With today's
EXPONENTIAL technological advances in media accelerating the corruption
of the simple from all walks of life, it is not hard to see that we as a
nation have very little time left.

As the end was near for the Titanic, the on lookers who had heeded to the early warnings and those who now had come to the sobering reality that the end was near aboard the ship were able to see and feel the rear of the Titanic raise its tail ever faster into the air. They knew without a shadow of doubt that their end was imminent. We also today - who choose to have eyes to see - can see America's rapid decline and disintegration knowing our nation's end is truly at hand. In the last 5 years under a fascist communist President and a secular leftist controlled Senate, we has seen our nation's rapid decline morally, spiritually, socially, culturally and fiscally EXPONENTIALLY accelerate! So rapid has been our nation's decline that it staggers the imagination. How can this ever be is the cry?? We are America! However, now at our end we can begin to comprehend that the accumulated rushing waters of critical theory, Marxism, lawlessness, secularism, decadence and godlessness have filled our nation's hull for decades and give us NO MORE time to save her from ruin.
New leadership aboard the Titanic in its last moments
would not have saved the Titanic from sinking for it was fatally too
late; so also new leadership in D.C. etc.. will not save America from it
final implosion.
As the icy waters with its two mile depth consumed the Titanic, so also will the Day of the Lord consume the remains of America and remove her power and influence off of the world's stage.
When the Titanic finally sunk into its two mile deep icy watery grave, where were its travelers to go? Those who jumped into the icy waters were consumed by its freezing power, so also will those who survive America implosion meet their end by being consumed by a world that despises and abhors her (Rev. 6-19). Only those today who are in the life boat of Christ will be saved (delivered) (John 3:16-17, Acts 16:28-30, Gal. 1:4, 2 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 John 3:1-4, Rev. 3:8-11). As the icy waters with its two mile depth consumed the Titanic, so also will the Day of the Lord consume the remains of America and remove her power and influence off of the world's stage (Rev. 6-19). America is NO WHERE to be found in Biblical prophecy by name or even referenced... absolutely NO WHERE! My dear friends, either you will wake up to this REALITY or you will be left behind and consumed by the Day of the Lord. That is the great crossroads today and Americans especially conservatives will not face the REALITY of this TRUTH and as a matter of fact This Divine TRUTH and REALITY is a stupid fairy tale to them (2 Peter 3:3-7).
What you need to ask your self is what will you do with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World and its future King of kings!
It is high time to understand that this present highly technological world with its highly advance technological weapons of mass destruction has run out of places to go and is heading as a bullet straight into the Day of the Lord. This is no fable or apocalyptic fairy tale. It WILL BE! What you need to ask your self is what will you do with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World and its future King of kings! There is ALWAYS hope in Almighty God! Will you look to Him for all your solutions for now and ETERNITY future?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!