The most dangerous and deadly place for a child today - which has been conceived - is to be found in the womb of its own mother. Nearly a little more than one third of every child conceived in its mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-20) today has been violently terminated by this barbaric abomination called abortion. In our American inner cities that ratio is more than half. Satan’s minion Margaret Sanger had her vision and dream of wiping out the black family almost become a reality.
Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?!
Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?! Woe unto you America! Woe! You are absolutely consumed with your self-seeking unbridled passions of licentiousness! How shall we (America) - which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God – ever escape the RIGHTEOUS indignation of Almighty God! Wake up out of your satanic stupor and look around at the horrific realities!
We see the acceptance of these horrific consequences from this demonically induced movement received by godless men and women everywhere. We see this barbaric crusade championed everywhere today by the godless Left - all the while we are beginning to see the manifestation of Almighty God’s wrath on America and the removal of His Divine protective hedge (Isa. 24:5-6; Rev. 6-19). Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a small remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa. 1:9).
Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a small remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Turn to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE!
Oh my friend, if you have been one who has been alone and who has had to make decisions that you have fully regretted, turn your heart and eyes to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE. There is ALWAYS HOPE in Almighty God.
As America speeds down the lawless road to run "smack dab" into the wall of the Day of the Lord, may your hope be found in Almighty God and His precious Word!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
Lucifer's Architect’s of Anarchy