It will be after the execution of Almighty God's Two Witnesses that their dead bodies will be left in the streets of Jerusalem to rot for all the world to see (Rev. 11:7-10).
The dead bodies of Almighty God’s Two Witnesses are to be a sobering warning to all nations and their inhabitants of what will happen to any who opposes this madman’s satanic godless designs for the world (Rev. 13). As these two bodies lay in the streets the world will greatly rejoice at the barbaric murder of these two messengers of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rev.11: 7-11)!
Their greatest two enemies who stood in the way of their godless desires and godless utopian visions have finally been destroyed! WE ARE FREE!!
will be their global chant. The godless world will have a great
"Christ-less Christmas" celebration – as it were - and send great gifts to one another as a token of their "liberty" (Rev. 11:7-10).
This execution of Almighty God's Two Messengers will temporarily enhance the power and authority of the Beast (Anti-Christ) and solidify his global base (Rev. 13, 17:11-12, 17)!
The repeated global chant of the unregenerate masses will be: "Who can make war with our great leader?!! For he has destroyed Almighty God's
UNDEFEATABLE ENEMIES and NOTHING can stop us now from doing all that we
imagine to do (Gen. 11: 6,Rev. 13:4, 8)!"
It will be at the height of their delusional godless exceeding great
joy that something will transpire that will UTTERLY HORRIFY the world’s
LAWLESS inhabitants and send ETERNAL fear and dread into their black and
godless hearts.
They Are Alive!!
A time coming up very shortly of global gift-giving will not be at Christmas but rather when the resuscitated Anti Christ - whose mortal wound has been healed - will slay Almighty God's Two Witnesses at the end of their Divine ministry (Rev. 11:3-12). It will be for the world at this time; a "Merry Anti-Christ -mas" as their hatred for Almighty God will be at its zenith!
It will be for the world at this time a "Merry Anti-Christ -mas" as their hatred for Almighty God will be at its zenith!

world will greatly rejoice at the barbaric murder of these two men! The
Two Witnesses of Almighty God have finally been destroyed! The godless world will have a "Christ-less Christmas" celebration and send gifts to one another.
They Are Alive!!
the three and a half days have gone by - after the barbaric and brutal
murders of Almighty God's two powerful Witnesses - they are resuscitated
by ALMIGHTY GOD in the presence of ALL of the world and ascend up into
Heaven right before their wicked eyes (Rev. 11:11-12)! This horrific sobering event will send absolute horror and fear into the hearts and minds of the entire world, for they KNOW now without a
shadow of a doubt that their doom is absolutely sealed and all the prophetic truths of Almighty God's Two Witnesses are guaranteed to be as they have stated. For even in this
SUPERNATURAL WONDROUS event the world's inhabitants; in FULL LIGHT, will double down and absolutely REFUSE to repent nor give glory
to Almighty God their Creator and be saved." (Rev. 11:11, 12). It will be at this time that the Beast will then cause ALL to take his mark and whosoever does - in light of ALL of the EXPONENTIAL Divine revelation - will seal their doom and can NEVER be delivered. For they have REJECTED the love of the TRUTH in FULLlight and now they are hopelessly FOREVER
doomed (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 14:9-11)!
the three and a half days have gone by after the barbaric and brutal
murders of Almighty God's Two powerful Witnesses they are resuscitated
by ALMIGHTY GOD in the presence of ALL of the world and ascend up into
Heaven right before their wicked eyes.
Cast Out!
It will also be at this time that Lucifer and his remaining host are cast out of heaven and confined to planet earth (Dan. 2:41-43, Rev. 12:7-17, Rev. 18:2)! He is know FULLY aware that his time is VERY, VERY short and he is EXPONENTIALLY raging, wrathful and violent! With Lucifer’s new fascist world leader (i.e., the Anti Christ) established and in absolute global charge of the physical world, he is ready to roll with the FINAL global demonic agenda for planet earth (Rev. 13, 18:2). He (Lucifer) has waited patiently for this very moment and now it is go time to attempt to fulfill his delusional godless designs for fallen angels and fallen man (Gen. 11:1-6, Isa. 14:12-15). With all his (the anti-Christ) mighty enemies eliminated and with the possession of the absolute devotion of the world secured, the ultimate power-grab and godless coup of all time and ETERNITY has taken place. Lucifer’s establishment of “The Abomination of Desolation” and the 666 global state (Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14-15; 2 Thess. 2:3-5; Rev. 13:4) will now be the law of the world for three and one-half years (Rev. 13:5)! Anyone who opposes Lucifer and his Anti Christ are to be put to death (Rev. 13)! Fascist FEAR and VIOLENCE and demonic dominance will be the ingredients to hold this very very fragile (iron and clay) empire in place (Dan. 2:41-43, Rev. 13, 18:2). It will be at this time that ALL Hell will literally break loose throughout the world (Rev. 12:12, 18:2). WOE! WOE!! WOE!!! unto ALL those who are alive at this time! “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21)
The Good News
Not to leave these future events in a dire ending; for their raging is an ETERNAL vain effort; for the Bible clearly teaches us that the Anti Christ and Lucifer will be defeated at Armageddon at the Lord Jesus Christ’s GLORIOUS SECOND COMING! (Dan. 7:43-44, 7:13-14, 2 Thess. 2:8, Rev. 19:11-21)!
My friend, the Day of the Lord is INDEED at hand; are you be ready? Do not put off business with the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior of the world, for a finite vain temporal delusional; place your TRUST in Him today ( John 1:12)! For if you cannot repent and receive Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS Savior now; whatever makes you think that you will do it then; when such EXPONENTIAL global calamity engulfs the entire world (Rev. 6-19)?
Do you know the Lord Only Christ can TRULY set you FREE (John 8:32,36). "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!