It would seem to me and some others that Americanism is now taking first
place among evangelicals; who just a few months ago were very eager to
hear and who were daily keeping an eye on our world's prophetic events
leading to the
Lord's trumpet blast and
the Day of the Lord (1 Thess. 4:13-18, Rev. 6-19).
My dear friends hear this one watchmen of the Lord if you please. We
were NEVER so close to losing this nation and its global retraining
power as we were in November and since then - by Almighty God's grace -
He has spare our nation for a brief moment for His people to seek Him
with ALL our hearts, to get out His ETERNAL Word of redemption and to
blow the shofar of warning that the Day of the Lord is at hand! How can
we ever think and deceive ourselves that we can save this nation when it
is moments from its end!
He has spare our nation for a brief moment for His people to seek Him
with ALL our hearts, to get out His ETERNAL Word of redemption and to
blow the shofar of warning that the Day of the Lord is at hand!

We here at the IFB have been zealously praying
for president Trump for Almighty God's saving grace, wisdom and
guidance in such days; but he or any of our founding fathers - if they
were here today - can NEVER nor could EVER save this sinking Titanic of a
nation, for we are EXPONENTIALLY past the point of no return; for
globally the Day of the Lord is at hand! I pray to Almighty God that you
have the spiritual eyes to see that, for if you do not you will be
totally opened and in a place to be deceived by the god of this world
(2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2). How can any society survive when moral absolutes are hated, scoffed at
and demonized by millions of Americans and both political parties? The answer is, “It
will not! nor will it EVER!” Thus, we now see the final sad state and coming downfall of
once great and highly respected nation as the Day of the Lord is rapidly approaching
(Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:3).
Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise.
it will be this complete abandonment of moral absolutes that will be
America's final demise and my dear friend we are already there! This nation - due to her abandonment of moral
absolutes and the soon coming
Rapture of
the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the
door to the entrance of the Four Horsemen and the dreaded Day of the
(Rev. 6-19).
My dear friends, it is absolutely crucial for all of Almighty God's
people to keep Almighty God first and His ETERNAL purpose first in such
days. My friend, if you are
one who knows NOT the Savior please be sure that you personally DO (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 John 5:10-13). This world is headed into
the final showdown
between demonic and human lawlessness verse the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God; between Lucifer the fallen
angelic creature verses the ETERNAL GOD and CREATOR of ALL
(Rev. 16:13-16)!
Be sure that you are on your Creator's side, who loved you and died for
your transgressions and to be your propitiation and Savior
(John 1:12, 3:16-17, Rom. 10:4, 1 John 4:10).
My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!