My friends, we are ALL subjected to a GREAT spiritual war raging today
for the hearts, minds and souls of mankind and are at the very end of
our nation's journey and a world.
The world at present deep in their hearts knows this to be true, that we are at mankind’s final crossroads. Indeed Almighty God's Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! For it will ONLY be when godless mankind and their demonic masters of delusion are defeated at Christ's glorious return to earth - at the end of the seven period called the "Day of the Lord" - that Almighty God will establish His 1000 year reign and rule on this earth. It will be at this time that absolutely no darkness will dominate as in days past. But until then, we are still present and in a spiritual war in this Demonic Complex which is presently governing world (Eph. 2:2, 6:12).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!