Fifty plus years after Roe vs. Wade the most dangerous and deadliest place for an unborn child today is to be found in the womb of its own mother. The greatest enemy and threat of the new progressive Democratic Party and moderate Republicans today is the helpless unborn baby which abides IN its mother's womb. Nearly a little more than one third of every child conceived in its mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-20) today has been violently terminated by this barbaric abomination called abortion. Abortion is the by-product of an immoral, decadent culture and society; selfish and narcissistic; void of ALL personal responsibility; ever seeking ones fulfillment through sexual deviance (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10).
Using history as our guide to bring comparison we know for a fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's true war was not the domination of Europe and the world, but the demonic obsession to eliminate ALL Jews from the face of Europe and the world. All other Nazi endeavors fell to a distant second in comparison to the war waged on the Jew. Likewise, the secular godless mind - which is dominant and primarily found in the new Democratic party - has given themselves wholly over to the promotion of lawlessness, base desires, immorality and godlessness (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10); but their "baby", or first love and true war is waged relentlessly on the unborn child. These demonic reprobates will go to any length to justify this butchery and any depths of evil to keep this barbaric practice legal and available for their oppressed base. For it is the Democratic base and its members that the elite Democratic leaders continually seek to control and decimate in order to hold on to their power. These are always expendable and usable for the good of the Democratic elite's agenda and game plan. The overwhelming majority of all abortions have taken place by those oppressed followers of the Democratic party. Like wise the overwhelming atrocities committed against women are by those who are found giving their allegiance to the American Woke Red Democratic party of today.
Satan’s minion Margaret Sanger has had her vision and dream of wiping out the black family almost become a reality today and her disciples like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Wendy David and others of the progressive Democratic party, moderate Republicans and Hollywood's elite are keeping the vision alive and well. The Democratic Left today has totally embraced Sanger's demonic views and vision of race and life and are absolutely militant in enforcing this infanticide and oppression of women and the American culture. The Democratic party are the leading murderers of the black unborn babies in this nation yet come every November tragically they will pull the lever religiously for their taskmasters and destroyers. This week as these reprobates celebrate Roe vs. Wade expect to hear repeatedly the demonic euphemisms of the Left as they seek to promote, justify and proclaim the "virtues" of infanticide (abortion), the "liberation" of woman to practice lawlessness and the slanderous accusations against any who adhere to a moral compass and or value life. More than 55,000,000 abortions have taken place since 1973. that staggering horrific statistic is greater then all the statistical deaths of WW2 European theater.
Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?! Woe unto you America! Woe! You are absolutely consumed with your self-seeking unbridled passions of licentiousness! How shall we (America) - which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God – ever escape the RIGHTEOUS indignation of Almighty God! Wake up out of your satanic stupor and look around at the horrific realities!
Tragically today we see the acceptance of these horrific consequences from this demonically induced movement of abortion received by godless men and women everywhere. We see this barbaric crusade championed everywhere today by the godless Left - all the while we are seeing the manifestation of Almighty God’s wrath on America and the removal of His Divine protective hedge (Isa. 24:5-6; Rev. 6-19). Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a very small believing remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa. 1:9).
Today, we live in a ravished society in which there is at least one individual that we might personally know who has had at least one abortion. May it be our sincere desire as ambassadors of Almighty God (2 Cor. 5:17-21) to share with that individual the loving forgiveness and kindness that is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17; Rev.1:5).
Oh my friend, if you have been one who has been alone and who has had to make decisions that you have fully regretted, turn your heart and eyes to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE. There is ALWAYS HOPE in Almighty God.
As America EXPONENTIALLY speeds down the lawless road to run "smack dab" into the wall of the Day of the Lord, may your hope be found in Almighty God and His precious Word!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What is Sin?
Lucifer's Architect’s of Anarchy
Abortion is the by-product of an immoral, decadent culture and society; selfish and narcissistic; void of ALL personal responsibility; ever seeking ones fulfillment through sexual deviance.
Using history as our guide to bring comparison we know for a fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's true war was not the domination of Europe and the world, but the demonic obsession to eliminate ALL Jews from the face of Europe and the world. All other Nazi endeavors fell to a distant second in comparison to the war waged on the Jew. Likewise, the secular godless mind - which is dominant and primarily found in the new Democratic party - has given themselves wholly over to the promotion of lawlessness, base desires, immorality and godlessness (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10); but their "baby", or first love and true war is waged relentlessly on the unborn child. These demonic reprobates will go to any length to justify this butchery and any depths of evil to keep this barbaric practice legal and available for their oppressed base. For it is the Democratic base and its members that the elite Democratic leaders continually seek to control and decimate in order to hold on to their power. These are always expendable and usable for the good of the Democratic elite's agenda and game plan. The overwhelming majority of all abortions have taken place by those oppressed followers of the Democratic party. Like wise the overwhelming atrocities committed against women are by those who are found giving their allegiance to the American Woke Red Democratic party of today.
Likewise, the secular godless mind - which is dominate and primarily found in the new Democratic party - has given themselves wholly over to the promotion of lawlessness, immorality and godlessness; but their "baby", or first love and true war is waged relentlessly on the unborn child.
Satan’s minion Margaret Sanger has had her vision and dream of wiping out the black family almost become a reality today and her disciples like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Wendy David and others of the progressive Democratic party, moderate Republicans and Hollywood's elite are keeping the vision alive and well. The Democratic Left today has totally embraced Sanger's demonic views and vision of race and life and are absolutely militant in enforcing this infanticide and oppression of women and the American culture. The Democratic party are the leading murderers of the black unborn babies in this nation yet come every November tragically they will pull the lever religiously for their taskmasters and destroyers. This week as these reprobates celebrate Roe vs. Wade expect to hear repeatedly the demonic euphemisms of the Left as they seek to promote, justify and proclaim the "virtues" of infanticide (abortion), the "liberation" of woman to practice lawlessness and the slanderous accusations against any who adhere to a moral compass and or value life. More than 55,000,000 abortions have taken place since 1973. that staggering horrific statistic is greater then all the statistical deaths of WW2 European theater.
Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?!
Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?! Woe unto you America! Woe! You are absolutely consumed with your self-seeking unbridled passions of licentiousness! How shall we (America) - which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God – ever escape the RIGHTEOUS indignation of Almighty God! Wake up out of your satanic stupor and look around at the horrific realities!
Tragically today we see the acceptance of these horrific consequences from this demonically induced movement of abortion received by godless men and women everywhere. We see this barbaric crusade championed everywhere today by the godless Left - all the while we are seeing the manifestation of Almighty God’s wrath on America and the removal of His Divine protective hedge (Isa. 24:5-6; Rev. 6-19). Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a very small believing remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa. 1:9).
Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a small remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE!
Oh my friend, if you have been one who has been alone and who has had to make decisions that you have fully regretted, turn your heart and eyes to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE. There is ALWAYS HOPE in Almighty God.
As America EXPONENTIALLY speeds down the lawless road to run "smack dab" into the wall of the Day of the Lord, may your hope be found in Almighty God and His precious Word!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What is Sin?
Lucifer's Architect’s of Anarchy