Yesterday Michele Bachmann withdrew herself from the GOP race and suspended her campaign for president. Michele was a solid conservative (social/fiscal) and never was ashamed of her conservative position and her faith in Almighty God. She was passionate about our American Judeo/Christian heritage, our founding fathers, her faith in Almighty God, and her love for America. Michele was rightly moved and motivated to restoring America back to its pre-socialist era, but sadly her passion was not America’s or the Republican party’s.
Michele was rightly moved and motivated to restoring America back to its pre-socialist era, but sadly her passion was not America’s or the Republican party’s.
It will be after the 2012 elections that we as a nation will reach the FINAL crossroads and point of no return in which secular immorality and national socialism will finally drown this nation once and for all.
Michele has made very clear the warnings as to what this 2012 election presents. It IS the absolute LAST CHANCE that we have as a people to turn back the tide of national socialism, national health care and moral relativism. Socialism already is well at work here in America and has its oppressive hooks in the very fabric of our nation, Washington D.C., and both political parties. It will be after the 2012 elections that we as a nation will reach the FINAL crossroads and point of no return in which secular immorality and national socialism will finally drown this nation once and for all. Without a drastic return by our nation - from the top to the bottom - to true conservatism and the God of our fathers no matter who wins in 2012 it will not be enough to save this nation. America needs a Nineveh repentance (Jonah 3). On the USA Titanic we have only precious moments left.
America needs a Nineveh repentance!

When America finally does implode on herself under the EXPONENTIAL weight of her own decadence, who then will hold back the world’s violent and tyrannical oppressors?
When America finally does implode on herself under the EXPONENTIAL weight of her own decadence, who then will hold back the world’s violent and tyrannical oppressors? Who then will stand for liberty and justice? My dear friends it will be no one, no one at all. It will be then, when the world has finally rejected the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God that this world will head into horrific tribulation such as this world has never seen (Matt. 24, Rev. 6-16). It will be then that all that Almighty God has stated about the Day of the Lord in His precious book (the Bible) will begin to finally come to pass (Isa. 24, Rev. 6-16). That is where we are my friends. We are at the end. Even if George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams and Benjamin Rush came back from the grave to testify against America the majority of American’s would NOT hear them. They would destroy and slander them on the media news outlets and then stone them. We are too far gone morally to restore this nation. It is the sobering reality of our hour and one must ask himself, “Am I strong enough to look into the eye of this horrific beast and by faith put my trust in Almighty God (Mark 11:22, Heb. 11:6)."
Even if George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John Adams and Benjamin Rush came back from the grave to testify against America the majority of American’s would NOT hear them. They would destroy and slander them on the media news outlets and then stone them.
Many TRUE conservatives are scared and truly frightened to death about what lies ahead for our once great nation. My dear friend, fear not about what is at hand for our doomed nation and the current over whelming crises of this temporal fallen world, for all these things MUST come to pass as the Lord Jesus said (Matt. 24).
Put NOT your trust in any man or women in these final hours. May we always be doing our part for our nation, but never trusting in it in such days. May our focus and strength come ONLY from Almighty God and from His precious promises which are for us in His Holy Word (Rom. 8:28-39, 2 Cor. 1:20). From Heaven's perspective the future is always bright.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! May this reality be seen ever clearer as we head forth to that very hour?