The liars of Liars Inc have manufactured and exalted a false perception of this nation,
its founding
and of late Barack Obama to the American people in every conceivable way
since 2000. They have manufactured crisis after crisis, have reinvented
Obama time after time and they “created” an Obama presidency choke full
of myths, fantasies, legends and exploits to sell to the idiots of
America who do not know up or down the mother of all theses lies is the horrific totalitarian power grab of
Obama-care. What is absolutely tragic in ways unimaginable is that the majority of these whoopers especially
Obama-care have
been received by many of the American people to further promote the
Liars Inc corporation’s secular Marxist agenda. For more detailed
information about this truth I would like to encourage all to read
Front Page Magazine article on this and
David Limbaugh’s book “The Great Destroyer”
in which David goes into great detail about President Obama’s
presidency and his Marxist agenda and deception. This book gives great
insightful details and countless references - not perversions and false
truths – throughout the whole book as to who and what Barack Obama is
truly about. Is it any wonder
that the Libya terrorist attack on our U.S. embassy was covered up, reshaped, twisted, distorted and lied about since day one. There is nothing sacred to this bunch except absolute power and holding on to it. All is expendable and on the alter when it comes to this truth. Remember when President Geo. W Bush was the commander and chief after 9/11? Remember how the Lefts war machine at every chance sabotage our president's efforts, nation's security and our soldiers safety time and time again just to regain their power in Washington. I am still spell bound by this. It was under President Bush's presidency that the Left came out of the LAWLESS closet lock, stock and barrel and revealed themselves to all who exactly they were, yet the buffoons of American voted them into power in the 2006 elections and we as a nation have and will NEVER recover.
Left at their core are rooted in delusion, abhor moral and spiritual
absolutes (which only promote and strengthen a society and culture) and
are lawless and subjective in all their thoughts and actions.
The Left
at their core are rooted in delusion, abhor moral and spiritual
absolutes (which only promote and strengthen a society and culture) and
are lawless and subjective in all their thoughts and actions
(Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 5:19-21). They are dominated by unstable emotional reasoning and not governed by absolute or intelligent reasoning
(Jude 1:10).
They are driven by their narcissistic lustful desires of passion, sex,
Eros pleasure, vindictive rage and power. They abhor with their entire
being any who believe in spiritual and moral absolutes and the ETERNAL
LIGHT of reality
(Prov. 29:27, Rom. 3, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, Jude 1:10-13).
They love darkness and despise light. Any who adhere to moral and
spiritual absolutes must in their mind be destroyed to preserve their
(Prov. 29:27, John 3:19-21, 2 Thess. 3:10-12). Who does this sound like
(John 8:44)?
Tyranny to the Left is the enforcement and personal adherence to
REALITY and the application of ETERNAL spiritual absolutes and physical
moral absolutes which have governed this world since the creation
(Gen. 1:31, Psalm 19:8-9, Isa. 32:17).
These lawless ones ever seek to exist outside of these established
absolutes instilled by Almighty God they willfully choose to
continually to violate these established absolutes (moral and spiritual)
they reap the catastrophic consequences of their own lawless doings
(Isa. 5:20, 57:21, Hosea 4:6, Gal. 6:7).
These NEVER hold themselves accountable or responsible for their self
induced actions and because of their blindness and subjective heart and
mind they have to have a scapegoat to blame for their self induced
consequences. These have manufactured defensive bulwarks to protect and
insulate themselves from their guilty consciences and from reality and
(John 3:19-21).
These manufactured bulwarks created by the Left are called political
correctness, moral relativism and pluralism. Along with these bulwarks
they use the artillery of slander to defend, demonize and destroy their
enemies with such accusations as bigot, hater, homophobe, idiot, stupid,
racist, greedy, self righteous, Halliburton, Bush, Wall Street, Jesus
freak, holier than thou, Bible thumper and any violent profane word or
phrases that bleep when they are used on TV or Radio
(John 8:44).
They abhor with their entire being any who believe in spiritual and moral absolutes and the ETERNAL LIGHT of reality.
My dear friends in a world full of darkness where reality, moral
absolutes and ETERNAL spiritual absolutes are despised and rejected by
man made spiritual ideologies (i.e., religion) and political ideologies
(i.e., conservatives, liberals, progressive and moderates etc),
deception is rampant and humanity because of error, unbelief and
lawlessness are enslaved by the god of this world and are prisoners to
his diabolical will
(2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12).
No wonder it is so easy to lie today and deceive and bamboozle the
masses with false promises, dreams, hopes and admirations for the
majority of Americans and the world are totally open to this deception
and exist in this delusion and receive it as normal
(Isa. 5:20). The
Day of Darkness and global tribulation is at our very door my dear friends and nothing is going to stop that Day from coming
(1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6-19).
Our nation, as a whole is headed down that road and we as an American
people have Liars Inc and the abandoners of reality and moral absolutes
to thank for our nation’s rapid decline as the global restraining power.
Once America
fully gives way and implodes upon itself due to the vigilant efforts of
godlessness and secular lawlessness provided by the BIG Government
Corporation of Liars Inc what will ever contain the world’s aggression
and lawlessness. Absolutely nothing! Absolutely nothing! It will be only
global tribulation
(Rev. 6-19). Let’s take a look at who makes up the secular corporation called Liars Inc.
The Democratic Leadership
The Democratic leadership is the ruling class of Liars Inc and is made
up of lawless secular Marxist progressives who despise our American
constitution and
all that our Founding Fathers
stood for. Their one passion is absolute power and control. Their
elitist vision is to put ALL (Democrats and Republicans, conservatives
and liberals) under their thumb so they can establish themselves as the
monarchy and establish a completely
secular state where God is left out
and man reigns supreme. The goal and motivation of these is to reach a
delusional utopia in which they can reap the wages of lawlessness and
finally find temporal fulfillment.
The Mainstream Media
The Mainstream Media are the lying propagandist of Liars Inc and slavishly do the work for
the Left’s “state
corporation” via newspapers, publications, radio, the movie industry,
Hollywood, the music industry, TV and TV images. They provide for the
Left with talking points, slander, accusations, character assassination,
victim status, false perceptions, agitation, cover, protection and
demonization of any who threaten their statist corporation’s (Liars Inc)
existence. They are passionate about their calling and lawless and
destructive in their deeds. The MSM are the greatest asset to Lairs Inc
and have great power and persuasion in deceiving the American masses.
They are masters of clouding reality and established truth based on the
Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. They are indeed disciples of their
father and are crucial to Liars Inc’s protection and existence
(John 8:44).
The Moderates
The Moderates are made up of centrist Republicans, Independents and
Democrats. They are liberal on many social issues but have a somewhat
conservative view of fiscal polices. They themselves are minor
socialists even though they do not know it and are spineless when it
comes to standing for anything of absolute value. They adhere to moral
and religious relativism, which gives them their lack of confidence when
voting or making any sound decisions. These serve as the timid sword of
Liars Inc and when intimidated will side with the liars of Liars Inc in
the name of “compromise”. All of these fools compromises throughout the
years have led us to the very precipice that we find ourselves on as a
nation. Without these cowards help the liars of Liar Inc would NEVER be
where they are today.
The Base of Liars Inc
followers of Liars
Inc are the tragic victims of this evil corporation; oppressed and
enslaved; whose sole purpose is to serve their task masters without
question. They are misguided individuals who have given themselves over
to their emotions, fallen senses, lawlessness, godlessness and self
imposed victim status. They are addicted to the state, union control,
godless and very angry because of their self imposed lawless behavior.
They have been ravished by the Liars Inc CEO and taskmasters and are
sheep and
storm troopers for the elite
Left to use to intimidate and insight fear into the enemies of Liars
Inc. The MSM are the ones who “whip” into frenzy these poor foolish
souls and they control their thoughts and personal decisions on a daily
basis. These Big Government sheep have been striped of all their God
given rights and freedoms by Liars Inc and have been put in the
Government socialistic concentration camp called “Big Government” to
live out their lawless existence here in time until their death. These
are never ever allowed to think for themselves and to participate in the
America dream. They are stripped and beaten of all their personal
accountabilities and personal responsibilities and if any of these
individuals leave the state concentration camp of Liars Inc they are
slandered, demonized and hunted down by the media and labeled as sell
outs and traitors by the MSM and the Liars Inc corporation. What is most
tragic is that these have been led to believe in their hearts that they
will find favor with their Creator in the Day of Judgment because of
their self imposed sufferings and have deceived their own souls
(John 3:36, Rom. 10:2-4, Rev. 20:11-15).
The CEO of Liars Inc.
The CEO of Liars in is none other than the fallen cherub of ages past
(Isa. 14:12-15, Ezek 28:12-17, Rev. 12:9). He is the
Father of ALL delusions and lies and cannot for one moment face reality or truth
(John 8:44).
It is his despotic hand alone that pulls the strings of his lawless
human elite taskmasters. They do his bidding and they consciously and
unconsciously do his will because they themselves live in a lie and
themselves are lawlessness. These are ripe for the picking and tools for
demonic using.
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death - Rev. 21:8"
My dear friends in a
world full of full blown darkness where reality, moral absolutes and ETERNAL spiritual absolutes are despised and rejected by all walks of
man made spiritual ideologies (i.e., religion) and political ideologies
(i.e., conservatives, liberals, progressive and moderates etc);
deception is EXPONENTIALLY rampant. Humanity - because of error,
unbelief and lawlessness - are enslaved by the god of this world and his
minions and are indeed prisoners to his diabolical will
(Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12, Heb. 2:14-15).
No wonder why it is so easy to lie today in America and to be deceived
and bamboozled! The masses of people are drunk with the kool- aid from
the CEO of Liars Inc and his taskmasters and because of their
abandonment of REALITY they are ever drinking in the false promises,
dreams, hopes and admirations from the Left and… from the Right (less
so). These are ever seeking to create a utopia in a delusional pursuit
for fulfillment, peace and contentment, which is NEVER to be found in
the things of this world
(Eccl. 3:11, Isa. 48:22). My dear friends ONLY Almighty God possesses ALL the remedies for our dire sinful estate
(John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4).
Only Jesus Christ has the solution for our ETERNAL future and may I say
that the Left and the Right today in America are absolutely bankrupt
for providing our desperate need for RIGHTEOUSNESS
(Jer. 17:5). Only Almighty God can do that for a son of Adam in the Person and Work of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ
(Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 2:2).
came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours
my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid or springs of ETERNAL Living Water.
Do you know the Savior today?
My dear friend, stop following all the spiritual and immoral liars of
the world today and stop deceiving yourself! Christ came to SET YOU FREE
and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend,
Demonic kool-aid
(2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, Rev. 12:9) or springs of ETERNAL Living Water
(John 7:38, 8:32, 36, Rev. 22:17). May you choose LIFE!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!