As a boy growing up in the late 70’s I was a passionate Pittsburgh Steelers fan. The Steelers were notoriously known for their solid defense and were nicknamed the
"Steel Curtin”. This solid defense of the Steelers allowed very little offensive gain from their opponents and is legendary and highly acclaimed by football fans unto this day.
Almighty God “as it were” puts up His “steel curtain” defense of EVERLASTING grace and mercy against His lost and perishing creature (man).
In the light of ETERNITY, Almighty God “as it were” puts up His “steel curtain” defense of EVERLASTING grace and mercy against His lost and perishing creature (man) in a desperate attempt to prolong and derail our godless rebellion and ETERNAL destiny of perdition and doom in the ETERNAL prison hold called, “the Lake of Fire”
(John 3:16-17, Rev. 20:11-15).
The Bible states,
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17).
My friend, can you not see how Almighty God’s grace and mercy and providential management on our behalf – when we were once lost and dead in our trespasses and transgressions
(Isa. 53:6, Rom. 5:10, Eph. 2:1-2) – has spared and kept us from our own self destructive will and lawless rebellious desires against our Creator and against His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS absolutes
(Isa. 53:6, Rom. 2:4, 5:6, 2 Peter 3:9,15). He has - throughout all of our lives prior to our salvation - always put up His Heavenly Steel Curtain defense as we in our past unbelief and godless rebellion beat our drum to the course of this world and have sought to rush and carry our self willed and godless agenda straight in to the HELL Zone
(Gen. 3:22-24, Rom. 2:4, Eph. 2:1-10).
How else could we have ever come to a saving knowledge of the truth if it had not been for Almighty God’s Steel Curtain of grace and mercy
(Luke 18:13, Rom. 2:4, 1 Tim. 2:3-4)?
It is with ALL of Almighty God’s ETERNAL BEING that He desires ALL to come to repentance and to a full acknowledgment of their transgressions against the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS absolutes of His ETERNAL Person
(John 3:17, 1 Tim. 2:3-4, 2 Peter 3:9). Almighty God also greatly desires ALL to come to a saving knowledge of His Son - The Lord Jesus Christ – man’s only means for propitiation and pardon for ETERNAL redemption
(Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 1:30, 1 John 2:2). Oh beloved, what Divine wondrous love! What could ever – in FOREVER - compare to the ETERNAL Divine righteous love of man’s
omnipotent and omniscient Creator
(Jude 1:25)?
Rushing One's Rebellion into the Hell Zone
These wondrous truths of time and ETERNITY also apply to all of the world’s - past and present - lost and unregenerate children of Adam’s fallen race
(Rom. 5:12). My friend, NO ONE will ever end up in the Lake of Fire for all ETERNITY without choosing to go there for themselves
(John 3:36, 1 John 5:12). My friend, NO ONE ever ends up FOREVER in the Lake of Fire without fighting tooth and nail against the EVERLASTING grace and mercy of Almighty God’s Heavenly "Steel Curtain".
When an unregenerate individual - whether morally virtuous or wickedly vile - outright rejects Almighty God's ETERNAL sovereignty, he as a raging bull seeks to push the limits of Almighty God’s grace and mercy.
There comes the point in each individual’s life (this temporal earthly existence) in which they have solidly chosen and have set in concrete their decision for or against their Creator
(Ezek. 24:13, Hosea 7:13, Matt. 23:37, Rom. 1:18-32). When an unregenerate individual - whether
morally virtuous or wickedly vile - out right rejects Almighty God's ETERNAL sovereignty, he as a raging bull seeks to push the limits of Almighty God’s grace and mercy. What is most tragic is that God will eventually step out of the way and lets these
God haters beat their godless drum in this "brief existence" called "time" unto their ETERNAL doom
(Rom 1:18-32). History is filled with these countless precedents of the godless virtuous and vile who have rejected Almighty God’s saving grace through out the 6000 year history of creation. As Almighty God’s infallible Word so truly states, All have sinned
(Rom. 3:23)! All have violated and have transgressed Almighty God’s ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS absolutes and His Ten Commandments in their hearts, souls, minds and with their actions
(Rom. 3:10-23)! My friend, Virtuous or vile
ALL have Sinned! ALL are violators of God’s ETERNAL righteous absolutes! ALL need God’s saving solution and Savior!
Beloved, God is Righteous!

My friend, for years some of us have prayed vigilantly for loved ones and individuals to come to a saving knowledge of the Savior, only to have these individuals choose to die in
their sins and transgressions in the end
(John 8:24, Rom. 6:23). My friends, has Almighty God turned a deaf ear to our desperate pleas and petitions for our loved ones? GOD FORBID!!!! Almighty God wants these individuals saved and regenerated more than we ever could. God fully comprehends the entire magnitude of their ETERNAL destiny and loves them more than we ever could with A PERFECT AND ETERNAL LOVE
(John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9,16). God the Father sent and gave His only begotten Son to meet our ETERNAL dire needs
(Rom. 6:23, 10:4, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 John 3:5). God the Son put on humanity and violently died and shed His
sinless blood on the cross for the sins of the whole world to be our perfect propitiation and Savior
(Gal. 1:4, Heb, 10:7-10, 1 Peter 1:18-19, 1 John 2:2, Rev 1:5).
God fully comprehends the entire magnitude of their ETERNAL destiny and loves them more than we ever could with A PERFECT AND ETERNAL LOVE.
Throughout these individuals’ (our loved ones and the whole world’s ) entire lives (existence in time) Almighty God has put up the “Heavenly Steel Curtain” and has made every attempt to deliver these godless and lawless individuals
(whether virtuous or vile - good or evil) from their fallen state and ETERNAL doom, but in the end these choose ruin and destruction instead of ETERNAL righteousness and fellowship with their Creator in spirit and truth
(Matt. 25:41, John 4:24, Rev. 20:11-15). What is most tragic is that these individuals chose to reject God’s saving grace throughout their entire short “flower of the field” lives and live in a delusion about the ETERNAL realities of righteousness and judgment. These - in the end - dive head first over Almighty God's "Heavenly goal line stance" into ETERNAL perdition, ruin and judgment (i.e., into the Hell Zone). Each human being is the sole captain of their ETERNAL destiny. In the end, it is each one's own personal decision that chooses their ETERNAL destiny and habitation.
In the end, it is each one's own personal decision that chooses their ETERNAL destiny and habitation.

My Beloved, always remember that in Almighty God is no evil or unrighteousness
(Job 34:10, Psalm 116:5, Rom. 9:14). He NEVER can lie
(Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18). He is only LOVING, MERCIFUL, GRACIOUS, LONG SUFFERING and most of all RIGHTEOUS
(Psalm 86:15, 103:8, 116:5, 145:17, John 4:9,16, 2 John 1:3)!
“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? (Gen 18:25c)”
There are many hard and overwhelming realities to deal with today in this lost and dying world. May we be bold as lions to see these realities for what they are from
Almighty God’s Eternal perspective? It is from this Heavenly position that we will be set free from all of the temporal overwhelming realities of time and ETERNITY
(John 8:32, 36, Col. 3:1-2).
My friends let me quote Almighty God once more.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:16-17)."
My beloved, I do not know how to state anything more wonderful than that! Beloved, enjoy God and let him LOVE you as only He can in these trying days.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Heaven’s Eternal Perspective Will Set You Free!
What is Sin - A must read!