this present technological world in which we are living in is becoming extremely more
hostile and aggressive towards Israel - including America's policies
under Obama we know that the Day of the Lord is at hand (Dan. 9:26-27)! With the U.N, Iran, Turkey, ISIS, European Moslem protestors, Hezbollah and Hamas breathing violent threats, DO NOT expect to see Israel idly
stand by and let the world decide her fate and eradicate them from off of the face of the earth. Israel
is a military might in that region with nukes and is armed to the
teeth. They have one of the best armies in the world and have been soldiers of war continually since 1948. They will NEVER allow any nation to put them in a concentration camp again or seek their utter destruction.
is a military might in that region with nukes and is armed to the
teeth. They have one of the best armies in the world and have been soldiers of war continually since 1948.

As the world continues its anti-Semitic agenda
they will one day willingly choose to look the other way and allow Israel’s
enemies in that region to grossly cross the line. It will BE
THEN that Israel
- in the reaction of self defense and national survival – WILL FINALLY
strike back with great fury and military might! It will be at this time
that Israel will TOTALLY institute the "Limbaugh Doctrine" against their border enemies and absolutely secure their borders. They will obliterate and wipe out their border enemies unto the point that they will achieve finally complete safety and security (Ezek. 38:8, 11-12). Israel will bring about their “own” peace - for a short while until the rise of the Anti Messiah (Zech. 13:8-9, Rev. 12, 13) and the world at that time will be forced to recognize it (Ezek. 38:8,11-12). With the four blood moons
scheduled to begin at Passover and the Middle East on high alert for
war we could be at the very door step for this event to take place. Can you see it my friend! We are at the very door of the seven year Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:26-27, Rev. 6-19) and the entrance of Almighty God's Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:3-7).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!