Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Faith SEES and Sets in Motion the ETERNAL Plan of Almighty God for You!

Faith sees, trusts, and is persuaded by the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS integrity of Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The eyes of faith set in motion the spiritual ABSOLUTES and TRUTHS of Almighty God that transform our hearts, souls, and minds and move demonic strongholds and powers that dominate and control this lost world (Heb. 11). The ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PKM of God is the Triune God; for by faith, in prayer or in our pilgrim life, we set in RIGHTEOUS motion ALL of the ETERNAL God Head of GLORY to outwork Almighty God's PERFECT. WILL in and through us as we walk this pilgrim journey (John 15:1-8; Rom. 8:26-39; Eph. 3:20-21; Gal. 2:20, Heb. 11:6; Rev. 4-5)!

Have faith in Almighty God in ALL things! 

Beloved, so in thinking on such wonderful things, be encouraged and have faith in Almighty God in ALL things! For if we do, we will be changed from glory to glory and we will NEVER be the same! Fear (rightly reverence Almighty God) in ALL things and ALL things will not reign over you because of fear (Psalm 55:22, Matt. 6:25-34, John 14:27, Phil. 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Rev. 1:17-18). So my dear friends, be believing and seeing; NOT unbelieving and deceiving! Also, God's speed for Almighty God's glory as you walk by faith and discover the wonders and ETERNAL riches of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS Attributes, Character and Person (Psalm 119)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Last Night's Trump Rally in Alabama - Where was Almighty God in All of It?

Dear friends; I truly liked President Trump's message last night and the phrase; Save America. It is absolutely amazing how far we have fallen since January under Red Biden and the woke godless demonic lawless Left; but remember friends, we as a nation were greatly falling before Donald Trump took office in 2016 and all President Trump was able to do for a moment was to slow it down a very very little in light of our EXPONENTIALLY imploding nation. We have to as Americans add that "EXPONENTIAL equation" into our perspective today as we look at our nation today; for our day is not like any other. What did bother me the most about last night's speech was the phrase; "We will" (Isa. 9:9-13). He said that phrase many times and indeed we need to do our part, but where was the mention of Almighty God in all of this (Isa. 9:9-13)

It is absolutely amazing how far we have fallen since January under Red Biden and the woke godless demonic lawless Left; but remember friends, we as a nation were greatly falling before Donald Trump took office in 2016.

Where was the mention of; By the Grace of Almighty God; or We need to return to Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS as a nation, or we need to look for Almighty God's favor and blessing, or to even open the speech in a Word of prayer to the Almighty, etc; but it wasn't there and maybe you think I'm just looking for something to pick at, but when you leave out our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator of time and ETERNITY in RIGHTEOUSNESS; then that's an ETERNAL problem for America, and truly that is our fatal flaw. Our founders included Almighty God in everything; He was in our documents, our schools, our town halls, our state capitals, our federal offices, in our colleges and in our public squares, etc, etc. Today He is nowhere to be found; we have kicked Him out of our land and yet we talk; "Save America"? Oh, man are we doomed! Almighty God was found however at the end of a rally speech as the belated catchphrase of our day, "God bless America". My friends, Trump conservatism is extremely watered-down and a relativistic version of the real thing, and in a lot of ways, we are just as godless as the Left but more "conservative". Almighty God will not and cannot bless any of it until we repent and turn to Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS, sackcloth, and ashes as a nation; and the probability of that ever happening are near zero for our nation. The "new conservative" platform phrase title should be; Almighty Save America; not Save America. 

    What did bother me the most about last night's speech was the phrase; "We will". He said that phrase many times and indeed we need to do our part, but where was the mention of Almighty God in all of this? Where was the mention of; By the Grace of Almighty God; or We need to return to Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS as a nation, or we need to look for His favor, or open the speech in a Word of prayer to the Almighty, etc; but it wasn't there.

Praying with you today this Lord's Day for our nation as
 we seek to "Save America" with precious little time left on the play clock. May we seek with ALL our being and in ALL true sincerity the LORD ALMIGHTY to "Wake Up America Again" to save America to Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Word and to the ETERNAL saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; for that is indeed the TRUE calling from on High to every blood brought believer in this hour (John 17:17-26, 1 Cor. 2:2, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Gal. 2:20, Eph. 1-2). For revival to start and to proceed forward in America we must first come to the cross of Christ and confess our sins of apathy, neglect, and self will; and then pick up the cross of Christ and deny our selfish ways and follow our Divine ETERNAL calling and Almighty God's PERFECT will and vocation for our pilgrim's journey in the joy of the Lord and full of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 9:34-35, Rom. 8:26-39, 1 Cor. 2:2, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Gal. 2:20, Eph. 1; 6:10-20, 1 Thess. 1:4-10, 1 John 1:7-9, Rev. 1:17-18)!

 We are to be believers in Jesus Christ first and Americans second; for in doing the first, we will fulfill the second rightly in time!

We are to be believers in Jesus Christ first and Americans second; for in doing the first, we will fulfill the second rightly in time! When this Divine order is kept in Almighty God's will, America will prosper physically, mentally, and spiritually as NEVER before! I personally believe that our nation was not spared in 2016 to "Make America Great Again" by obtaining and keeping our national sovereignty, economic growth, and prosperity; but for Almighty God's people to diligently and prayerfully get out Almighty God's saving message to all of Adam's race before the coming Day of the Lord (John 3:16-17, Rom. 5:11-21)!

We as His blood brought believers and anointed ones (Christians) need to go forth - in ALL meekness, in ALL genuine sincerity of love and GREAT joy and share the ETERNAL saving grace and Gospel of Jesus with all boldness and POWER in the Spirit of Truth 

Again, by faith in Jesus, we need to fully redeem the little time which remains and is given to us as never before; for the Rapture Trumpet blast is at hand and the Day of the Lord at the door (John 14:3, 1 Cor. 15:51-58, Eph. 5:16-17, 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-11; 1 John 3:1-3, Rev. 6-19)! We as His blood bought believers and anointed ones (Christians) need to go forth - in ALL meekness, in ALL genuine sincerity of love and GREAT joy; and share the ETERNAL saving grace and ETERNAL Gospel of Jesus Christ with all boldness and POWER in the Spirit of Truth (Eph. 5:15-16)! It was the prayers of this nation's saints to Almighty God that has spared this nation thus far (Dan. 4:17) and it should be the desire of all these praying saints that a GREAT spiritual revival and turning to Almighty God in Spirit and TRUTH occur before the Day of the Lord arrives! God speed for Almighty God's glory!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


This Bible verse could be applied to our nation today; could it not? We are falling because of lawlessness, but we will build without RIGHTEOUSNESS! 

9 And all the people shall know, even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and stoutness of heart, 10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him, and join his enemies together; 12 The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. 13 For the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of hosts. Isa. 9:9-13