Friday, August 25, 2023

What President Trump Needs to Do to Save America

My dear friends, our nation is in dire need of national repentance and a return back to the old paths! At America's current and present estate, our nation will indeed implode if Almighty God's Divine instructions for repentance are ignored and rejected! President Trump - in all humility and in black sackcloth - needs to call on Almighty God publically and nationally with ALL fear and reverence on behalf of our nation! That to me is our total last line of defense against the fall of America and the total takeover of the horrific demonic powers that be (1 Kings 8:12-53, Neh. 9, Dan. 9:1-20; Hosea 4:6; Mic. 7:18).

President Trump - in all humility - needs to call on Almighty God publically and nationally with ALL fear and reverence on behalf of our nation!

Dear friends, has President Trump even sought to do this in light of our dire hour? Tragically, he has not and that is what is exceedingly troubling to me and many others! President Trump has many good God-fearing people around him, who know the Lord and pray for our nation and for him each day; but President Trump himself needs to publically cry out to Almighty God on behalf of our nation as the leader of the free world! Humility and not popularity polls gain Almighty God's favor, mercy, and ear! The Almighty cannot turn away from a contrite and broken heart; for He is drawn to it with all His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Being (2 Chron. 33; Psalm 34:18; 51:17, Isa. 57:15, Joel 2:13)! To that heart will He hear! To that heart will He work in! To that heart will make Himself strong, for him and his people (2 Chron. 16:9)! 

The Almighty cannot turn away from a contrite and broken heart; for He is drawn to it with all His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Being! To that heart will He hear! To that heart will He work in! To that heart will make Himself strong, for him and his people!

Personally, as an American, I am very truly thankful for President Trump and what he has accomplished in such a short time, in light of fifty years of EXPONENTIALLY growing immorality and Marxism. Almighty God has used Donald Trump as His vessel to expose the Left and the hearts of Americans. Tragically millions upon millions of Americans have risen up against this man in demonic rage and are even now seeking to radically destroy him! Trump has been America's firewall from, junk science, anti-capitalist policies, a radically secular society, globalism,  full-blown licentiousness, a godless Marxist state, tyranny, anti-religious freedom policies, anti-Israeli policies, etc., etc. Only a Divine intervention of Divine proportions can save America now and that will only come with repentance and tears. This is President Trump's finest hour, to go before the American people and plead for our nation in prayer to the Almighty! It truly is our last line of defense for our dying nation! 

Remember Benjamin Franklin? He was no saved man, but he had the common sense to seek the Almighty in 1787! 

"We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded; and we ourselves shall become a reproach and by-word down to future ages...I, therefore, beg leave to move — that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service."

“I have lived a long time, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?”

Remember our Declaration of Independence? Our national birth certificate? Our founders sought Almighty God and pledged that our nation would be firmly dependent on Him and the Divine Providence of His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Character!

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

In closing, I think of today's America as Nineveh of old; who repentant from the top down; including their animals (Jonah 3)Beloved, even if our nation will not repent, there is always ETERNAL Hope in Jesus Christ and in His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS saving grace (John 1:12; Acts 4:12-13;16:28-31; 17:24-31, Rom. 6:23, 10:2-4; Eph. 2:8-9, 1 John 4:10)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Prophetic Warnings from our Founding Fathers!

A picture of our nation at present!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Almighty God Is NEVER Without A Divine Witness - All Three Future Prophetic Events Will Happen Together!

Dear friends, it is my personal opinion based on years of prophetic bible study that the Rapture of the Church (John 14:3, 1 Cor. 15:50-57, 1 Thes. 4:13-18, John 3:1-4, Rev. 3:10), the appearing of the Two Lamp Stands of Almighty God in Jerusalem (Rev. 11:3-7) and the covenant with many (abundance) by the prince against Israel (Dan. 9:27) will ALL simultaneously take place together! Some very fine Biblical scholars hold the position that there is a gap of time after the Rapture and between the covenant of Daniel 9:27, but I do not and this is why for this very simple reason. Almighty God is NEVER EVER without a human witness in His fallen creation to bear record that Almighty God is the Lord, Creator, Savior, and RIGHTEOUSNESS for Adam's fallen race! As you search throughout the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation in the darkest of times Almighty God has ALWAYS had at least one man to bear witness to the world of Him to His fallen creation; and why would this witness cease after the Rapture of the body of Christ for a brief period before the covenant with man against Israel? The only simple conclusion to come to is that these three last days global events; The Rapture of the Church, the appearing of the Two Lamp Stands of Almighty God in Jerusalem, and the covenant with many (abundance) by the prince against Israel) will ALL happen and simultaneously.
Almighty God is NEVER EVER without a human witness in His fallen creation to bear record that Almighty God is the Lord, Creator, Savior, and RIGHTEOUSNESS for Adam's fallen race!

For Example; Before the Divine global judgment of Almighty God at the Genesis flood, Almighty God had an Adam, Abel, Seth, Enoch and Noah to bear record and witness to an ever-growing evil world of Almighty God's grace, mercy, and ETERNAL salvation (Gen. 6 ). After the Genesis flood, Almighty God had a Noah, Shem, Abraham, Melchizedek, Issac, Jacob, Job, and Joseph to bear record and witness to a post-Babel world that fully rejected Almighty God's ETERNAL sovereignty and ETERNAL redemptive program (Gen, 5:22; 6; 10; 11, 15:18-22, 18:19; 41; Job 1; Rom. 1:18-32, Heb. 11). It was also during this time of post-Babel global unbelief in the dispensation of nations that Almighty God called Abraham out of the land of Ur the Chaldees near the heart of the Babel rebellion and judgment to make him and his seed a chosen nation for a global witness in a post Babel world to testify that the Almighty is MIGHTY to deliver fallen man and is the ONLY ETERNAL Savior of this world (Gen. 10,11, 12:1-3, Ex. 19:5, Lev. 20:26, Deut. 14:2 Isa. 43:11). When Almighty God's chosen nation Israel was in the furnace of Egypt in unbelief, Almighty God heard their cry and sent Moses to His people to speak for Him, to bear witness and to deliver them from their bondage and the cruelty of the Egyptians (Deut. 4:20, 7:8). When Israel turned from Him in the Land of Promise, He sent Israel the Judges to speak for Him, to bear witness for Him and to deliver them (Judges 2, Neh. 9, Psalm 106:43, Acts 7). When Israel rebelled and sought a king like the kings of the demonically driven Satanic world, He sent them Samuel and David and the seers/prophets to speak for Him and bear witness for Him (1 Sam. 8:7-8, Amos 2:10-13). Under the Kings of Israel and in their captivity - when they resisted Him, rebelled and made war against Him and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS spiritual laws, moral laws, covenants and promises; He sent them, in particular, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and the prophets to speak for Him and bear witness for Him (1 Kings 18:36-39, 19:18, Isa. 6; Jer. 1:1-10).

 When Israel was taken into captivity, the God of Israel sent them Daniel and his three friends to bear witness to Israel and throughout the entire Babylonian empire and world of His prophetic plan for the ages and Israel's very troubling future and redemption by Messiah.

When Israel was taken into captivity, the God of Israel sent them Daniel and his three friends to bear witness to Israel and throughout the entire Babylonian empire and world of His prophetic plan for the ages and Israel's very troubling future and redemption by Messiah (Dan. 2:28,47; 3:26-30, Dan. 9). After the Babylonian captivity Almighty God raised up Zerubbabel, Joshua, Zechariah, Haggai to build the altar, re-establish the offerings, bring a prophetic word of comfort, future and to bear witness and testimony to the world that Almighty God is not done with His chosen people (Ezra 1, Neh. 1, Haggai 1-2, Zech. 3); then finally Malachi with the Lord's stern warning before four hundred years of silence. It is after this darkening silence and a spiritual lull in Israel that Almighty God sent His ETERNAL Son in the FULLNESS of time to be born of a virgin and to bear witness in RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God's grace and mercy and to FULLY demonstrate to Israel that ETERNAL salvation has now come to this sin oppressed nation and the world (Matt. 1:21, John 1:10-14, 17; 3:16-17; 8:12; 11:25; 19:30, Rom. 10:2-4, Gal. 4:4, Phil. 2:5-11, Col. Heb. 1:1-3, 2:14-16, 10:1-10, Rev. 19:10).

It is after this darkening silence and a spiritual lull in Israel that Almighty God sent His ETERNAL Son in the FULLNESS of time to be born of a virgin and to bear witness in RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God's grace and mercy and to FULLY demonstrate to Israel that ETERNAL salvation has now come to this sin oppressed nation and the world.

However the overwhelming majority of Israel would NOT receive the Holy Spirit's witness and power, Almighty God the Son's witness and RIGHTEOUSNESS as Savior and King nor the ETERNAL Father's witness; so they crucified and murdered Him and shouted, "We have NO KING but Caesar and His blood be upon us and our children - Matt. 27:25, John 19:15"! However, since death could not contain Him; for He was not a prisoner of Adam's fallen race and NEVER transgressed the RIGHTEOUS Law of Almighty God; being the PERFECT Law of RIGHTEOUSNESS Himself (Acts 2, Rom. 5:12-21, 6:23, 10:4); He rose GLORIOUSLY and VICTORIOUS  from the grave and is now seated at the right hand of Almighty God the Father (Psalm 110:1, Matt. 28:5-6, Mark 16:19, Acts 1-2, Phil. 2:9-11, Heb. 1:2-3, Rev. 1:17-18)!

However the overwhelming majority of Israel would NOT receive the Holy Spirit's witness and power, God the Son's witness and RIGHTEOUSNESS as Savior and King nor the ETERNAL Father's witness; so they crucified and murdered Him and shouted, "We have NO KING but Caesar and His blood be upon us and our children!

It would be now, in an age of FULL unbelief that the risen Messiah will institute the "called out assembly" made up of both Jews and Gentiles - "the church" and the Age of Grace - to be FULLY equipped with the indwelling ETERNAL Spirit of Almighty God to be His divine witness and light to a Messiah rejecting nation and world to the resurrected life of the risen Messiah through those who have received His saving grace and pardon and that salvation is in none other (Matt. 16:13-19, John 1:17; 14:16-17; 16:7-15, Acts 2; 4:12, 17:24-34, 1 Cor. 12, Eph. 1:34:1-16, 5:21-33, Rev. 1:12-18).

 It would be now, in an age of FULL unbelief that the risen Messiah will institute the "called out assembly" made up of both Jews and Gentiles - "the church" and the Age of Grace - to be FULLY equipped with the indwelling ETERNAL Spirit of Almighty God to be His divine witness and light to a Messiah rejecting nation and world to the resurrected life of the risen Messiah.

His body the Church of born again believers of the believing remnant of Israel and new Gentile believers are to bear witness of the risen life of Messiah Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit to the world that ALL must repent and be saved and that Messiah's Kingdom is coming (Matt. 28:18, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:46-49, Acts 17:24-34, 28:30-31, Rom. 10:9-10, 16:25-26)! It will be at the end of the Church age when her witness has now failed and the world is EXPONENTIALLY hostile towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the Rapture of the Body of Christ will take place and her presence and witnesses removed (John 14:3, 1 Cor, 15:50-57, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 John 3:1-4, Rev. 3:10). It will be with this event (i.e. the Rapture) simultaneously coinciding with the covenant of the prince with Israel's enemies (Dan. 9:27) that the Two Witnesses will arrive in Jerusalem to begin their ministry to Israel and unleash Almighty God's wrath on any nation seeking to interfere with their ministry to Israel (Rev. 11:3-7). When the Church's light, witness, and presence is taken up and removed the vacuum will be simultaneously filled with the Two Lampstands of Almighty God (Rev. 1:12,18; 11:3-7)! For Almighty God is NEVER without a Divine witness to Adam's fallen race!

When the Church's light, witness and presence is taken up and removed the vacuum will be simultaneously filled with the Two Lampstands of Almighty God! For Almighty God is NEVER without a Divine witness to Adam's fallen race!

In the absence of the Body of Christ's witness and testimony, the Two Witnesses WILL NOW be Almighty God's global witness and bright burning lampstands shining forth RIGHTEOUSNESS for 1260 days (Rev. 11:1-13)! These 1260 days will begin at the beginning of the seven-year tribulation. These Two will establish the altar and begin the oblations and sacrificial offerings of the Law pointing to Messiah's finished work as they begin to build the temple of the LORD. They shall also prophesy of things to come, preach repentance and salvation in Messiah to the Jew and world, testify of Messiah's RIGHTEOUSNESS and ETERNAL Person, preach Messiah's return and that the establishment of the Kingdom of Almighty God is just seven years away and any nation, state or individual who seeks to take away from their Divine ministry or seek to harm them shall be destroyed for they have all powers to work all plagues globally for 1260 days (Rev. 11:3-7)! It will be when the Two Witnesses ministry is completed at the end of their 1260 day ministry that they will be executed by the beast whose deadly wound has been healed, for now, it is  HIS TIME to reign for 1260 days/ 42 months until Messiah's return (Dan. 7:8,11, 20,21,24-26; 8:23-25, 9:27b; 11:36-45, Matt. 24:15-22, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 11:7, Rev. 13; 17:8-18; 19:20)! After 3 1/2 days the risen Messiah's Two Witnesses will be resuscitated by Almighty God and ascend into Heaven in the very presence of all their enemies in the city of Jerusalem (Jews and gentiles - Rev. 11:3-13). Then shall there be a time as NEVER has been since the beginning of the creation where Satan, his beast, his demonic angelic hordes and his ravished evil mankind will seek the total destruction of all who have trusted in the Messiah of Israel, the nation of Israel and the full elimination of their Creator from their world and mind (Dan. 7:25, Zech. 12: 2-3; 13:8-9;14:1-2, Matt. 24:13-22, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 12:7-17; 13; 17:8-18).

 In the absence of the Body of Christ's witness and testimony, the Two Witnesses WILL NOW be Almighty God's global witness and bright burning lampstands shining forth RIGHTEOUSNESS for 1260 days!

However even after all this global demonic wrath and spiritual darkness Almighty God will still have His witnesses to His fallen creation and to those who have not taken the mark. The disciples of the Two Witnesses - the 144,000 redeemed Jewish male virgins - will be absolutely invincible and will execute Almighty God's divine plan and purpose throughout these last 42 months of the beast's reign of EXPONENTIAL terror (Rev. 7; 14:1-5); Also there will and angel from Heaven heralding Almighty God's saving message and stern warning (Rev. 14:6-7) along with the remnant of Jews and Gentile converts of the Two Witnesses and 144,000 Jewish male virgins who of many shall shed their blood  in testifying of their great faith in the Messiah of Israel's ETERNAL salvation (Dan. 7:25, Rev. 7:9-17; 11:13; 12:11; 14:12-13; 20:4). Then it shall be at the end of these EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC forty two months of Satanic oppression and tyranny under his beast shall the Messiah return to crush all Divine opposition (Dan. 2:43-44,; 7:13-14, Rev. 19:11-21), redeem Israel (Deut. 4:30, Psalm 118:26,Isa. 59:20-21, Jer. 31:33-34, Rom. 11:26) and establish His Kingdom to FOREVER RULE and REIGN (Isa. 2:1-4; 11; Dan. 7:13-14; 26-27, Mic. 4:1-4, Zech. 14:16-21). The final Testimony and Witness to this fallen world will be the very God and Savior of mankind coming out of Heaven's glory with ETERNALLY great glory and power (Rev. 1:5); and at the seeing of Him shall all the nations of the earth weep and wail; and the remaining inhabitants of Israel shall call on Him as their very own Messiah and Savior (Dan. 2:43-44, 7:13-14, Zech. 12:10-14; 13:1-2; 14:3-5, Matt. 26:62-64, Mark 14:62, Luke 22:67-70, Rev. 1:7; 19:11-21)!

The final Testimony and Witness to this fallen world will be the very God and Savior of mankind coming out of Heaven's glory with ETERNALLY great glory and power.

Oh, beloved! What wonderful comforting truths from the Word of God that Almighty God is NEVER without a witness for the world to know His saving grace! Dear friend, do you personally know the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world as your personal Lord and Savior? Dear friends, He shed His RIGHTEOUS blood and gave His life to pay your price and mine and to be our propitiation and Savior (1 John 2:2, 4:10, Rev. 1:5). Dear friends, the times truly testify that the Messiah and His Kingdom is at hand! Wait not another moment to receive Jesus as your ETERNAL Savior!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Complete Church Bible Study
The Two Witnesses of Revelation
The Rapture Bible Study
The Confirming of the Covenant

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Almighty God's Definition of True Beauty?

My Beloved, where is true beauty found today? In People Magazine’s Most Beautiful People edition? In the natural genetic beauty of Hollywood and the Music industries’ A-list? In Donald Trump’s Miss America beauty pageants? In the high school cliques of the most popular teens? Nope, it’s not there... not at all! As a matter of fact, some of the most genetically - temporal flowers of the field - most "beautiful" people are some of the most godless, vilest, immoral and lawless of them all.

Where is true beauty to be found then? Well, there is a temporal, natural beauty possessed by a select number of people. There is no denying that. The truth of the matter is that these individuals did absolutely nothing to obtain this “outward” form of beauty. In the end this beauty is short-lived and vain (Proverbs 31:30).

Consider some examples of past “beauties”: Liz TaylorClark Gable, Cary Grant, James Dean, Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, etc. Their human beauty shone in the sun for a short while, and they withered away and died as a rose of summer. They bloomed and then faded FOREVER away (Eccl. 3:11; Isaiah 40:7; Rom. 3:23, 1 Cor. 15:50, James 4:14).
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

The Need for True Beauty

Almighty God makes it absolutely clear in His infallible Word to fallen humanity (Rom. 5:12-19) their desperate need for TRUE beauty. This beauty is not a temporal, vain expression of mortal man or woman. True (Divine) beauty endures FOREVER and EVER. This beauty waxes exceedingly more beautiful as time goes on. This beauty endures beyond the boundaries of time, and all who possess it will enjoy it FOREVER and EVER (Dan. 12:3; 1 Cor. 2:9; 15:42-57; Rev. 22:5).

Where is this beauty to be found? Through 6000 years of human existence, billions have sought worldly beauty and the prestige it brings. Countless individuals have sold their souls for beauty and immortality ONLY to go the way of all the earth in the end (Heb 9:27). Oh, the endless volumes of testimonials that could be given by mortal men and women throughout the ages attesting to the futility of this fruitless quest (Psalms 39:5; 78:33; Eccl. 1:1-3). Such have put all their eggs in this fragile basket and have died bankrupt, miserable and hideous in the eyes of their ETERNAL Creator/ Maker. They will FOREVER dwell in their shame and vile estate (Rev. 22:11).

Beloved, Time - and our earthly existence in it - is just a vapor, a grain of sand in the endless sea of ETERNITY'S FOREVERNESS (Psalms 39:5; 78:39; 90:10; 144:4; Isaiah 40:6; James 4:14; 1 Peter 1:24). Oh, that people would look outside of their temporal, subjective, narcissist world-view and see the reality. Oh, that we might look objectively into the Word of Almighty God for true answers about the unknown mysteries of this fallen world (1 Cor. 1:30). We would then begin to comprehend the unsolved mysteries of time and life, and be set free from the limited confines of this fallen world (John 8:32, 36).

This pinnacle of wondrous Beauty is nothing less than the glorious Righteousness that Almighty God has provided for His Fallen Creation. This Beauty is found nowhere else but in Christ Jesus, the Savior of the Whole World.

What is True Beauty?
What exactly is this True Beauty, one might ask? Quite simply, True Beauty is a gift from Almighty God (Rom. 5:16-17; 6:23). The FREE GIFT of TRUE beauty is provided to all by Almighty God (1 Cor. 1:30). TRUE beauty is our greatest need in the light of ETERNITY'S fixedness and FOREVERNESS.

This pinnacle of wondrous beauty is nothing less than the glorious RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God has provided for His fallen creation. This Beauty is found nowhere else but in Christ Jesus, the Savior of the whole world (Rom. 10:4; 2 Cor. 5:21).

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints" (Rev 19:6-8).

When one places their absolute trust in Jesus Christ and His saving grace, that individual is given the BEAUTY of the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God and ETERNAL Life (Psalms 7:17; 90:17; John 3:16,17).

God takes on Himself our shame and sinful hideousness, and He bestows on us the BEAUTY of His RIGHTEOUSNESS (Psalms 17:15; Isaiah 61:1-3; 64:6; Rom. 4:6, 22-24; 5:4; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:17; 1 John 3:2).

Oh, how will the redeemed of Almighty God shine and rejoice forever in the ETERNAL BEAUTY of the Lord! (Dan. 12:3; Matt. 13:43; 1 Cor. 2:9).

What About You?
May I ask you this very sobering question? Do you possess the Beauty of Righteousness that is found only in Jesus Christ? The Bible states in Isaiah 64:6 that “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags [bloody menstrual cloths].” All earthly beauty will fade away, as countless billions have experienced and could testify. Only the Beauty of Almighty God’s Righteousness (state of perfection) will endure forever (Matt. 13:43; Rev. 22:11).

You do not know what will happen tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1). If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, may you do so even now by making that conscious decision to receive Him into your heart and life. Then shall your beauty endure FOREVER as the stars of FOREVER, and bliss and joy will you know forevermore (Matt 13:43; 1 Cor. 2:9). Place your trust in Him TODAY. Behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2)! You will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
Elizabeth Taylor's Passing - Human Fame, Vanity and Dust in the Wind
Edited by BEL I.F.
