An Abomination, as the Holy Scripture defines it, is an idol or false god, making for a false reality. These godless practices and ideologies are put in the place of the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS REALITY of Almighty God and His ETERNAL ABSOLUTES and LAWS (Exodus 20:1-5, Deut 27:15, 2 Kings 23:13, Proverbs 6: 16-19). This rebellious delusion is an absolute abomination (Rom. 1:18-32); a wretched stench, a most vile odor in the nose of Almighty God. Think of some very vile odors with which you are familiar with and then you will understand Almighty God's point of view on the matter. That my dear friends is what our sins smell like before Almighty God. When a godless individual seeks to make a false or an imaginary god, or seeks another reality in the light of Almighty God's ETERNAL Person and attributes as Creator, it is an absolute stench in His nose and an Abomination! (Rom. 1:18-32).
This horrific event will thus be the pinnacle of all abominations since
the beginning of the creation. This Abomination of Abominations will
make absolutely ETERNALLY desolate and waste the godless world system and anyone
who trusts in and gives their allegiance to the Anti-Christ and receives
his mark!
The upcoming horrific event called the Abomination of Desolation (Dan. 9:27, 11:36-37, 12:11, Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:4, Rev 13:4) by the anti Christ will be the pinnacle of all abominations since the beginning of the creation. This Abomination of abominations will make absolutely ETERNALLY desolate and waste the godless world system and anyone who trusts in and gives their allegiance to the Anti-Christ and receives his mark! (Rev. 14:9-11). This last and final Abomination will absolutely desolate the wicked of this world for all ETERNITY who receive the beast's mark (Daniel 2:44-45, 7:26-27, Matt 13:30,47-49, 25:41, Rev.19:20). At the return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom, all unregenerate humanity (the unsaved) will be removed from the earth (Matt.13:30,39-42, 47-50). Their future destination will be the ultimate prison for all ETERNITY: The Lake of Fire, called Hell (Rev. 20:11-15). The Anti-Christ himself, in whom the multitudes of the earth have put all their hope and trust, has led them to the place of ultimate desolation. All those who enter into this final abode truly must “Abandon All Hope!”
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The Salvation of Desolation

Almighty God has made
wonderful provision for our salvation, which is found only in Christ! He
is the Salvation from our Desolation.
Almighty God wants only the highest and best for you. Don't turn your back on His great love – you will only die in your sins and be made desolate. Almighty God has made wonderful provision for our salvation, which is found only in Christ! He is the Salvation from our desolation (Romans 7:24-25, Eph. 2:1-10). Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If not, put your trust in Him today! You will never be the same! Jesus is the only Salvation from every type of desolation (Rom. 7:12-25).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Rejoice!
The Gospel of John Challenge
Seven Year to the Day - 70 Weeks of Daniel
Setting In The West and Rising In The East - The Glorious Gospel Message
The Above Picture