Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What Faith Locks On To and Sees!

Faith sees, trusts, and is FULLY persuaded by the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS INTEGRITY of Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The eyes of faith set in motion the spiritual ABSOLUTES and TRUTHS of Almighty God that transform our hearts, souls, and minds and move demonic strongholds and powers that dominate and control this lost and fallen world (Heb. 11).

Faith sees, trusts, and is FULLY persuaded by the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS INTEGRITY of Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Dear friend, have faith in Almighty God in ALL things! For if we do, we will be changed from glory to glory until we are PERFECTLY and RIGHTEOUSLY changed and see Jesus face to face as He is (Rom. 8:26-29, Eph. 4:13, 1 John 3:1-3)! Fear (rightly reverencing in RIGHTEOUSNESS) Almighty God in ALL things and ALL things will not reign over you because of fear (Psalm 55:22, Matt. 6:25-34, John 14:27, Phil. 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Rev. 1:17-18). Be believing and seeing; NOT unbelieving and deceiving! Almighty God is your ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ally for His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS purposes and glory in you (1 Cor. 10:31, Eph. 2:10, Phil. 2:12-13, Col. 3:17, 1 John 4:4, Rev. 4:11, 5:13)! Be not unbelieving but believing!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


For those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior as the Bible simply and clearly teaches, please let us know if we can be of any help to you! Objectively take Almighty God at His Word and believe Him!

Who the Tribulation Altar Will Point To


A question that many ask is; why an altar in the seven-year tribulation period after the Rapture? My friends, it's ALWAYS and ONLY about the love of Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS, which ALWAYS and ONLY points to His beloved Son; who is the PERFECT Lamb of God which takes away the sins and unrighteousness trespasses of Adam's fallen race (John 1:29; Rom. 5:12-21; 10:2-4; Heb. 7-10; 1 John 2:2; 4:10)!

ALL the Levitical sacrifices and temple worship pointed PERFECTLY to the RIGHTEOUS Lamb of God; and in the seven-year tribulation the altar will once again be established by the Two Witness of Revelation to point back to and teach about the FINIAHED work of redemption of Messiah!

Firstly, the altar points to Messiah's finished work and propitiation which offers ETERNAL salvation to all by faith in Him; not ETERNAL desolation (Lev. 17:11-14; Isa. 53; John 19:30; Rom. 10:2-4; 1 John 4:10)! Secondly; Satan was ETERNALLY crushed and ETERNALLY defeated on Almighty God's altar and cross (Gen. 3:15; Heb. 2:14-15; Rev. 1:17-18; 20:10)! Thirdly; Satan absolutely despises any work and promise of Almighty God and will with all his remaining rage and demonic being through his tangible host the antichrist with great fury seek to prevent Israel (and all nations) from coming to faith in Messiah; and will also seek to derail all of Almighty God's remaining promises for them in their ETERNAL Lamb and King (Dan. 9:24-27; 12:1-13; Zech. 13:8-9; 14:1-4; Rev. 12:7-17)! 

Lastly; Satan is on a total self-preservation mission and bent; knowing that his ETERNAL doom is very nigh and at hand!

Lastly; Satan is on a total self-preservation mission and bent; knowing that his ETERNAL doom is very nigh and at hand (Rev. 12:7-17). All are expendable and all is on Satan's altar to preserve his demonic delusional dreams of ETERNAL rebellion against His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Isa 14:12-17; Ezek. 28:12-19; John 8:44; Rev. 12:12; 20:1-3; 20:10)! With the ETERNAL resurrection of Messiah, Satan was ETERNALLY defeated and nothing in all of ETERNITY can ever override and overturn that established ETERNAL ABSOLUTE and TRUTH (Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 13:8)!

Beloved; in the end, King Jesus wins BIG, EVERY single time; and we who are in Christ Jesus should rejoice continually and always!

Beloved; at the end of Satan and man's vain little tiny rebellion, King Jesus ETERNALLY WINS and we who are in Christ Jesus should rejoice continually and always in that ETERNAL GLORIOUS TRUTH (Phil. 4:4)! In closing; do you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior? O, my dear friend, it is ALL about Jesus and His RIGHTEOUSNESS; Be sure that you personally know Jesus as the Scriptures so simply and clearly teach.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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DAN. 12:4; Matt. 24:1-5; Eph. 2:1-2!

JOHN 3:36/ROM. 3:23!

JESUS SAVES! JOHN 3:16-17;  GAL.1:4; 1 JOHN 2:15-18; 4:10!


JOHN 14:3; 1 THES. 4:13-18; 1 JOHN 3:1-4

An image of our present doomed nation on fire and near implosion, with no sound remedies nor time left to prevent it!

MATT. 24:15-16; 2 THES. 2:3-12; REV. 13

DAN. 2:44-45; 7:13-14; REV. 19:11-21




Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The American Left; ALL SYSTEMS Go for America's Final Destruction!!


Dear friends; how can any society survive when moral absolutes are being violently eradicated EXPONENTIALLY right before our eyes? How can we as a nation survive when individuals who seek to promote morality are hated, cancelled, scoffed at, and demonized by millions of Americans and by both political parties? The very sobering answer my dear friend is, “It will not! nor will it EVER!” Thus, we now see the final sad state and coming downfall of our once great and highly respected nation as the Day of the Lord is rapidly approaching (Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:3). Look at the heading picture very well; for that is our nation at this very moment under the destructive American Left. The stage has been set these last thirty years by the demonic American Left and now ALL SYSTEMS are GO for America's final destruction! They have absolutely won the day in lawlessness and have defeated American conservatism and its defensive position over these last thirty years. Don't think so? Then, my dear friend, you are fully deceived and your conservative optimism has blinded you from the EXPONENTIAL REALITIES of our hour; for the Day of the Lord will come as a thief and as a horrific destructive tsunami (1 Thes. 5:1-4; Rev. 6)!
The stage has been set these last thirty years by the demonic American Left and now ALL SYSTEMS are GO! They have absolutely won the day in lawlessness and have defeated American conservatism and its defensive position over these last thirty years. 

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of moral absolutes that will be America's final demise and my dear friend we are already there! This nation - due to her abandonment of moral absolutes and the soon coming Rapture of the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the door to the entrance of the Four Horsemen and the dreaded Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19). My dear friends, it is absolutely crucial for all of Almighty God's people to keep Almighty God first and His ETERNAL purpose first in such days. My friend, if you are one who knows NOT the Savior please be sure that you personally DO (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 John 5:10-13). This world is headed into the final showdown between demonic and human lawlessness verse the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God; between Lucifer, the fallen angelic creature versus the ETERNAL GOD and CREATOR of ALL (Rev. 16:13-16)! Be sure that you are on your Creator's side, who loved you and died for your transgressions and to be your propitiation and Savior (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Rom. 10:4, 1 John 4:10).

My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!



Monday, April 22, 2024

Messiah in the Passover!

The Demonic Movement Behind Earth Day

As "Earth Day" is upon us, let us look at the demonic and leftist philosophy which is driving this "Baalistic" ideology.

What seems to have a stranglehold on America and the world at present is the godless totalitarian socialistic environmental movement of today. This movement has halted progress and has laid shackles on the capitalistic freedoms at present here in America and in the world. As the environmentalist display their "Green Righteousness" and seek to practice at the same time a relative and godless philosophy when it comes to the Moral Laws of Nature and the ETERNAL ABSOLUTES of FOREVER, this "Green righteousness" movement of environmentalism is seeking to impose its secular will on the world and all its inhabitants.

The question at hand is, should we be conservative and conversationalist in the area that we live in? The rhetorical reply is, Yes... Of course! None of us will deny that. We all should do our part to make for a healthier and beneficial environment for all. In fact, many regulations have made America cleaner and better. In that, we do not find any fault. What we do find fault with is the green fascist mandates that are crippling our society and shackling our freedoms. What is key for a true healthy society is not fascist green legislation, but the adherence to the moral laws that have been instilled into the creation by Almighty God the Creator.

What is key for a truly healthy society is not green legislation but the adherence to the moral laws that have been instilled into the creation by Almighty God.

Notice how hardcore green groups such as PETA, Hollywood, the Music Industry, the ACLU and the American secular progressive Left are super radical on regulations on environmental issues and greenology, but are absolutely reprobate in social and sexual morality which has been the key vices which have laid waste this country and our present world (Isaiah 24:5,6; Romans 1:18-32).

The Two Hands of Greenology
In one hand, the radical environmentalist oppresses with an iron fascist glove the mandates and oppressive green philosophy. On the other hand, they fight tooth and nail against the moral absolutes and the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God. These two absolutes are crucial in producing a healthy society and culture in this fallen world. Almighty God’s Word states that the creation groans to be free and looks forward to that Day when it will be unleashed from the inhabitants of sinful man (Isa. 24:5,6, Romans 8:22).

Today's "Green Righteousness" is that attitude and spirit in which all is Machiavellian when done for the furtherance and protection of the earth (one's sensual harmony with the creation). It is this subjective sensual (5 senses driven) “wisdom” and perception which holds in high esteem the evolutionary philosophy of time and chance and valiantly condemns the Judeo/Christian Laws of Nature and of Natures God (1 Cor. 1:18-32). Junk theories and science and godless secular ideals are its dogmas and "bible", and this fallen planet is its god (Rom 1:22-26). These seek to be the world's savior and deliverer from the earth's arch-enemy, man. The radical environmentalist attitude and their green righteousness are manifested on how they serve and honor the environment (the creature and creation) and it’s “green” dogmas and mandates (Romans 1:18-32).

They fight tooth and nail against moral absolutes and the Righteousness of Almighty God which are crucial to producing a healthy society and culture.

What is so astounding about this green philosophy is that while these seek to contain man tendencies to pollute, they are fighting an Eco – war against capitalism and man’s sovereignty here on earth. What is so hypocritical is that these individuals are the greatest polluters of all. Their social pollution of excess and the acceptance of all kinds of sexual deviance is far greater the destroyer of our world and humanity than their little green crusade.

The Social Pollution of Secularism

Let us take a look at the social pollution the secularist greener has contributed to just here in America in the last 50 years.

The withering attacks and the devastating fallout from this tyrannical oppressor is formidable. These include 60 million abortions since 1973 (representing a generation of Americans annihilated!), a ravished and wasted society, numberless unwed mothers and fatherless children, broken homes, psychological (mental) and physiological problems, a “red-lining” national guilty conscience (yet a nation unable to blush), a divorce rate higher than 50%, HIV/ AIDS and its related devastation, countless STD’s, rampant teen and college-age promiscuity and unwanted pregnancies, increasing rapes, violence and murders, sex-trafficking, child porn and porn addiction (i.e., 70% of the total Internet given over to porn in support of a 4 billion-dollar-a-year porn industry), drug addictions, alcoholism, mass poverty, trillions of dollars spent for unaccountable social programs, promotion in government schools, government funding, rampant adultery, prostitution, approved red-light districts, increased acceptance and approval of the mental and physiological disorder known as sodomy (homosexuality),….and on and on! Sexual addiction is the master oppressor today of Adam’s fallen race (see Romans 1:18-32, 5:12-19). Drug addiction, alcoholism and barbiturate addiction pale in comparison to this reigning despot. No nation has ever recovered from this self-indulging and self-gratifying addiction. How will ours be any different?
The Victims of the Sexual Revolution

Unfortunately, the greatest victims of this oppressive tyrant are children. These are absolutely ravished by the horrific consequences that followed in the wake of this super tsunami called the Sexual Revolution of the 60’s. Women have also been shackled and enslaved in the repercussions from this decadent “Revolution.” There is nothing truly “liberating” about it at all. How could it be that the mothers (i.e., women) are the leading killing genocidal machines since 1973? A great number of women today in the U.S. are given over to reprobate practices of licentiousness and have prostituted their bodies - and their humanity - to any individual in a vain attempt to satisfy their famished souls. Women have always been a good moral barometer in a given society. When they are degraded to base lewdness and licentious practices, a society suffers greatly. When women are at their lowest estate so also is the nation.
The Master Panderer and His Game Plan
Lucifer is the despotic tyrant and oppressor of Adam’s fallen race. He fully understands his unregenerate human slaves (Eph 2:1-3; Heb 2:14-15). He is the “supreme hunter” of souls (Isa. 14:16-17; Ezek. 28:19; Luke 4:5-6; 2 Cor. 4:34; 1 Peter 5:8). He fully comprehends the fallen nature of humanity and our sensual desires, which are governed and dominated by our 5 physical senses. He knows how to manipulate, entice, bait, snare and catch his prey for his twisted will (Eph 6:11-12). He has been an “active observer” of the sins of humanity for ~ 6000 years (see Gal 5:19-21), and he knows that once immoral lusts and sexual vices have taken hold and snared his prey, he’s accomplished his task.

God Calls Out To You

In these increasingly debauched and licentious days, Almighty God calls for all to be saved and delivered from the wrath to come (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9). Have you received into your heart and life the Savior of the world - the Lord Jesus Christ - as your personal Savior from your transgressions against Almighty God and His righteousness?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12).

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).

The only solution to the depraved and ever-growing lawlessness of the world we are living in today is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY ONE who can rescue humanity from the end result of sin and lawlessness. May you place your trust and hope in Him today. You will never be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Edited by BEL I.F.



Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Dear friends, in light of our EXPONENTIALLY imploding society; all that is now left to do is to continue to petition our Heavenly Father for our nation in light of our current dire national situation and dilemma that engulfs our land and media; and to call for a Divine RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE back to the God of our Founders (Psalm 64, Phil. 4:6-7). Without a sincere Divine RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE, we are truly done here in America!

Without a sincere Divine RIGHTEOUS REPENTANCE, we are truly done here in America!

I truly believe Almighty God has now allowed the full EXPONENTIAL weight and consequences of the past decades of lawlessness to fully reveal itself along with its lawless tyrannical chains of hopelessness! All systems are "now go!" for the godless and lawless demonic American Left! All restraints of a once somewhat healthy Republic society are nearly gone and our nation is on the very brink of forced Marxism and national civil war. However, in spite of these horrific evil realities; delusional optimism and " little too late" remedies from the Right have never been high among the millions of Americans seeking to save and preserve our nation. Tragically this spirit of delusional optimism is void of any objective in-depth analysis, depth, and perception (Prov. 13:16; 27:12; Eccl. 12:13-14; Luke 14:28-32)!

All restraints of a once somewhat healthy Republic society are nearly gone and our nation is on the very brink of forced Marxism and national civil war! 

The demonic bureaucratic swampers of both parties and the EXPONENTIALLY growing POWERFUL demonic media armies of our day are SUPER ABOUNDINGLY! They have been aggressively shaping public opinion and gaslighting millions upon millions by arousing their fears, their emotions, their rage, their biases, their fallen humanity, and insecurities 24/7! Logic, reality, order, truth, and facts have no place anymore in our republic and all that speak out against such godless evil are GREATLY marginalized, slandered, and destroyed by nearly ALL media outlets (John 8:44; Eph. 2:1-2; 6:10-12)! How can mere men fight against such EXPONENTIAL demonic power, deception, slander, defamation, legions of darkness, and lawlessness in such days as ours (Eph. 6:10-12)? We cannot! We are truly up against SUPER DEMONIC POWERS and demonic legions of darkness, which are orchestrating all things through the base minds and hearts of unregenerate American leaders, swampers, and media (Rom. 1:18-32; Eph. 2:1-2). There is only one weapon of TOTAL ETERNAL POWER against such, and that is the ETERNAL WORD of Almighty God (Ps. 119:89; Matt. 4:4; John 1:1-3;14; Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12-13, Rev. 1:16; 19:15)! An abiding relationship to the Almighty in SPIRIT and TRUTH, through prayer, is an unstoppable ETERNAL FORCE, which all the legions of hell cannot oppose or withstand (Psalm 50:15; 64, Isa. 58:9, Eph. 1; 6:10-20; Phil. 4:6-7; Heb. 4:12-13, James 5:16; 1 John 4:4)!

There is only one weapon of TOTAL ETERNAL POWER against such, and that is the ETERNAL WORD of Almighty God! An abiding relationship to the Almighty in SPIRIT and TRUTH, through prayer, is an unstoppable ETERNAL FORCE which all the legions of hell cannot oppose or withstand!

My dear friends, the Almighty is now allowing all of this accumulated national evil to get our FULL attention and to show us our utter bankruptcy apart from Him and His RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rom. 1:18-32)! By Almighty God allowing these events to be, He is arousing our deep concerns, hopelessness, fears, and anxieties to draw us back to Him in TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS! We have indeed reaped the HORRIFIC whirlwind as a nation while fighting Almighty God tooth and nail for decades! As we zealously pursued hard after evil we as a nation have been oblivious of what it has done to us and to our national structure and societal moral order (Luke 13:34-35, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7)! Almighty God's sole desire for us in this hour of our nation's final crossroads is to seek Him in ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and to repent of our evil ways and imaginations (Matt. 6:33)! Then He might prolong our days until the Day of the Lord begins (Rev. 6-19).

President Trump - in all humility - needs to call on Almighty God publically and nationally with ALL fear and reverence on behalf of our nation! That to me is our total last line of defense against the fall of America and the total takeover of the horrific demonic powers that be!

In our day here in America, we are in the same situation as Israel of old! As such, our nation needs to seek Almighty God in SPIRIT and TRUTH and humble ourselves beneath His mighty hand (James 4:10,1 Peter 5:6)! Fighting in the flesh the theft, demonic deception, demonic gaslighting, evil calculations, intimidation, manipulation, and a Marxist coop is absolutely futile and far greater than us (Eph. 2:1-2; 6:10-12; 1 Peter 5:8). Yes, of course, do our part here in the flesh; but beloved, we need to take the fight into the spiritual realm and make our petitions to Almighty God made known; and to fervently seek to have Him gloriously intervene on our nation's behalf in His RIGHTEOUSNESS, grace, and mercy for His glory (Psalm 64)!! Again, Our nation is in dire need of national repentance and returning back to the old paths and will only implode if these Divine instructions are ignored! 


President Trump - in all humility - needs to call on Almighty God publically and nationally with ALL fear and reverence on behalf of our nation! That to me is our total last line of defense against the fall of America and the total takeover of the horrific demonic powers that be (1 Kings 8:12-53, Neh. 9, Dan. 9:1-20; Hosea 4:6; Mic. 7:18). Dear friends, has President Trump even done this yet unto this hour? No, he hasn't my friend, and that is exceedingly troubling to me and many! Humility and not popularity polls gain Almighty God's favor, mercy, and ear! The Almighty cannot turn away from a contrite and broken heart; for He is drawn to it with all His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Being (2 Chron. 33; Psalm 34:18; 51:17, Isa. 57:15, Joel 2:13)! 

Psalm 64 is our prayer warrior's cry! The battle is the Lord's beloved! The battle IS indeed the Lord's!! 

Beloved, after repentance and seeking the Almighty with our whole heart, soul, and mind; then my beloved are we ready to roll!; and call on the ETERNAL POWER of Heaven for deliverance! Psalm 64 is then indeed our prayer warrior's cry against the great enemies of God and country! The battle is the Lord's beloved! The battle is indeed the LORD'S! Almighty God's perfect will be done! Please pray and meditate on this Psalm of David with us for it is indeed our only plea in such an hour to our Heavenly Father on our nation's behalf (Col. 3:1-4, 1 John 4:4)! Remember beloved, that our hope is in Jesus Christ and this world is not our ETERNAL HOME!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Matt. 6:33!

64 Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.

Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity:

Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words:

That they may shoot in secret at the perfect: suddenly do they shoot at him, and fear not.

They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?

They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep.

But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded.

So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away.

And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of his doing.

10 The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.


Unlimited Divine POWER and AUTHORITY To Wield At Will!

Presently here in the fall of 2023; Israel is totally surrounded in a raging sea of godless gentile nations which demonically rage against her (Eph. 2:1-3; 6:10-12)! This is no secret to any today as this demonic manifestation is dominating the present global media outlets in all nations. Tragically, it does not help that Israel also is one of the most progressives countries in the world; and at present is in total biblical unbelief; and reject the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob in unrighteousness (Rom. 9-11). However that is all about to change very shortly as the Holy Scriptures soundly teach (Dan. 9:27; Zech. 12-14; Rom. 9-11). Almighty God very shortly will be sending His Two Mighty Lamp-stands to Israel after the rapture/harponzo of the Body of the Messiah (1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-3); to protect her for 3 1/2 years as the Four Horsemen ride and destroy etc. (Rev. 6-11). It will be at this very time as well that the these Two Witnesses will call the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rev. 11)!

In the first 3 ½ years of the seven year tribulation period Almighty God's Two Lamp Stands - MOSES and ELIJAH - will be ABSOLUTELY UNSTOPPABLE (Rev. 11:2-6)! They will prophesy of great things which are to come and with GREAT AUTHORITY, SIGNS and WONDERS will show forth their Divine POWER to bear witness and testify to the entire world to REPENT and be saved and that Almighty God's Kingdom under His Son and Messiah is at hand!

 During their AWESOME 3 1/2 year ministry, Moses and Elijah are given ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY and POWER to wield their SIGNS and WONDERS at will.

During their AWESOME 3 1/2 year ministry Moses and Elijah are given ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY and POWER to wield their SIGNS and WONDERS at will (Rev. 11:6) and ALL unbelieving violent and lawless Jews and Gentiles who seek to oppose them oppose Almighty God's Divine will and ETERNAL purpose for this time (John 3:16-17, Acts 16:0-31, Rev. 11:2). All - at this time - who seek to inflict or destroy these Two Men and hinder their Divine ministry and message, whether it be individuals, nations, terror groups etc.. etc... will be eliminated and destroyed by fire (Rev. 11:5)! During this HORRIFIC time of FULL BLOWN global war, godlessness, violence, lawlessness and absolute rage of an unrepentant world, Almighty God has equipped these Two with ALL the SUPERNATURAL POWER for protection they need to accomplish their Divine assignment (Rev. 11:2-6).

What an amazing time this will be and the very world leaders we see today raging against Israel and Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS may be the very ones who will seek to destroy these TWO lamp stands and end up being destroyed themselves.

What an amazing time this will be and the very world leaders we see today raging against Israel and Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS may very most likely be the ones who will seek to destroy these TWO Lamp Stands and end up being destroyed themselves (Rev. 11:5). So VEXED, so TORMENTED, so ENRAGE will this war ravished world be at these Two Witnesses and their RIGHTEOUS message that when their ministry finally comes to and end (Rev. 11:7) the world will REJOICE exceedingly and give their FULL allegiance to the risen Beast (Anti Christ) who will now DOMINATE the world stage for the last 3 1/2 years (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 11:7-14, Rev. 13, Rev. 17:13-17).

The "SUPERNATURAL" of this seven-year period will be as common as the "non-super natural" of our day.

The "SUPERNATURAL" of this seven-year period will be as common as the "non-super natural" of our day. MOSES and ELIJAH will zealously protect Israel, EVEN in their unbelieving state (Ezek. 39:26, Rev. 11:9) from the world’s enraged nations and demonic legions (Rev. 9, 11:5-6). It is our personal belief that Moses and Elijah will also being used of Almighty G-d to bring about the massive destruction of Gog of the land of Magog and his Islamic confederacy and armies (Ezek. 38-39, Rev.11:5-6).

MOSES and ELIJAH will zealously protect Israel EVEN in their unbelieving estate.
As their ravished bodies lay in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days, the remaining world will EXCEEDINGLY rejoice and praise the Beast saying, "Who can make war with the beast? - Rev. 13:1-4)". However... the Two Witnesses greatest VICTORY is about to be seen! Can you imagine the glorious godless mood of the world at this time when these Two Men are finally disposed of? In the world's godless hearts and minds there is now no limit to what their godless imaginations will take them, for they TRULY believe that they have finally rid the world of Almighty God and His Two Witnesses (Gen.11:6, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 11:10-13).
 "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven." Rev. 11:10-13
With Moses and Elijah's resuscitation and ascension in front of all their enemies into Almighty God's presence, they have now WONDROUSLY confirmed and affirmed all of what they have stated for 3 1/2 years!

With Moses and Elijah's resuscitation and ascension in front of all their enemies into Almighty God's presence, they have now WONDROUSLY confirmed and affirmed all of what they have stated for the last 3 1/2 years! All that they have stated WILL come to pass and the Devil himself can NEVER stop it (Dan. 43-44, 7:13-14, Rev. 11:15, 17:17, 19:11:21, 20:1-10)! What is most astounding and amazing about this future event is that the godless world at this time will NOT repent but sell their souls and partake of the abomination which leads to ETERNAL desolation all the way to the Battle of Armageddon and ETERNAL Damnation (Zech.14:1-4, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 14:9-11, 16:13-16, 19:11-21).

WOE, WOE WOE.... to those in that Day!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Middle-East and Ukraine in Last Day Biblical Prophecy - Gog of Magog's Future Destruction at The Hands of Almighty God's Two Witnesses!

In light of the Russian invasion into Ukraine and Russia’s massing of troops on the Israeli border in Syria at present; we can see before our very eyes - in this EXPONENTIAL technological age - that  Bible prophecy's end time last days stage is being fully set; and Gog's invasion alliance being fully established as they all prepare for their invasion into the land of Israel (Ezek. 38-39)!

The Ukraine is on the very eastern border of Magog as historians and history maps tell us!

Is it not sobering and very curious that Israel, even when they are totally out of the will of Almighty God are still the scourge of the world and nations (Deut. 28-32, Lev. 26)? This in its self is a testament to the fulfillment of the Word of the Lord and Bible prophecy and a sign to all nation, a global demonic target and to the Jews Israel is Almighty God's chosen people and people (Deut. 14:2; 28-32, 2 Sam. 7:23-24, Amos 3:1-2, Rev. 12:5). It will be after the destruction of Gog's confederacy that Almighty God will reveal this very point (Ezek.39, 7, 21-26). The nation of Israel at present - though back in the land is out of the will of the TRUE KING of Israel and in the days coming up He will send them the Two Mighty Patriarchs of old (Moses and Elijah), whom Israel has always reverenced but have truly despised what they have represented and stand for (Mal. 4). These Two will be dressed in black sackcloth and will seek to awaken Israel out of her unbelieving slumber and to let them know that their Messiah and His Kingdom is now at hand! These Two will now fully address Israel's unbelief, godlessness and spiritual apostasy and Israel's heart now at the day of their visitation WILL NOT want to hear it (Deut. 28-32, Lev. 26, Ezek. 39:21-24, Dan. 9:26-27, Matt. 23:37, 27:22-25, Rev. 11:2-6).

It will come to be in the near future that Almighty God's Two Witnesses will arrive in Israel and provide supernatural protection for their ministry which also will include the supernatural protection of the nation Israel.

It will come to be in the near future at the beginning of the Day of the Lord (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:1-2)  that Almighty God's Two Witnesses will arrive in Israel and provide Divine supernatural protection for their ministry and that of the nation of Israel (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14,39:25-26, Rev. 11:2-6, 10). Under the Divine protection of Moses and Elijah (Rev. 11:2-6, 10) Israel will dwell in unwalled cities in complete safety and security, while the nations go through horrific global war and demonic domination (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14, Rev. 6-9). Indeed, why will Israel need the protection of the pre-beast of Revelation 13 when they will have the Divine SUPERNATURAL POWERS of the Two Witnesses for protection at this time from ALL GLOBAL THREATS (Rev. 11:3-7)?? Beloved, just read Rev. 11:3-7 and tell me why? Indeed my friends, the Two Witnesses of Revelation are the Two most neglected prophetic individuals of the Day of the Lord and need to be properly inserted into Daniel 9:27 and understood in their context, in light of the confirming of the covenant with the abundance or many by the Prince, until the ceasing of the Altar which they will establish!

Indeed, why will Israel need the protection of the pre-beast of Revelation 13 when they will have the Divine SUPERNATURAL POWERS of the Two Witnesses for protection at this time from ALL GLOBAL THREATS?? 

What is most tragic about this time of security and safety (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14, 39:25-26) is that Israel will NOT want to hear the message of salvation which is found in Yeshua presented by Moses and Elijah (the Two Witnesses), who represent the Law and the Prophets (Deut. 18:18, Isa. 53, Jer. 23:5, Matt. 17:3, Luke 24:25-27; 44, John 5:39). Just as their fathers of old did not want to hear redemption's story, so also will the overwhelming majority of Jews at this EXPONENTIALLY technological time be of that  same spirit (Zech. 13:7-9, Matt. 8:11-12; 22:1-14, Luke 14:16-24, Rev. 11:8;13). The Jews at this time WILL NOT let go of their delusional bankrupt religious views and secularism - which excludes the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Rom. 10:2-4) - and will continue to seek to outlive their godless existence even in the light of Divine authority and signs and wonders at the hands of Almighty God's two BURNING Lamp Stands (Psalm 76, 106, Ezek. 39:7, 25-26, Zech. 13:6-9, Acts 2, 7, Matt. 27:22-25, John 19:15, Rev. 11:2-6, 8). Israel will rebel against the temple worship established at Moses and Elijah's hand, which points back to Messiah's person and work (Isa. 53), their prophecies and the wonderful REALITY and TRUTH of Messiah's soon GLORIOUS second coming from the RIGHT HAND of the Father to establish His Kingdom reign (Psalm 110:1, Ezek. 39:25-26, Isa. 61:1-6, Dan. 2:44-45, 7:13,14, Zech. 14: 1-4, Rev. 1:5, 11:26, Rev. 19:11-21)!

What is most tragic about this time of security is that Israel will NOT want to hear the message of salvation found in Yeshua as their fathers also did not want to hear.

As the inhabitants of Israel see the world going through HORRIFIC tribulation (Matt. 24: 6-8, Rev. 6-9) they will dwell in security, safety, and unbelief under the protection of the Two Witnesses (Ezek. 38:8,11,13,14). As Israel dwells in this safety they will become callous, hard, idle, and will rebel continually against the very ones who are the royal patriarchs of their nation and against their testimony and word. It will be at this time near the middle of the first half of the tribulation period that Almighty God will use Israel and their prosperity in the land - which has been "brought back from the sword" - as bait to bait Gog of the land of Magog and his Islamic confederacy to come and take a "spoil" and a "prey" (Ezek. 38:8-14, 39:7, 25-26). In using this demonically governed man (Gog), Almighty God will seek to get Israel's FULL attention as he once did with Pharaoh at the birth of their nation (Ex. 14:4, Ezek 39:7,21). Almighty God will FULLY manifest His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the gentile nations and there will be no doubt to the REALITY of His ETERNAL Name and PERSON; that He is the God of Israel and ETERNAL SOVEREIGN of ALL ETERNITY and the earth (Ezek. 39:7,21-26, Dan. 4:17).

In using Gog as Almighty God did Pharaoh's hardness and godless rebellion, He will FULLY manifest His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the war-ravished gentile nations.

Here is some background into Gog's great desire. In the first  3 1/2 years of global tribulation, the world's gentile nations will have been going through HORRIFIC global war, supernatural plagues, demonic domination, and demonic destruction (Matt. 24:6-8, Rev. 6-9). The surviving nations of the world at this time have seen firsthand the Divine SUPERNATURAL protective hand of Moses and Elijah and are suffering greatly from the consequences of the Seal and Trumpet Judgments (Rev. 6-9, 11:2-6). With such HORRIFIC devastation heaped upon Gog and his confederacy during this time the land of Israel is a perfect target for supplies, resources, food, and revenge (Ezek. 38:10-13). Israel during this time will be the most despised nation of the world and much of that EXPONENTIAL hatred has to do with the TREMENDOUS POWER, AUTHORITY, and MINISTRY of Moses and Elijah (Matt. 24:6-9, Rev. 11:2-6, 10).

Because the Two Witnesses of Revelation's ministry to Israel takes place in the first half of the tribulation period and Gog's invasion of Israel also takes place during this time period we have concluded here at the IFB that Gog and Almighty God's Two Witnesses will go head to head!

It will be that this time that Gog will come out of his northern dwelling with his massive army and confederacy and seek to cover the land of Israel like a tremendous storm cloud to plunder and destroy (Ezek. 38). Millions of the surviving inhabitants from the prior Seal and Trumpet judgments (Rev. 6-9) from these nations will mass on Israel, who are unbelieving, unprepared and idle (Ezek. 38:8-14, 39:7, 25-26). Because the Two Witnesses of Revelation's ministry to Israel takes place in the first half of the tribulation period (Rev. 11:2-7) and Gog's invasion of Israel also takes place during this time period we have concluded here at the IFB that Gog and Almighty God's Two Witnesses will go head to head (Rev. 11:5-7, 38:16-23, 39). As Gog's armies approach Israel to destroy and plunder her, Almighty God by the hand of His Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah) will call down GREAT and HORRIFIC destruction on Gog's host and deliver the nation of Israel from utter ruin (Ezek. 38:18-23, 39:1-8). At the hand of Moses and Elijah (Ezek.38:16-23, 39:1-7, Rev. 11:2-6) Almighty God will make known His glory and Name among unbelieving Israel and the raging nations and whether or not these choose to repent and believe they will know without a shadow of doubt that Almighty God is God and that these two messengers are His prophets. As Almighty God delivered Israel from Pharaoh's armies at the Red Sea (Ex.14-15) so will it be on this day (Ezek. 38:23, 39:7,13, 21,22).

As Gog's armies approach Israel to destroy and plunder her, Almighty God by the hand of His Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah) will call down GREAT and HORRIFIC destruction on Gog's host and deliver the nation of Israel from utter ruin. At the hand of Moses and Elijah...

This beyond amazing victory will cause Jews in the land and Gentile nations to FULLY comprehend that Almighty God is GOD and the God and protector of the people Israel (the apple of His eye) and that Israel went into captivity since 70 AD.because of their iniquity, unbelief and rebellion (Ezek. 39:6-7, 23). Most tragically, this will only harden unbelieving Israelites' hearts and they will now be ready to receive the beast which is to rise from the abyss and violently murder Almighty God's Two Messengers after the completion of the 1260-day ministry (Ezek 39:26, Rev. 11). This destruction at the hands of the Moses and Elijah will be so devastating that 5/6 of all of Gog's invading host will be destroyed and their dead bodies will be scattered upon the mountains and valleys in the land of Israel. It will take seven months to bury Gog's dead hordes and they will give a huge portion of Israel to bury Gog and his host (Ezek. 39:9-20).

Even after this massive invasion of Gog and his horrific destruction at the hand of Moses and Elijah (Almighty God's vessels) Israel will still not believe nor repent (Ezek. 39:25-26, Rev. 11:8)! They will know of a truth that Almighty God is the God of Israel (Ezek. 38: 39:7, 22), for they have seen His WONDROUS POWERFUL hand against Gog's invading armies and confederacy but they are not yet ready to repent and to say that Yeshua is the Messiah and the Lamb of Almighty God and receive the testimony of Almighty God's Two Witnesses, Moses and Elijah (Lev. 17:11-14, Isa. 53, John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4).

My dear friends hear me and hear me well, Almighty God is at total war with any (Jew or Gentile) who chooses to stay unrepentant, rebellious, and seeks to violate His ETERNAL established SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTES for ETERNITY and MORAL ABSOLUTES for time (John 3:36). The seven-year tribulation period is a time of PURE WRATH for the ungodly and all who remain unrepentant and hardened in their godless rebellion against ALL that is RIGHTEOUS and ABSOLUTE.

My dear friends hear me and hear me well. Almighty God is at total war with any (Jew or Gentile) who chooses to stay unrepentant, rebellious and seeks to violate His ETERNAL established SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTES for ETERNITY and MORAL ABSOLUTES for time.

Even after the Two Witnesses GREAT and STUPENDOUS victory over Gog's invading millions, Israel will still NOT let go of her secularism, godlessness, rebellion, and lawlessness and will continue to be hostile towards God's message of salvation that Yeshua IS the Savior of the World (Ezek. 39:25-26, Rev. 11:8). As Israel's unbelieving fathers have always done (Psalms. 78,106, Matt. 27: Acts 7), so will also these follow suit. Israel will now find that Almighty God has no other choice but to remove Israel's protective hedge (Ezek. 39:26, Matt. 24:15-21, Rev. 11:6-14) and allow Satan and his demonic human tool the Anti -Messiah to inflict HORRIFIC GREAT TRIBULATION upon Israel and the world (i,e., Jacob's trouble Jer. 30:4-8, 18). - (Dan. 9: 27, Matt. 24:15-21, Rev. 12:6-17, 13).

My dear Jewish friend, Yeshua (salvation) is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world (Lev. 17:11-14, Isa. 53). He is the FULFILLMENT of the 10 commandments and the end of the Law to RIGHTEOUSNESS to all who believe (Rom. 10:2-4). Israel at present will not place their trust in Him and as the Holy Scripture teaches so very clearly she will go through GREAT tribulation and then receive her Messiah with bitter tears (Zech. 12:10-14).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Related Links

The Two Witnesses of Revelation Web Site

The Two Witnesses are Key for Dan. 9:27

Moses and Elijah the Two Witnesses

What Events Will Lead To The Anti-Christ

Israel's Future Global Super Power! The Two Witnesses of Revelation 
