Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation? - an audio message by Dr. John Whitcomb
Friday, September 22, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Trump's U.N. Speech - A Last Call to the World before the Day of the Lord?
President Trump's speech to the U.N. yesterday was excellent in every way! Very bold, very to the point and very instructional. When viewed in the light of a secular perspective it was what this evil world needed to hear and needs to apply to seek a "somewhat less" lawless worldly "peace" in such difficult days. However, such secular truths and worldly optimism cannot be sustained by the EXPONENTIAL global weight of lawlessness throughout our world today. Trump's speech to the nations of the world is really - from a secular point of view - a last call for change and repentance; and to slow down the world's violent and lawless EXPONENTIAL tendencies before the world of today totally implodes. From a Biblical perspective, we are at the very crossroads of global implosion as a world governed by lawless men. Without the littlest of change globally the Day of the Lord will commence with the Rapture, Covenant of Daniel 9:27 and the arrival of Almighty God's Two Lamp Stands.
However, from a biblical perspective, Trump's speech is for this world and has zero ETERNAL weight to it. That is simple enough to see, but a simple point we wanted to bring out. It was not at all a call to ETERNAL repentance and salvation, but a call globally to fix things based on the remnants of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's Creator. Dear friends, in such an hour the smallest of rogue nations can start a chain reaction which will light the fuse to the commencement of the Four Horsemen and global tribulation (Rev. 6).
The United Nations of today are nothing more than nations which are under the power of the prince of the air and UNITED against their ETERNAL Creator and His ETERNAL Gospel of deliverance from transgressions; which is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Rom. 1:18-32, Acts 17:30-31, Eph, 2:1-2, 2 Cor. 4:3-4). Almighty God and His Propitiation and Lamb would NEVER be let in at the U.N. As a matter of fact, very soon what is ever left of the United Nations will all make war against Almighty God's Two Witnesses, their converts, the 144,000 sealed of Israel and the ETERNAL Son of God (the Lamb) under the U.N. supported Anti-Christ which is to come (Psalm 2, Dan. 7, Rev. 13; 17:11-14). Thank God for men who have the courage to stand up against rogue and oppressive nations today but in our day the world needs ETERNAL REALITY and that REALITY is found ONLY in our Creator's ETERNAL Son (John 1:12; 3:16-17, Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 10:2-4)!
Dear friend, maybe you are trying to put all the pieces of this fallen world puzzle together and have no hope of trying. I want to let you know that your ETERNAL Creator loves you and died for you and offers you an ETERNAL choice. I would like to encourage you to take our Gospel of John Challenge and be totally objective to this challenge.
Almighty God's Son Jesus Messiah came to rescue all humanity from its sin and ruin and to give unto them ETERNAL LIFE and this LIFE is found in Him (John 14:6, 1 John 5:10-13).
As this doomed world - which is at the FULLNESS of its global depravity - is ready to implode, Almighty God the Son reaches out to you with His glorified nailed pierced hands to deliver you. Don't be a fool and push them away. Who will you choose?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Gospel of John Challenge
Trump's speech to the nations of the world is really - from a secular point of view - a last call for change and repentance; and to slow down the world's violent and lawless EXPONENTIAL tendencies before the world of today totally implodes.
However, from a biblical perspective, Trump's speech is for this world and has zero ETERNAL weight to it. That is simple enough to see, but a simple point we wanted to bring out. It was not at all a call to ETERNAL repentance and salvation, but a call globally to fix things based on the remnants of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's Creator. Dear friends, in such an hour the smallest of rogue nations can start a chain reaction which will light the fuse to the commencement of the Four Horsemen and global tribulation (Rev. 6).
The United Nations are nothing more than nations which are under the power of the prince of the air and UNITED against their ETERNAL Creator and His ETERNAL Gospel of deliverance from transgressions which is found in Jesus Christ.
The United Nations of today are nothing more than nations which are under the power of the prince of the air and UNITED against their ETERNAL Creator and His ETERNAL Gospel of deliverance from transgressions; which is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Rom. 1:18-32, Acts 17:30-31, Eph, 2:1-2, 2 Cor. 4:3-4). Almighty God and His Propitiation and Lamb would NEVER be let in at the U.N. As a matter of fact, very soon what is ever left of the United Nations will all make war against Almighty God's Two Witnesses, their converts, the 144,000 sealed of Israel and the ETERNAL Son of God (the Lamb) under the U.N. supported Anti-Christ which is to come (Psalm 2, Dan. 7, Rev. 13; 17:11-14). Thank God for men who have the courage to stand up against rogue and oppressive nations today but in our day the world needs ETERNAL REALITY and that REALITY is found ONLY in our Creator's ETERNAL Son (John 1:12; 3:16-17, Rom. 3:23; 6:23; 10:2-4)!
Almighty God and His Propitiation and Lamb would NEVER be let in and as a matter of fact very soon they will all make war against Almighty God's Two Witnesses, their converts, the 144,000 sealed of Israel and the ETERNAL Son of God (the Lamb) under the U.N. supported Anti-Christ which is to come.
Dear friend, maybe you are trying to put all the pieces of this fallen world puzzle together and have no hope of trying. I want to let you know that your ETERNAL Creator loves you and died for you and offers you an ETERNAL choice. I would like to encourage you to take our Gospel of John Challenge and be totally objective to this challenge.
Almighty God's Son Jesus Messiah came to rescue all humanity from its sin and ruin and to give unto them ETERNAL LIFE and this LIFE is found in Him (John 14:6, 1 John 5:10-13).
As this doomed world - which is at the FULLNESS of its global depravity - is ready to implode, Almighty God the Son reaches out to you with His glorified nailed pierced hands to deliver you. Don't be a fool and push them away. Who will you choose?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Gospel of John Challenge
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
When the Dam Breaks Who Will Protect Israel?
Once America’s restraining power in the world over the tyrants, thugs and dictators of the world ceases to exist, what nation is there to replace her?
Once America’s restraining power in the world over the tyrants, thugs and dictators of the world ceases to exist, what nation is there to replace her? The answer is a horrific soberly one. NONE! My dear friends this is where we are as a world today. Can you not see it my dear friends! Even if we were to exclude the Biblical REALITIES of Almighty God it is ALL right before your eyes of what is at our door (Rev. 6-19), but who is bold enough to let go on one's delusional pride and face reality? Tragically, not many.
Even if we were to exclude the Biblical REALITIES of Almighty God it is ALL right before your eyes of what is at our door.

All the biblical TRUTH which have been spoken by the prophets since Enoch about the Day of the Lord is about to be absolutely fulfilled and what the world has called a fairy tale or " Judeo/Christian religious theory" for centuries will become REALITY.
My dear friends the message has gone out into all the world, but will YOU believe it? Will you face the REALITY that you are in desperate need for the Savior and His RIGHTEOUSNESS (John 3:36, Rom.3:23, 6:23, 10:2-4). My dear friends that is the heart of REALITY for each man, women, boy or girl which will affect ones ETERNAL destiny (John 3:36, 1 John 5:12).
All the biblical TRUTH which have been spoken by the prophets since Enoch about the Day of the Lord is about to be absolutely fulfilled and what the world has called a fairy tale or " Judeo/Christian religious theory" for centuries will become REALITY and all will have to face the TRUTH that the Day of the Lord is here and who can stand before the Wrath of the Lamb (Rev. 6:15-17, 10:7, 17:17).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Two Witnesses are Key! Where Do the Two Witnesses Fit into Daniel 9:27?

Monday, September 18, 2017
The Bizarro World of Hollywood
In the “Bizarro World” culture of Hollywood’s narcissistic elites, it is popular to pontificate against any who practice morality and faith in Almighty God. At the same time, the promotion of the basest of ideals is preferred (e.g., adultery, sodomy and multiplying marriages). They actually see themselves as role models and cultural trend-setters to be followed and worshiped in lockstep. Hollywood’s glamorization and glorification of youthful beauty and human talent is just a thin veil of flesh housing the sewer-like stench of their filthy deeds and superficial soul (Jer. 17:9; Matt. 15:16-20; Jude 1:10). Many today are deceived by this attractive cloak. They see only the tangible, visible appearance, while they are blind to their own wicked heart and godless actions (1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-6; Jude 1:4).
Woe Unto You Hollywood!

We can now sing from our hearts:
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see.
In the end, Christ will either be our Savior or our Judge. Either way, it is our personal choice. Which do you prefer, and are you prepared to live with the consequences of your decision? Remember that if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What Is Sin?
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