Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homosexual War on Christianity Continues to Rage

There are many people, including some supposed “conservatives,” who scoff at those of us who warn of the dangers of the radical homosexual agenda. “What homosexual agenda? There is no such thing,” they say. “Giving homosexuals the equal right to marry will in no way hurt traditional marriage,” they say.

Despite these false assertions, we still keep sounding the alarm, and each week brings new evidence that what is at stake is nothing short of the loss of our constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and religion. I have warned that these freedoms cannot coexist with a successful implementation of the radical homosexual agenda’s platform, and the proof of this truth keeps rolling in.

You may have read or heard about the judge in New Jersey who, last week, stole the First Amendment rights of members of a ministry who refused the request of two homosexual women who wanted to make a mockery of the marriage ceremony on the ministry’s property.

WND’s Bob Unruh reported last Thursday,

"A ministry that follows the dictates of its faith is engaging in wrongdoing, according to a New Jersey judge who recommended today that the state Division on Civil Rights find the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association violated the state’s nondiscrimination law.

'The respondent violated the [Law Against Discrimination] when it refused to conduct a civil-union ceremony for Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Paster,' wrote Solomon Metzger, an administrative law judge whose determination will become final if not overturned by the Division of Civil Rights.

'Respondent opposes same-sex unions as a matter of religious belief, and in 2007 found itself on the wrong side of recent changes in the law.'

The seaside location has been popular for years for weddings, but the association, which is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, determined it could not biblically allow same-sex ceremonies to take place on its property.

So when Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster signed up for such a ceremony, they were turned down. They filed the discrimination complaint, and the state’s Division on Civil Rights joined their cause."

Here is yet another example of activist homosexuals pushing their cause by attempting to force those who hold to Christian knowledge to bend to the will of members of the radical homosexual movement. This is happening regularly all across our nation, and leftist judges are fully on board with this program of Hell. This judge’s ruling is clearly an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment rights of the members of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association.

This kind of faulty ruling is one result of tacking on the designation of “sexual orientation” to the list of non-discrimination laws for specially protected groups. Non-discrimination laws, with the added dimension of specially protected, unnatural sexual behaviors, are detrimental to the First Amendment freedoms of American citizens in general, and therefore could be argued to be unconstitutional.

After this New Jersey judge’s ruling, the Alliance Defense Fund, which represented the ministry, is considering its options, but, as Bob Unruh reported, it appears options are limited, because the judge’s ruling will stand unless it is overturned by the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights—the bureaucracy that the two homosexuals already have on their side.

It is these kinds of rulings that are steadily eroding our God-given rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech and expression—rights that are supposed to be protected by the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those who argue that the homosexual agenda poses no threat to American society are either ignorant, deceived or lying. The goal of radical homosexual activists is the total silencing of any opposition to their unhealthy, immoral behavior, and they have been waging a militaristic campaign for several decades now, a campaign that includes heavy pro-homosexual indoctrination of public school children and college kids, as the next story clearly illustrates.

Have you heard about the brave, Christian Girl Scout who called for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies and why she did it? A 14-year-old Girl Scout from California named Taylor, with no last name released, posted a You Tube video calling for the boycott in response to Girl Scouts USA admitting that they now allow boys who think they are girls to be members of the Girl Scouts. We are talking about boys as old as high school age being allowed to be “Girl Scouts.”

WND’s Drew Zahn reported that Taylor had to set her You Tube page to “private” after the vicious backlash she received from pro-homosexual You Tube members. Her video can still be viewed, having been posted by at least one other person who only posted it in order to berate the girl.

What is most sickening in this story, besides the obvious point of the Girl Scouts USA allowing boys to be members, is the flood of ignorant and deceived reactions to her video. I watched several responses, and it is plain to see the depth of pro-homosexual indoctrination that has occurred in the minds of our young people.

Far too many kids nowadays are deceived about the truth of homosexuality and related mental and spiritual disorders, including so-called “transgender” people—people who imagine they are members of the opposite sex. Our kids—at least those who do not have a proper foundation of truth knowledge—have been brainwashed into believing such nonsense is reality and acceptable, and it is quite disturbing to see this deception on parade in those You Tube responses.

One You Tube poster, a girl who appears to be in her early-20s, had this to say,

“Taylor, your main argument appears to be that Girl Scouts is a place for only girls, where girls can have a female-only environment, where they can be themselves as girls. The fault in your logic occurs when you use the definition of ‘girl’ to mean ‘has a vagina.’ Biological sex, having a penis or a vagina, is different than gender, which is your innate female or maleness. There’s also a huge range of other gender and sexual identities, but I’ll focus on the binary for now.

For me personally, as a longtime Girl Scout myself, I take the word ‘girl’ to mean ‘identifies as female.’ Because of this, I think the Girl Scouts is the place for any child who feels they are a girl, regardless of what parts they were born with.”

A boy who appears to be in his mid-twenties said this,

“If there were a Trangendered Scouts of America, that would be an interesting half-step in-between, but again, that would be missing the point that transgendered girls are girls—not anatomically, but still in their minds, in their actions, and in how they perceive themselves and they perceive the world.”

Another young lady spouted the false comparison talking point of the radical homosexual movement which attempts to compare the immutable characteristic of race to the behavior of homosexuality when she said,

“What you need to understand, however, is that the world is changing. The world will always change. Years ago, there would’ve been videos like this—if we had the technology available, of course—of someone saying that troops allowed little black girls into the Girl Scouts and how atrocious that was and how they weren’t being honest or faithful or whatever.

I just can’t wait till ten, even five years from now when you look back on that video and you think, ‘Wow. That’s embarrassing,’ because there will be people who identify as girls in the Girl Scouts, regardless of whether or not they have an ‘inney’ or and ‘outey,’ and I’m not talking about their belly button.”

And, in another video, a 20-something girl made this statement that apparently makes perfect sense to her scrambled mind,

“Now, first of all I want to point out that transgendered girls are girls. Just because they were born into boys’ bodies does not mean that they are not female.

… These are not transgender boys. They are transgender girls. They are born in the body of a boy. They are identifying as a girl.”

There is your 20-something-year-old mindset. There is the result of successful homosexual indoctrination of kids by the government-run public schools and colleges, the media and entertainment industries. There is the death of common sense. There is the result of decades of parental abandonment of learning and teaching the truth of God’s Word, the truth of the ages and the truth of human sexuality, which belongs to a married man and woman, but which has instead been woefully perverted and abused by a lost and dying world.

When you watch these kids’ videos, when you look into their eyes, it’s enough to break your heart. These kids are speaking their deeply-held convictions, not realizing how dead-wrong they are. We have lost the war for the soul of our society. We lost it years ago, and now that many of us are awake to that fact, we are in damage control mode, but it may not be enough to push back the forces of darkness and perversion that seek to defeat the forces of Christian morality.

Girl Scouts USA is a radical leftist organization. That may go without saying to those of us who pay attention to such things, but if you have not been watching and are not aware, Girl Scouts is aligned with a number of leftwing causes and organizations. The Girl Scouts website list of those groups and causes that Girl Scouts has embraced, includes environmental wackoism with “Earth Hour,” the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the “US Green Building Council,” which teaches little girls about the communistic “sustainable development” agenda. Speaking of sustainable development, Girl Scouts is also partnered with the United Nations—ain’t that swell? Girl Scouts is also wedded to the deceptive “diversity” movement, as is stated elsewhere on the website. When you closely examine its agenda, you can easily see that Girl Scouts is no place for girls.

The radical homosexual war on Christianity and common sense continues to rage in America, from the Christian ministry losing its First Amendment rights, to the Christian Girl Scout being viciously attacked for standing for her knowledge of the truth. Although it seems an uphill battle, we will continue to fight in the court of public opinion, in the courts of law and in the spirit realm, where the true battle is taking place. Those of us who know the truth and know the Lord should pray for the young people of America, like those deceived kids in the You Tube videos, and for all those people who are trapped in the various manifestations of homosexuality. We should pray for the healing of their minds and hearts and pray that one day, before it is too late, they will accept the freedom from the slavery to sin which can only be found in salvation through Jesus Christ.

Read more:

Gina Miller

Posted with permission.

Homosexuality--What Does the Bible Teach?

HOMOSEXUALITY - What Does God Say?


1 comment:

  1. To any closeted LGBT folks out there:

    There is nothing wrong with your sexuality, any shame you feel is just a cultural thing, you can let it go and be loved for who you are.
