The godless reprobate mind is filled with violence, moral relativism and lawlessness designs and its actions have ravished this nation beyond all recognition of what the founding fathers envisioned. It is a sewer of godless thinking and if we could visualize this mind with an image the picture at the top of this post best represents it (Jer. 17:9, Matt. 15:16-20, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 5:19-21. Jude 1:10). This post's picture is graphic... but it best parallels the lawless reprobate mind. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words!
Let us first look at the barbaric act of abortion. Since 1973 there has been 55 million abortions of our American children. May I say that NO gun has ever achieved that statistic not even all the combined arsenal of WW2! The abortion agenda of the Left is the holy grail of their godless ideology. The abortion ideology is a narcissistic ideology, which at its core is rooted in pure death. Of all issues that liberalism promotes and seeks acceptance for none is more championed and protected by these barbarians then abortion. Oh the hypocrisy of the Left!
as a nation have received the Left’s critical theory as absolute today
and our family unit, men, women, children and every aspect of our
society in the name of “liberation” and personal freedom have reaped the
whirlwind upon our culture and society.
Another deviant practice of the liberal mind is that of sexual deviance.
The lawless liberal mind seeks to legitimize and promote all unnatural
acts of sexual perversion which has reaped absolute devastation on our
American culture and society. Sodomy, pedophilia, adultery, pornography,
nudity, immodest dress, deviant sexual promiscuity etc. have all been
legitimized and pushed on our Judeo/Christian culture by our 24/7 media,
Hollywood, the music industry and Internet. We as a nation today have
been dumbed down and placed under a demonic hypnotic stupor. We as a
nation have received the Left’s critical theory as absolute today and
our family unit, men, women, children and every aspect of our society in
the name of “liberation” and personal freedom have reaped the whirlwind
upon our culture and society (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 1:18-31).
Aids, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion, death, many faceted
philological problems, violence, oppression, tyranny, slavery,
addiction, damnable dependency etc… etc… have all come to be and now
have their jack boot on the neck of our nation all because of the
reprobate mind which has now become legal and mainstream (Isa. 5:20).
My friends it is not too hard to see for those who adhere to light and right (John 3:19-21, 8:32, 36),
but our day has become so dark, so deviant, so lawless and yes
relativistic that the average Joe or Sally is totally oblivious to
Divine REALITY and moral absolutes. Today absolutes are so twisted out
of proportion, words and morals are redefined to legitimize lawlessness.
Good is called evil and evil good (Isa. 5:20)! Such were the days in which Isaiah
the prophet spoke about and here we are today with the very same spirit
at work in our nation.
Godlessness, decadence, lawlessness and moral
relativism are now the dominant ideologies of our land.
My dear friend our day is only going to get worse until we as a nation
finally implode upon ourselves. Godlessness, decadence, lawlessness and moral
relativism are now the dominant ideologies of our land. We indeed as a
nation have apostatized not just from Almighty God and His Word but from
moral absolutes as well. The result of this apostasy is very evident
today throughout our U.S. culture and society.
Do not let reprobate minds who are saturated with godlessness and lawlessness deceive you and dictate to you what is right and what is wrong. So subtle are their lies that many today are being deceived and allowing their emotions to do their “thinking for them as they dismiss sound absolutes and people who adhere to them.
Do not let reprobate minds who are saturated with godlessness and lawlessness deceive you and dictate to you what is right and what is wrong. So subtle are their lies that many today are being deceived and allowing their emotions to do their “thinking for them as they dismiss sound absolutes and people who adhere to them.
It is easy to deduce that the Liberal mind - void of Almighty God and moral absolutes is the exceedingly far greater evil and threat to our culture and society than any nation, terrorist, natural disaster or gun.
It is easy to deduce that the Liberal mind - void of Almighty God and moral absolutes is the exceedingly far greater evil and threat to our culture and society than any nation, terrorist, natural disaster or gun.
My dear friends the inmates are now running the asylum, Washington and the media and Satan is more powerful then ever (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12). May choose Almighty God’s Word to give you the light you need and keep your rooted and grounded as we as a nation and a world head strait into the Day of the Lord. I know that this message is a repetitive one... but how many people actually will receive the REALITY of our hour and the ETERNAL TRUTHS of Almighty God's Word? A horrifically sobering not many....
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
A Note: This post's picture is graphic... but it best parallels the lawless reprobate mind. A picture is worth a thousand words!