As of late, all we have been hearing from the hyper leftist propaganda news media – is that, “America is in a fiscal “Armageddon”. The media and ‘Marxist” Washington D.C. has been pushing crisis after crisis in their never ending evil designs to seize more and more power and control over our Republic form of democracy. The word “Armageddon” - which has been used continually by these fear mongers,- has been used by many in many different ways and in many different contexts to describe a situation of gloom or pending catastrophe, but sadly when this word (Armageddon) is used it is ALWAYS taken out of its original biblical context, thus clouding and distorting the seriousness of its meaning and watering down its horrific sobering realities of the godless world's FINAL global battle against Almighty God (Rev. 16:13-16).
But sadly when this word is used it is ALWAYS taken out of its original biblical context, thus clouding and distorting the seriousness of its meaning and watering down its horrific sobering realities of the godless world's "Final Global Battle" against Almighty God.
As far back as the pre-flood world, Almighty God has spoken of a Day when He would judge the world for their lawless and rebellious violations against the ETERNAL (spiritual and natural) absolutes of Almighty God(Jude 1:14-15). Mankind - who lives in his fallen darkened subjective world - has rejected the ETERNAL sovereignty of Almighty God - his Creator - and has been at continual war against Him since Adam’s fall (Gen.3, Rom. 1:18-32; 3, 5:12-21).

With the incredible new HYPER - EXPONENTIAL technological advances of our day expect mankind to out do themselves as they continue to express their violent and lawless tendencies to all new levels of catastrophic barbarity and godlessness.
There has NEVER been a century of death, violence, famine, genocide, barbarity, anti Almighty God, anti Semitism and anti Christian until we reached the 20th century. With the incredible new HYPER - EXPONENTIAL technological advances of our day expect mankind to out do themselves as they continue to express their violent and lawless tendencies to all new levels of EXPONENTIAL catastrophic barbarity and godlessness (Matt. 24:10-12; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; Rev. 6-16). My friend, that is exactly where we are heading as a world and what the seven tribulation period (Daniels’s 70th week) will EXPONENTIALLY manifest and demonstrate (Matt 24; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 6-16). It will be - at this time - that the final rebellious expression of mankind’s hatred against Almighty God their Creator and His ETERNAL sovereignty will fully be manifested to its zenith! Even with the overwhelming SUPER NATURAL signs and wonders of Almighty God’s Two Lamp Stands (Moses and Elijah), nothing will hinder and stop the wrath of fallen mankind and their demonic masters to do FINAL battle against Almighty God’s program for the ages found in the nation of Israel (Zech. 12:3-4, Rom. 9-11) at the battle of Armageddon. My friend, ALL is heading to Armageddon!
It will be during these seven years of tribulation that mankind will reach the rebellion zenith against their Creator under the demonic influence of Lucifer and his released fallen hosts.

May you harden not your hearts and understand what Almighty God's ETERNAL LOVE is for you. As this Day approaches, may you be sure that you personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as you PERSONAL Savior (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Acts 16:29-31)! You will NEVER be the same!!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Armageddon = seat of unity
Many interpretations of the “armageddon” in Revelations 16:16 refer to a physical place near Israel.
This is not correct.
It does not refer to a physical place but to a state, a condition, a seat of unity (a unified belief).
armageddon….in Greek….αρμαγεδων
This word is a combination of two words…αρμα…..&…..εδω.
αρμα = unity
εδω = seat
Therefore, the true meaning of armageddon is the “seat of unity”.
Rev. 16:12-16
And it (three in one) (the dragon, the beast, the prophet) with one belief, with one strength, with one voice, as unclean spirits of demons, went forth to all leaders of nations doing signs so as to gather (assemble, unite) for battle, opposition, contention against the rulership by a (the) One and Only Son of Almighty God, Jesus Christ.
Christ says…Behold , I come as thief to take away, against man’s will, that which is most cherished by him.
Christ says…watch, be on guard, be ready that you are wearing the blessed garment that will be acceptable to the One God, for any other will be taken away, leaving you in the shame of your nakedness and rejection.
And it (the dragon, the beast, the prophet) will , through its “powerful belief”, raise, gather together the rulers and nations to the condition/state of a unified seat of belief…to a unified ruling way of life that all will embrace….which will cause all of mankind to confront, reject, and battle Christ as the One King.
Which belief does the most powerful country promote as the right way?
Which belief do all rulers and men embrace?
….Freedom of self will…the desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
Today this is advanced as freedom of rights, freedom of all religions.
….this belief, this seat, dictates that it is right to be free to worship any ‘god’.
Look….do you recognize the signs? If not, then you do not want to see.
It is Only Christ that will rule as the One King according to and in obedience to the One Will of the Creator, and not according to man’s 1st love for his “freedom”.
John Stefanyszyn
I thought Armageddon came from the Hebrew "Har Megiddo" meaning "Valley of Megiddo" - this is the literal - although the symbolic translation offered in the Greek by the previous poster also has meaning as well.
True my friend, but the point being made was the battle not a horrific event.
i find the word armageddon kinda beautiful the "mainstream ussed it wrong because if i understand from what youre saying it means seat of unity that doenst sound evil or bad
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