Friday, May 10, 2024

Only a Remnant of Godly Mothers Left in America

It is the godly God-fearing mother that is crucially needed in our land today and her absence has been greatly felt. Lawlessness, lewdness, violence, rebellious children, and narcissism are EXPONENTIAL today and its effects have EXPONENTIALLY ravished of culture, society, people, and land! Godly mothers are absolutely crucial to any society in this fallen world and Satan knows it (Prov. 31:10-31). Almighty God cannot praise the godly enough and her role is absolutely key for preserving her children, family, society, and nation from the ravishing effects of this fallen world’s lawless state (Rom. 1:18-32). The godly mother is one who is totally surrendered to the will of God; for herself, her children and her husband in SPIRIT and TRUTH (Prov. 31:10-31, Gal. 2:20, Phil. 2:12-14)!

When the woman and mother are at her absolute lowest so also is her nation. When the woman or mother is at her absolute lowest Satan is at his strongest!

When the woman and mother are at her absolute lowest so also is her nation. When the woman or mother is at her absolute lowest Satan is at his strongest. My dear friend, where do you think the godly mother fits into our U.S. society today? She is the enemy of the state today in lawless America and the America Left is doing all they can in their demonic rebellion to undermine her and eradicate her from off of our nation's stage! Lucifer (i.e., Satan) absolutely despises mankind, and ever since their fall in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3) he has been seeking to corrupt and destroy motherhood and their key role to fallen humanity. It is from the “Seed of the Woman” (humanity's mother) that Satan's demise and ultimate ETERNAL doom is sealed FOREVER (Gen. 3; Rev. 20:10).

A God-fearing mother is to be praised by a nation and treasured among her family but in America's post-Judeo/Christian culture she is despised and ridiculed by America's lawless masses.

A God-fearing mother is to be praised by a nation and treasured among her family but in America's post-Judeo/Christian culture she is despised and ridiculed by America's lawless masses. The lawless political elites, secular media, and Hollywood have brainwashed the masses in rewriting what a virtuous woman and mother should be based on their godless and lawless perception (Rom. 1:18-32). We have come to the point today in America where the godly mother is near extinction and our lawless nation ever loves it so! Is it no wonder that we are at the end and the Day of the Lord is at hand (Rev. 6-19)! Motherhood without Almighty God's moral absolutes is a lawless fantasy and delusion that can only lead to ETERNAL ruin (Rev. 20:11-15).

Motherhood without Almighty God's moral absolutes is a lawless fantasy and delusion that can only lead to ETERNAL ruin.

As we live in these last days before the Day of Almighty God's WRATH on the accumulated EXPONENTIAL evil deeds of man, expect to see the role of the godly mother greatly diminish and her oppressors to greatly increase. It is already here. Tragically it is a sign of the end and that the Day of the Lord is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What Must I Do To Be Saved?



Anne said...

I treasure your words. God Bless you on this Special Day in the Lord.

The Ignorant Fishermen said...

Happy mother's Day!


Always Learning said...

This is why we need older, godly women teaching the younger women how to be godly wives and mothers. The church has forgotten this very important command that has led to the fall of the godly mother.

The Ignorant Fishermen said...


Very true... Tragically we will never get that back now. The good news out of all this sobering bad news is that the Savior is at hand for His bride. May this wonderful reality greatly encourage us
all no matter what our day to hold the fort until He comes (1 John 3:1-3).

God speed!

Anonymous said...

There are some of us who have not left our post. Praise God .....He has His remnant

The Ignorant Fishermen said...

Amen Shirley! I can see in your picture! My wife too! Glad to have God's remnant out there visiting the Ignorant Fishermen Blog!

God speed my dear sister!
Phil. 4:4!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Shirley, If you would like one of our "Count it ALL Joy!" CD's let us know via email and we will send one out to you and your family!