Friday, May 10, 2024

The Left's Greatest Enemy and War!

Fifty plus years after Roe vs. Wade the most dangerous and deadliest place for an unborn child today is to be found in the womb of its own mother. The greatest enemy and threat of the new progressive Democratic Party and moderate Republicans today is the helpless unborn baby which abides IN its mother's womb. Nearly a little more than one third of every child conceived in its mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-20) today has been violently terminated by this barbaric abomination called abortion. Abortion is the by-product of an immoral, decadent culture and society; selfish and narcissistic; void of ALL personal responsibility; ever seeking ones fulfillment through sexual deviance  (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10).

Abortion is the by-product of an immoral, decadent culture and society; selfish and narcissistic; void of ALL  personal responsibility; ever seeking ones fulfillment through sexual deviance.

Using history as our guide to bring comparison we know for a fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's true war was not the domination of Europe and the world, but the demonic obsession to eliminate ALL Jews from the face of Europe and the world. All other Nazi endeavors fell to a distant second in comparison to the war waged on the Jew. Likewise, the secular godless mind - which is dominant and primarily found in the new Democratic party - has given themselves wholly over to the promotion of lawlessness, base desires, immorality and godlessness (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10); but their "baby", or first love and true war is waged relentlessly on the unborn child. These demonic reprobates will go to any length to justify this butchery and any depths of evil to keep this barbaric practice legal and available for their oppressed base. For it is the Democratic base and its members that the elite Democratic leaders continually seek to control and decimate in order to hold on to their power. These are always expendable and usable for the good of the Democratic elite's agenda and game plan. The overwhelming majority of all abortions have taken place by those oppressed followers of the Democratic party. Like wise the overwhelming atrocities committed against women are by those who are found giving their allegiance to the American Woke Red Democratic party of today.

Likewise, the secular godless mind - which is dominate and primarily found in the new Democratic party - has given themselves wholly over to the promotion of lawlessness, immorality and godlessness; but their "baby", or first love and true war is waged relentlessly on the unborn child.

Satan’s minion Margaret Sanger has had her vision and dream of wiping out the black family almost become a reality today and her disciples like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Wendy David and others of the progressive Democratic party, moderate Republicans and Hollywood's elite are keeping the vision alive and well. The Democratic Left today has totally embraced Sanger's demonic views and vision of race and life and are absolutely militant in enforcing this infanticide and oppression of women and the American culture. The Democratic party are the leading murderers of the black unborn babies in this nation yet come every November tragically they will pull the lever religiously for their taskmasters and destroyers. This week as these reprobates celebrate Roe vs. Wade expect to hear repeatedly the demonic euphemisms of the Left as they seek to promote, justify and proclaim the "virtues" of infanticide (abortion), the "liberation" of woman to practice lawlessness and the slanderous accusations against any who adhere to a moral compass and or value life. More than 55,000,000 abortions have taken place since 1973. that staggering horrific statistic is greater then all the statistical deaths of WW2 European theater.

Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?!

Woe unto you America!! Woe!!! Will not Almighty God hold this nation fully accountable for this barbaric villainy?! Woe unto you America! Woe! You are absolutely consumed with your self-seeking unbridled passions of licentiousness! How shall we (America) - which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God – ever escape the RIGHTEOUS indignation of Almighty God! Wake up out of your satanic stupor and look around at the horrific realities!

Tragically today we see the acceptance of these horrific consequences from this demonically induced movement of abortion received by godless men and women everywhere. We see this barbaric crusade championed everywhere today by the godless Left - all the while we are seeing the manifestation of Almighty God’s wrath on America and the removal of His Divine protective hedge (Isa. 24:5-6; Rev. 6-19). Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a very small believing remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah (Isa. 1:9).

Unless Almighty God had this left this nation a small remnant we would be as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Today, we live in a ravished society in which there is at least one individual that we might personally know who has had at least one abortion. May it be our sincere desire as ambassadors of Almighty God (2 Cor. 5:17-21) to share with that individual the loving forgiveness and kindness that is found ONLY in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17; Rev.1:5).

Turn to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE!

Oh my friend, if you have been one who has been alone and who has had to make decisions that you have fully regretted, turn your heart and eyes to the Savior of the world who LOVED you and gave Himself for you that you might be with Him FOREVERMORE. There is ALWAYS HOPE in Almighty God.

As America EXPONENTIALLY speeds down the lawless road to run "smack dab" into the wall of the Day of the Lord, may your hope be found in Almighty God and His precious Word!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What is Sin?
Lucifer's Architect’s of Anarchy

Only a Remnant of Godly Mothers Left in America

It is the godly God-fearing mother that is crucially needed in our land today and her absence has been greatly felt. Lawlessness, lewdness, violence, rebellious children, and narcissism are EXPONENTIAL today and its effects have EXPONENTIALLY ravished of culture, society, people, and land! Godly mothers are absolutely crucial to any society in this fallen world and Satan knows it (Prov. 31:10-31). Almighty God cannot praise the godly enough and her role is absolutely key for preserving her children, family, society, and nation from the ravishing effects of this fallen world’s lawless state (Rom. 1:18-32). The godly mother is one who is totally surrendered to the will of God; for herself, her children and her husband in SPIRIT and TRUTH (Prov. 31:10-31, Gal. 2:20, Phil. 2:12-14)!

When the woman and mother are at her absolute lowest so also is her nation. When the woman or mother is at her absolute lowest Satan is at his strongest!

When the woman and mother are at her absolute lowest so also is her nation. When the woman or mother is at her absolute lowest Satan is at his strongest. My dear friend, where do you think the godly mother fits into our U.S. society today? She is the enemy of the state today in lawless America and the America Left is doing all they can in their demonic rebellion to undermine her and eradicate her from off of our nation's stage! Lucifer (i.e., Satan) absolutely despises mankind, and ever since their fall in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3) he has been seeking to corrupt and destroy motherhood and their key role to fallen humanity. It is from the “Seed of the Woman” (humanity's mother) that Satan's demise and ultimate ETERNAL doom is sealed FOREVER (Gen. 3; Rev. 20:10).

A God-fearing mother is to be praised by a nation and treasured among her family but in America's post-Judeo/Christian culture she is despised and ridiculed by America's lawless masses.

A God-fearing mother is to be praised by a nation and treasured among her family but in America's post-Judeo/Christian culture she is despised and ridiculed by America's lawless masses. The lawless political elites, secular media, and Hollywood have brainwashed the masses in rewriting what a virtuous woman and mother should be based on their godless and lawless perception (Rom. 1:18-32). We have come to the point today in America where the godly mother is near extinction and our lawless nation ever loves it so! Is it no wonder that we are at the end and the Day of the Lord is at hand (Rev. 6-19)! Motherhood without Almighty God's moral absolutes is a lawless fantasy and delusion that can only lead to ETERNAL ruin (Rev. 20:11-15).

Motherhood without Almighty God's moral absolutes is a lawless fantasy and delusion that can only lead to ETERNAL ruin.

As we live in these last days before the Day of Almighty God's WRATH on the accumulated EXPONENTIAL evil deeds of man, expect to see the role of the godly mother greatly diminish and her oppressors to greatly increase. It is already here. Tragically it is a sign of the end and that the Day of the Lord is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What Must I Do To Be Saved?


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Godless Mothers and Their Fruit

Let’s just take a look at what makes up the many-faceted genres (socially, politically, culturally) which the American godless woman and mother of today outworks her existence. The godless American woman and mother of today (in general) practices a moral relativistic mindset and can be found in all areas within the cultural spectrum (some more extreme than others). She is reprobate in all moral absolute logic. She is godless in her ideology. She is humanly subjective in all of her worldly opinions; she’s ignorant, brutish, callus, blind and foolish. She is driven by personal ambition, envy, jealousy, anger, and rage. She is vindictive, spiteful and merciless to any who oppose her lawless mindset and will destroy, ravish and slander any who challenge her lawless ideals. She is always a victim in her mind and must have retribution. She champions and exercises compassion for lawless and godless causes while expressing zero compassion for moral and godly ones. She has been hardened by the consequences of her lawless ways. She is – at her heart – unhappy, self-loathing and miserable. She is subtle, lewd, rude and licentious even though she may seem moderate and somewhat conservative in her opinions. She has given herself over to the unbridled passions of her fallen nature and has become callous to shame and never blushes. She is a hypocrite, always masquerading her godless intentions with a compassionate facade. She is a hunter of men’s souls, a destroyer of families, a murder of the unborn, she prostitutes her humanity for lawlessness, she is a promoter of social and moral lawlessness and anarchy. She is guided by an illogical, unstable and unbalanced emotional roller coaster and is always hypocritical while seeking to be sincere (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32). Her mindset and abandonment of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God has opened her up to be influenced and used by the god of this world (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:2-3).

The godless American women of today (in general) practices a moral relativistic mindset and can be found in all areas within the cultural spectrum (some more extreme than others).

We have seen in our society of today and in our past women who have taken on this mindset and have been the leading cultural trendsetters in the ways of lawlessness. Though, many vary in their positions of secular feminism these women have had the greatest negative impact on our Judeo/ Christian culture.

Margret Sanger, RBG, Madelyn Murray O’Hare, Jane Fonda, Liz Taylor, Kim Kardashian, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Michele Obama, Janeane Garofalo, Rachel Maddow, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Sandra Fluke, Alyssa Milano, Angeline Jolie, Ophra Winfrey, Beyonce etc... etc...

These lawless women are the demonic heroes of a post-Judeo/ Christian lawless society, role models for all those who thirst for liberation from their Creator and His moral absolutes which were instilled at the creation of the world.

These women and mothers influence millions of women daily with their subtle secular relativistic morality, godlessness, euphemistic virtues, lawless secular feministic liberation and “do as thou wilt” ideology. These lawless women are the demonic heroes of a post-Judeo/ Christian lawless society, role models for all those who thirst for liberation from their Creator and His moral absolutes which were instilled at the creation of the world (Gen. 1, Psalm 19). Be not surprised when these seek to discredit and destroy America's conservative Christian women for their war is against Almighty God and His daughters (John 1:12). Everything is turned upside down today and there is absolutely no stopping it (Psalm 11:3, Isa. 5:20). Expect evil men and women to get worse and worse as the day continues (2 Tim 3:1-7). The Day of the Lord is at hand and His time for global judgment on all those who hold the TRUTH, physical and spiritual ABSOLUTES and RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 6-16). When the women of a society have sold themselves to lawlessness as we have seen for these last 50 years, we are indeed at the end of our nation’s journey.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Why Today's EXPONENTIAL Demonic Gaslighting and National Deception?

Dear friends; if you watch or listen to any of the news of our hour; you will have to come to the horrific conclusion that the demonic powers that be have the full advantage of our day in absolute lawlessness and godlessness - Eph. 2:1-3; 6:10-12! The demonic spin of the American Left totally dominates because millions upon millions of Americans love it to be so - John 3:19-20! They love darkness and are eating it up like contestants at a hot dog eating contest! Dear friends; be not deceived! The Day of the Lord is at hand and none now can stop it from its Divine appointment and arrival - Rev. 6-19! But; who will really believe this Divine reality today? Sad to say; next to none, and that is why it comes horrifically upon the earth as a destroyer and thief - 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-3; Rev. 6!

There are countless deceivers ("Christian", conservative, liberal, progressive) at Satan's disposal that have gone out into the world (2 Eph. 2:1, 6:12, Tim. 3:13, 1 John 2:22, 2 John 1:7), and in our day they have the EXPONENTIAL technological advances to deceive, gaslight and to reach billions 24/7! These have the power to keep the "self righteous" unregenerate conservative darkness and the godless Left wing “demonic kool - aid” and woke deception flowing and growing as they (Satan and his fallen unregenerate human minions - Right and Left) seek to deceive and promote the very godless rebellion which WILL LEAD the world’s masses to the Day of the Lord and the reception of  the “Mark of the Beast” (Matt. 24:4, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13)

The lawless and demonic deep state through Joe Biden is NOT incompetent as many believe but are calculatingly and willingly dismantling what remains of our national moral; fiscal and sovereign restraint; preparing this world for the man of lawlessness which is to come!

The lawless and demonic 
deep state through Joe Biden is NOT incompetent as many believe but are calculatingly and willingly dismantling what remains of our national moral; fiscal and sovereign restraint; preparing this world for the man of lawlessness which is to come (2 Thes. 2:3-12; Rev.13). These demonic tools truly are oblivious that they are being used by the god of this world to bring ETERNAL self ruin and absolute destruction to mankind (John 8:44; Eph. 2:1-2; 1 John 5:19). They are fulfilling the very words of the prophets of old pertaining to these last days; and their fascist, godless and lawless "utopian visions" and deeds will indeed lead to the Great Tribulation, the 666 global superstate under the Beast, the Battle of Armageddon and ALMIGHTY GOD the SON'S GLORIOUS RETURN from the RIGHT HAND of ALMIGHTY GOD (Rev. 19:11-21)!
These have the EXPONENTIAL technological advances to reach billions 24/7 and to keep the “demonic kool - aid” flowing!

As the days become EXPONENTIALLY darker and lawless here in America and in our world, may you be sure that you personally know the Savior of the world (the Lord Jesus Christ) as the Holy Scriptures teach! He ALONE is our ONLY hope for deliverance from what is to come (Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:1-10, Rev. 6-19)! Have FAITH in Almighty God!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

