Saturday, June 20, 2020

There Are No Short Cuts

Many believers today try to manufacture and produce the heavenly joy and experiential wisdom by earthy carnal means, but the end results of these are the eventually collapse and shipwreck of the child of Almighty God on the rocks of unbelief (Matt 7:26-27, 1 Tim 1:19, Heb. 4:2, James 1:22).
Only when the mind of the child of God is absolutely fixed (Is 26:3) and locked onto Almighty God’s NEVER changing Word - by faith with application (Heb. 11:1,6)  - will the child of God enter into a realm of spiritual treasure and knowledge that transcends the confinements of time (Prov 4:7, Rom. 11:3, Col 2:2-3, 1 Peter 1:7). It is only when Almighty God’s Word is applied and exercised in the life of the child of God that spiritual growth will take place (Psalm 119, John 15). It does not come cheap and is well worth the price (1 Peter 1:7).
Only when the mind of the child of God is absolutely fixed and locked onto Almighty God’s NEVER changing Word - by faith with application - will the child of God enter into a realm of spiritual treasure and knowledge that transcends the confinements of time.
Whatever you are going through today; take this opportunity to trust your Heavenly Father and apply His Word in your life by faith and watch what God will do for you. He will enlarge your mind and heart. He give you a heavenly vision that will help you comprehend and know in your heart that Heaven is our home and that God truly loves you and wants only the highest and best for you (Rom 8:28).  The world will take notice and see His MIGHTY hand upon you, for Christ in you is wise and complete and their famished soul will desire to know and possess the wonderful fruits of the Spirit which are now being manifested in your life (Matt 5:16, Luke 8:8, Gal 5:22-23).
My Beloved, bring along your notebook and pencil and pay close attention to what Almighty God is seeking to teach you. Have faith in God with great thanksgiving, for you will NEVER be the same! 
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
