Sadly, America (who is governed at the moment by the progress Left) - has always been Israel ’s strongest ally but at present has seemed to have forsaken Israel and thrown them under the Middle East Islamic bus.
When the present world which we are living in has become hostile and aggressive towards
It will be just before these events transpire that the Rapture of the Church will take place in which Almighty God the Son will call out His body (saints and ambassadors). This event (i.e., The Rapture) will be a wondrous sign unto the apostate western “post - Christian” world and have more of an impact on their culture and society than other regions in the world. It will be just after this event takes place that all had better be prepared, for Almighty God's "Day of Wrath" is now at hand (2 Thess. 2:3-12)!
"All these are the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs) Matt. 24:8".
.As we are leading up to that time we are constantly seeing Israel’s border enemies being ever more emboldened to stir up strife and lash out against Israel. Just in this last month alone we have seen
Connecting the Dots
Now to put this all together with a last days biblical perspective. The official commencement of the horrific seven year period (i.e., The Day of the Lord) will begin with the breaking of the 1st seal (i.e., the "Confirming of the Covenant" - Dan. 9:27) by Almighty God’s Lamb (i.e., The Lord Jesus Christ) in Heaven (Rev. 6:1). It is at this precise moment that the man of lawlessness (i.e., the anti-Christ) will be revealed unto the entire world (2 Thess. 2: 3-12; Rev. 6:2). This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year tribulation period will begin (as was stated prior) when this man (i.e., the Anti-Christ) adding his position of great power and authority to a covenant with Israel on the behalf of Israel’s DEFEATED enemies (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Dan. 9: 27).
With the complete defeat of Israel's border enemies Israel will then have the rest and peace that they have so long sought and will dwell in their land in complete safety. One event Israel did not anticipate will be the Rapture of the Church of believers (Israel's strongest ally) and the arrival of Almighty God’s Two wondrous Messengers (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Rev. 11:3-7). Sadly with this newly acquisition and position of power
This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Anti-Christ) adds his position of great power and authority to a covenant with Israel on the behalf of Israel’s defeated enemies.
During this time of ease for the nation Israel these Two Lamp Stands of Almighty God (Moses and Elijah) will preach salvation in Jesus Messiah, re- institute the temple, its sacrifices and its priesthood. They will preach repentance and testify to ALL in the earth that the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. These Two will then prepare the remnant of believing Jews and a chosen 144,000 Jewish men - from the 12 tribes of Israel - (Matt. 24:14, Rev. 7:4-8, 11:13) for their global ministry unto ALL nations of the earth and preach the Messiah’s glorious gospel and imminent return and Kingdom. It will be at this time -the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period - that the WORLD will seek any and every opportunity to root out and destroy these two Divinely appointed vessels of Almighty God... all to no avail (Mal. 4:4-6, Rev. 7,14:1-4,11:3-8).
It will be at this time - at the beginning of this seven year period, while Israel dwells in their land in absolute safety - that the WHOLE GENTILE WORLD will be catastrophically trodden down by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Trumpet Judgments of Almighty God and the demonic host of destroyers (Rev. 6-9). These events along with their consequences - including the unopposed preaching of RIGHTEOUSNESS of the Two Witnesses of Almighty God (Mal. 4:4-6, John 3:19-21, Rev. 11:2-4,10) will only stir up the world’s exponential rage and hatred for Israel (Rev. 11:10)
The Two Witnesses of Almighty God will only stir up the world’s exponential rage and hatred for Israel.
As these 3 ½ years go by, unbelieving Israel will now begin to feel the chastening hand of Almighty God via Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38-39), the global ravishing of Satan’s hatred and the world’s wrath (Rev. 11:8) and the Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15-17, 2 Thess. 2:8-13, Rev 13). As the Second Woe comes near to completion, so also ends the mighty Two Witnesses of Almighty God’s ministry and their protective hand over

The world’s short lived exceeding joy and rejoicing will be instantly turned into exceeding terror and fear.

"The Messiah of Israel will come from Heaven's glory and destroy the armies of the anti Christ which have gathered against Israel and then He will establish His glorious Kingdom reign for a thousand years in Jerusalem"

It will be the ravishing of Israel under the anti Christ,climaxing with the global bloodbath of Armageddon at Messiah's glorious return in which Jesus Messiah will obliterate the global armies of the Anti Christ which will finally bring about a TRUE and EVERLASTING PEACE to Jerusalem (the City of Peace), to the nation of Israel and to the world (Zech. 12:4,14:2-4, Rev. 19:11-21)!
It will be the ravishing of Israel under the anti Christ, climaxing with the global bloodbath of Armageddon at Messiah's glorious return that will finally bring about a TRUE and EVERLASTING PEACE to Jerusalem (the City of Peace) and to the nation of Israel!
What Israel and the nations have attempted for centuries and could NEVER achieve will finally be accomplished at Almighty God the Son’s second coming to earth (Psalm 2, 24:7-10, 110, Isa. 2:3, 9:6-7, 33:22, 51:5,61:1-11, Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45, 7:13-14, Micah 4:1-3, Zech. 14:16-21, Rev. 19:11-21)...
The TRUE Peace Comes toJerusalem !
The TRUE Peace Comes to
It will be ONLY by the Prince of Peace that TRUE and EVERLASTING PEACE will come to the City of Jerusalem (Isa. 9:6-7, 33:5, 53:5, 62;1, Jer. 33:16, Zech 8:3, Matt. 5:35, Rom. 10:2-4, Eph. 2:12-19, Col. 1:20, Heb. 1:3, 10:7-14). How many in vain through out the ages have sought and prayed in sincerity for the peace of Jerusalem WITHOUT knowledge nor understanding (Isa. 29:13, 58:1-8, Matt. 7:21-23, 15:3, 7-9, Mark 12:24)? Throughout the last 2600 years, how many sons of Abraham have totally missed the reality and truth of the Holy Scriptures of just how this Divine peace MUST be established (Deut. 9:6, 28-30,31:27, Lev. 26, Psalm 78, Isa. 53:5, Ezek. 12:2, Dan 9:26, Matt. 15:3-7-9, Luke 13:34-35, Acts 7, Rom. 9-11, Rev. 1:7)?
My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events are indeed heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! Remember the words of the Lord Jesus in which He specifically told His disciples to pray, “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:9-10).” Oh my beloved! How many people pray this prayer day after day and are absolutely oblivious to what it is testifying to and stating! “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
TheKingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Ten Commandments Challenge - Are You Good Enough For Heaven?
Do you know the Messiah of Holy Scriptures?
Through out the last 2600 years, how many sons of Abraham have totally missed the reality and truth of the Holy Scriptures of just how this Divine peace MUST be established.
My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events are indeed heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! Remember the words of the Lord Jesus in which He specifically told His disciples to pray, “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:9-10).” Oh my beloved! How many people pray this prayer day after day and are absolutely oblivious to what it is testifying to and stating! “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
It will indeed take the horrific seven year tribulation period to wake up the Jew and the gentile nations to this reality (Isa. 24:5-6, Rev. 6:14-17, 17:2).There is absolutely NO hope for Israel and the nations of the world apart for their Creator and Savior, Jesus Messiah (John 3:16-17, Eph. 2:12-16, Heb 1:2-3). It will NOT be until the Jew is reconciled with Jehovah God and receive their Messiah as their sacrificial lamb, propitiation and Savior that the nations WILL BE BLESSED (Isa. 2:1-4, 19:23-25, Micah 4:1-4, Zech. 8:23, Rom. 11:12) and TRUE DIVINE PEACE will go forth out of Jerusalem unto the entire world (Isa. 2:3-4,33:16, 62:1, Jer. 33:5)!
It will NOT be until the Jew is reconciled with Jehovah God and receive their Messiah as their sacrificial lamb, propitiation and Savior that the nations WILL BE BLESSED and TRUE DIVINE PEACE will go forth out of Jerusalem unto the entire world.
My friend, do you have a saving relationship to Jesus Messiah the Savior of the world (Psalm 110:1, Isa. 43:11,52:13-15, 53)? All depends on this very union. His death, burial and resurrection to the Right Hand of Almighty God is the center piece of all ETERNITY (Gen. 22:8, Psalm 110:1, Isa. 53, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Rev. 1:18,13:8, 21-22:1-5). He will indeed come back to establish His Kingdom on His earth and the gates of Hell shall not nor NEVER prevent this from happening (Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13-14, Rev. 1:7, 16:13-16, 19:11-21).
As the days grow nearer to the Day of the Lord be sure that you know the Savior and Messiah of Israel as dictated by the Holy Scriptures!
As the days grow nearer to the Day of the Lord be sure that you know the Savior and Messiah of Israel as dictated by the Holy Scriptures!
The Ten Commandments Challenge - Are You Good Enough For Heaven?
Do you know the Messiah of Holy Scriptures?