our Founding Fathers were here in today's America they would greatly testify against America's full blown constitutional apostasy and moral depravity. They would rebuke Americans for forsaking
the God of our founding and would seek the removal and imprisonment of countless politicians from top to bottom for treason and lawlessness. It is very safe to say also that our Founding Fathers would be demonized by the
24/7 media and labeled as bigots, racist, politically incorrect, squares, intolerant, religious zealots, haters, judgmental homophobes and if all possible would be tried for crimes against society,
black listed, expelled and thrown in jail by the likes of lawless people from both political parties. However, true conservatives would welcome with open arms our Founders and rally behind them in their efforts to take back America.
America's masses have become - in their unbelief - fools and tools for
Satan to manipulate and corrupt in his vain quest for the ETERNAL
establishment of his global worship.

Today there is no shortage of lawless
American apostates, who dominate the Democratic Party and are found also in the Republican Party. These stand
against all that our nation was founded on and have for the last 100
years hijacked this nation along with its people and have been the chief cause for our nation's decline and
soon eventual demise. One has to have the skill today to translate and read
between the lines of the
euphemistic language and
bizzaro world values
of the Left and GOP establishment. Since moral relativism dominates this nation, the majority
of our inhabitants are clueless and ripe for the picking to be demonically control by the minions of the god of this world to bring about his will and agenda
(Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12). America's masses have become - in their unbelief - fools and tools for Satan to manipulate and corrupt in his vain quest for the ETERNAL establishment of his global worship
(Rev. 20:10).
Woe! Woe! Woe! To a people when Almighty God gives them over to destruction and to the delusion and vanity of their godless mind!
As in Jeremiah's day (586 BC), the Lord gave Jeremiah the straight up horrific REALITY of his day and told him NOT to pray anymore for his people; for they would NOT return no matter what the condition or no matter who the intercessor
(Jer. 7:16, 11:14, 14:11, 15:1, Ezek 14:14). There was nothing left for an unrepentant lawless people but Divine judgment. The Lord told Jeremiah even if the great men and intercessors of faith (Moses, Job, Daniel, Samuel, Noah) prayed for Israel in that day it would do no good, for they will not hear and would not repent. Woe!Woe! Woe! To a people when Almighty God gives them over to destruction and to the delusion and vanity of their godless mind
(Rom. 1:18-32).
From Conservatives, to liberals, to progressives, to moderates, the majority of ALL Americans have rejected His saving grace which is found only in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ and have given themselves over unto a godless existence which is void of ETERNAL REALITY and TRUTH!
Thus it is so also in our day my dear friend, we as a nation and people have past the point of no return here in America and the Divine judgment of Almighty God is filling this land. America has outright rejected Almighty God, His saving solution, Divine REALITY, His people, His Word and witness and have rebelled openly in full light against Him! From Conservatives, to liberals, to progressives, to moderates, the majority of ALL Americans have rejected His
saving grace which is found only in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. These have given themselves over unto a godless existence, which is void of ETERNAL REALITY and TRUTH! Will there be an American revival? It is my personal opinion that there will not be and as a matter of fact it is as the Lord is telling me pray not for this nation any more for my final judgment is upon it and upon the world. If George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, George Washington, John Adams and Dr. J Vernon McGee were to pray for this nation today, God would NOT hear them for America would NOT hear them today! The Day of the Lord is at hand and
the Four Horsemen stand at the gate ready to ride (Rev. 6)! False optimism and delusional solutions will not stand the HORRIFIC REALITIES of this time and God's wrath on an EXPONENTIALLY, sinful, godless world
(Matt. 24, Rev. 6-16)
If George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, George Washington, John Adams
and Dr. J Vernon McGee were to pray for this nation today, God would NOT
hear them for America would NOT hear them today!
What is most alarming in our day is how Washington and Americans seek to impose their
delusional solutions and remedies to
fix these ills of society by applying the very same logic that got us
to this socially catastrophic point in the first place. These believe that by the application of lawless ideals and solutions they can fix our nation's woes
(Isa. 5:20), but what is the greatest evil is that by doing so they accelerate today’s nation and global social ills at
Today’s American social culture is at the extreme breaking point and
even the American conservative movement will not stop its implosion .
evidence is everywhere, yet the majority of American’s live in the
apathetic delusion that all is well and that we will remain and prosper
as in times past. Oh DELUSION! Wake up America! for indeed Almighty God is at
present judging this nation and the Day of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS wrath truly is at hand
(Rev. 6-19)! There is still time to call out to Him and He will truly save your soul and bless and give you ETERNAL life so that you can dwell with Him FOREVERMORE in RIGHTEOUSNESS
(Rev. 21, 22:1-5). May it be so!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!