL I.F.

Babel to Present - (See Chart)



quinton said...

They are not making burnt offerings . Jesus death was the final offering , the levitical priesthood will burn sacrifices , its not there sacrifice against the two witnesses in the same manner. Hosea 6:6.
God gets mad at burnt offerings. Amos 5:21 .

quinton said...

When the evil people of the world resist Gods Kingdom , Im not talking about Israel or Jerusalem because eventually all if Israel will be saved.
After 9 plagues Pharoah was still resisting the fire from heaven and for Israel to make there burnt offering , thats when he had to die . The sea was held back by the cloud of witnesses . In the last days the temole mount will be full of gentiles , I believe that is to avert Gods people from the wrath because the gentiles will be using the temple for banking, and Israel can see better than Joe schmi who wants to make a buck.

quinton said...

The blue flame will make people who arw filled with demons who wont repent go insane they either drop dead or get shot by the armies accross the world because God is Soverign . The first flame is like a warning then if you repitiously do the flane they go crazy and probably foam because they live completley in the skin , demons is what they are . Im pretty sure the flame is what actually kills them Jude 1:9

quinton said...

Its about the love that Christ has for his two witnesses , and saving knowlege being spotless and incorrupt , because God wont let his two witnesses go to heaven unprepared.

quinton said...

It will be the gentiles that will kill the two witnesses not the Jews , Gentiles will have to make sacrifices under the covenant and under the direction of the levitical priesthood because it is in Gods word to do it a certain way but when the Jews arnt involved with there debatcheries then thats when the gentiles will trample the holy city because of the vatican probably and what money can get you as far as dominion and an admamic vine connecting them to Israel somehow.

quinton said...

If they do a burnt offering and you eat some you wont necessarily go to hell. 1 Corinthians 8. However you cannot partake in the drink of demons and the drink of the Lord , the table of demons and the table if the Lord . 1 corinthians 10:21 You have to bless your food , if you think it will corrupt you dont eat it . It has a root somewhere thats wicked and its bad for you maybe not someone else but you, because someone can be defiled by what you eat , you can defile yourself copying someone else . God saved you and has a personal relationship with you, thats some adultery when your ignorent and share brains and bodies and its double minded.

quinton said...

quinton said...

quinton said...

As far as one if the two witnesses being in the spirit of Moshe. I would the sky is a level of heaven , now the bible says two witnesses from heaven , where you come from in your heart is where you come from with what you say.Moses, Aaron, his 2 sons, and the 70 elders of Israel went up Mount Sinai to worship God before he gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments in stone (Exodus 24). Scripture says they not only saw God but also noticed that under his feet was some sort of pavement made of Sapphires (verse 10). This precious gem, referenced nine times in scripture, reflects a beautiful sky-bluish color.

quinton said...

Moses, Aaron, his 2 sons, and the 70 elders of Israel went up Mount Sinai to worship God before he gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments in stone (Exodus 24). Scripture says they not only saw God but also noticed that under his feet was some sort of pavement made of Sapphires (verse 10). This precious gem, referenced nine times in scripture, reflects a beautiful sky-bluish color.

The two witnesses help set one of the twelve foundations for Christ bride , which is the church and the Messianic church. In working together with the other 11 foundations .
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20. Now Lucifer knows the blue stone this is where he tried to take Moshe body after he oasses so that he could use it to fool the world . Remember when people go to heaven they are cganged . Moses body had to e given back to Israel so that the Gntile nations could not pervert the meaning of gis ministry throughout the years by saying we have his body ,
“So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord.” The Hebrew is “according to the mouth of Jehovah”; the meaning is “according to the command of Jehovah.” The same expression is translated in the case of Aaron’s death “at the commandment of the Lord” . Nobody knows where his body is for this reason. But Satan will try to use Moab against the two witnesses but they will not be able to stop them with them because they will only be overcome when they die. Christ defeated sin on the cross and took the keys from hades , but Death will be the last enemy he destroys , thats ehy the two witnesses are subject to death. This is not a Moshe cult.( disclaimer)

quinton said...

And they saw the God if Israel and under his feet there appeared to be a pavement of saphire exodus 24:10. Remember the footwear of peace the two witnesses will e peaceful. Think ofJesus feet on the Mt. Of olives when he steps down . Zachariah 14:4

quinton said...

Exodus 28:28 . The breastplate of righteousness us bound skillfully to the ephod with a blue cord . Skillfully is peacefully. Two witnesses are bound to Israel by this cord gowever the day the gentiles tramole the temple the cord snaps. Ecclesiastes 12:6. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver . Proverbs 25:11 . Apples is a pair , the tree of good and evil, never been touched with these two because of Christ death and forgiveness. The crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold the Lord tests hearts. Proverbs 17:3 . You see the two witnesses have to have there heart tested and thats what brings out the testimony about heaven , thats the only peace that they know.

quinton said...

Mankind can control the two witness in working with Gods will only . These two are so interesting to people with there life and there strengths but God made them mankind can recreate on earth with them , but only in Gods will. They can do anything a skilled man can do . Jeremiah 10:9

quinton said...

See when they go to build the third temple the cherubim that will be on the curtains the two witnesses have a throne above them higher than them . Ezekiel 10:1

quinton said...

Ecclesiastes 12:6 remember him before the silver cord snaps , the two witnesses are two that remembered God before they died. Zachor means to remember, they remember the God of Israel amongst people who dont , I dont say gentile or Israeli just people who dont.