Sunday, December 30, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
America's Immigration Policy is NOT Heavens!
With hordes of thousands of Central Americans heading towards the USA, we can see the lawlessness and defiance of many on display; but all that pales in comparison to Washington D.C''s lawless swamp world mentality, which has been on full display regarding the U.S. budget and building a U.S. border wall. Oh, the absolute insanity of it all! Such things display to all that our nation is being governed by demonic despots, constitutional apostates and lawless destroyers of freedom. Americans are divided over the matter of immigration and over the question of who
should be allowed to enter into this country. Some believe that almost anyone
should be allowed to enter the country, with very few restrictions. Others believe that it is a national security risk to have open borders
and they do not want foreigners entering our country unless they have
been very carefully vetted. They believe that welcoming new citizens
into our nation should only happen through the legal process, and that
people should not enter illegally. When it comes to the heavenly
country (Heb. 11:14), the living God exercises extreme vetting. While
the Savior has compassion on all, yet only those who accept His
gracious invitation are made fit and allowed to enter (Col. 1:12; 1 Cor. 6:11). A perfect righteousness is required (Matt. 5:20; Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 1:30).
No one will see that land unless they are born again (John 3:3,5). No
person will ever inhabit the ETERNAL city unless he is a proper citizen
of heaven (Phil. 3:20 where “conversation” means “citizenship”).
No one will see that land unless they are born again. No person will ever inhabit the ETERNAL city unless he is a proper citizen of heaven!

Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior in ETERNAL TRUTH and REALITY? Dear friend, if not, be sure that you do, for your ETERNAL citizenship in Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Heaven absolutely depends on it! It is Almighty God's ETERNAL desire that you be with Him FOREVER clothed in RIGHTEOUSNESS to enjoy Him and His ETERNAL country (John 14:1-6, Rev. 21, 22:1-5)! May it be so!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The REALITY of This Hour - There Are NO Human Solutions

The REALITY of this hour is that since Adam’s fall and Babel, ALL political and spiritual ideologies (secular and conservative) and their utopian philosophies have FAILED miserably. All these utopian ideals which have dominated fallen mankind’s quest for peace IN A FALLEN WORLD will finally climax to the pinnacle of their failures during a time called the Day of the Lord. It will be under the LAWLESS despot called the Anti Christ, that tyranny and oppression will reach its zenith. The final utopian’s ideal and vision for this fallen world will be horrific and EXPONENTIALLY lawless (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). It will be at the end of this seven year period called the Day of Wrath that Almighty God the Son, Creator and King will come out of Heaven’s glory and crush this global state rebellion and then the Messiah himself will establish His 1000 year reign on earth in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE (Dan. 7:13-14, Rev. 19:11-21). It will be under this reign of the Creator that a fallen world will prosper as never before (Isa.11:1-10, 35). Jesus Messiah - the Designer and Creator - will enforce the adherence to the Laws of Nature and will rule with a rod of iron (Rev. 19:15).
It will be at the end of this seven year period called the Day of Wrath that Almighty God the Son, Creator and King will come out of Heaven’s glory and crush this global state rebellion and then the Messiah himself will establish His 1000 year reign on earth in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.
It will be during this 1000 year period - that those who survive the seven year tribulation and remain after Messiah’s judgment of nations - will thrive (they and their offspring) and enjoy Almighty God’s creation and freedom as NEVER before (Matt. 13:30,38-43, 49-50)! This is the TRUE utopian vision that all of Adam’s fallen race should embrace for this is Almighty God’s utopian REALITY which is to come upon the earth!
What is EXPONENTIALLY amazing is at the end of Messiah’s 1000 year reign, Almighty God will let out the Mastermind of delusion and lawlessness (i.e., Lucifer) to test the hearts of men. It will be at the end of this 1000 year reign of unimaginable prosperity, health, freedom and RIGHTEOUSNESS that unsaved men of this time will abandon REALITY and follow Lucifer in the world’s final rebellion (Rev. 20:7-10). These rebels - which are as the sand of the sea - who have experienced the Fruit of Righteousness will long to be free from it! These rebellious masses - in the end – will follow Satan in his perpetual delusion to live a godless existence without the ETERNAL Creator of Heaven and Earth (Rev. 20:7-10). This final rebellion will be crushed and Almighty God will then institute the ETERNAL estate (Rev. 20:10-15, 21-22:1-5). This ETERNAL estate will consist of a NEW Heavens and Earth (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21, 22:1-5) and the ETERNAL prison called the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). In the end the personal choices of an individual will cement their ETERNAL destinies. For one, the ETERNAL fellowship in PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS with their Creator and Savior (Rev. 21, 22:1-5) and for the other, an ETERNITY of suffering the RIGHTEOUS judgment of Almighty God in ETERNITY’S ETERNAL prison (Rev. 20:11-15).
The utopian dream my dear friend is ONLY to be found in the reality of Almighty God’s solution for fallen man. Almighty God has made provision in His dear Son for all to enjoy His ETERNAL utopia in RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE.
There are NO utopias here in this fallen world (conservative or secular). The utopian dream my dear friend is ONLY to be found in the reality of Almighty God’s solution for fallen man. Almighty God has made provision in His dear Son for all to enjoy His ETERNAL utopia in RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE but it is up to the individual to personally choose it or not.What will you choose? Will you follow the voices and delusional theories of fallen men or will you believe your Creator and Redeemer and enter into to the joy that He has so prepared for all (1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 22:1-5). It is Almighty God’s pure desire that all would come to the saving knowledge of His dear Son Jesus Christ for that is what this life is all about (John 3:16-17, 1 Tim 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Must I do to be saved?
The King of Kings Has Arrived! Almighty God's Utopia

Monday, December 10, 2018
2018 - Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? Does Anyone Really Care?

My friends, in this "new post-Obama age" of President Trump, Take America Back, Drudge Report, Breitbart and Fake News does anyone TRULY know what time it is? Does anyone TRULY even care today? Well... not really... for many are EXPONENTIALLY distracted by the Devil's 24/7 straw men of this hour. The REALITY is that America is OVER! It has been since 2006. It takes individuals with GREAT GRIT and hearts of faith to objectively look at America and the EXPONENTIAL supporting evidence to see what we have been saying since 2006.
Fixing the lights in a few cabins aboard a sinking Titanic isn't going to save the Titanic! There is not enough time in the hourglass to put Humpy Dumpty back together again! This evaluation is NOT a defeatist attitude but one rooted in REALITY and TRUTH.! In that last few sentences, I can guarantee that we will have lost about 80% of the readers on this post and they will make foolish comments of oblivious optimism and subjective ignorance!
It takes individuals with grit and hearts of faith to objectively look at America and the EXPONENTIAL supporting evidence to see what we have been saying since 2006. Fixing the lights in a few cabins aboard a sinking Titanic isn't going to save the Titanic!
Now my friend... do YOU personally TRULY know what time it is and do YOU TRULY even care? As children of Almighty God, we as His blood brought children better care and we better know what time it is on the prophetic calendar; for we are His wise man for the calling Almighty God has given us in Christ today. Are we a fool and tool for the god of this world or are we Almighty God's wise men? We indeed are ever closer today to the Day of the Lord and that is how we as children of light should view and comprehend our day here on planet earth (Matt. 5:13-15, Phil. 2:15, 1 Thess. 5:5-8). Our world in every facet today is chomping at the bit and ready globally to wage war against Almighty God their Creator and His Lamb (Rev. 6-19). As Almighty God cried out to those of Noah's day for 120 years before the GREAT global flood (Gen. 6-7, Matt 24:37-39), so also does He cry out to us in our present EXPONENTIAL technological lawless age! Repent and be SAVED is the cry from the throne of Almighty God and be delivered from the wrath which is to come upon the whole earth (Isa. 24, John 3:16-17, Acts 16:2-31, 17:29-31)! My dear friends, there is always a cause and effect to every action and we must always be discerning and knowing the "why and the what" of our day from Heaven's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS perspective (Col 3:1-4).
As Almighty God cried out to those of Noah's days for 120 years before the GREAT global flood, so also does He cry out to us in our present EXPONENTIAL technological lawless age!
The challenge for us today is that we need to be STRONG in the Lord and of GOOD COURAGE to face the very sobering realities of our day; and to rest in our Savior's ETERNAL presence (Josh. 1:9, Eph. 6:10-19, Phil. 4:13). Dear friend, be sure that you have on the FULL armor of Almighty God, never let your guard down and be His wise men and vessel of ETERNAL TRUTH and REALITY (Mark 11:22, 1 Cor. 1:18-31, Eph. 6:10-18).
The challenge is that we need to be STRONG and of GOOD COURAGE to face the realities of our day and to rest in our Savior's ETERNAL presence.
There are many deceivers that have gone out into the world (2 Tim. 3:13, 1 John 2:22, 2 John 1:7), and in our day they have the EXPONENTIAL technological resources and media to reach billions 24/7! In this world they have the power and might to keep the “demonic kool-aid” flowing as they seek to deceive and promote the very godless rebellion which will finally lead the world’s masses to receive the “Mark of the Beast” (Matt. 24:4, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13)!
As our days become EXPONENTIALLY darker and lawless, may you be sure that you are rooted and grounded in faith and application in His NEVER changing Person and Word (John 17:17)! It is the only way to survive our day! Even so come Lord Jesus!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Saturday, December 8, 2018
What Hope Is There For a Broken Egg?

Almighty God did not forsake His lost creation. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to redeem man and to deliver them from their bondage and judgment of sin (their broken eggness/ trespasses).
The Bible states: "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosever (anyone and every one) believeth in him should not perish (will not die)
but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to
condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).
'For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh (a broken egg), and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh" (Rom 8:3).
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners (broken eggs), Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8).
"Who (Christ) was delivered for our offences (broken actions), and was raised again for our justification" (Rom. 5:25).
he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our
iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his
stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5).
There is great hope to all who look to Almighty God and His Son for deliverance!

"Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption (broken egg-ness) into the glorious liberty (a perfectly complete egg) of the children of God" (Romans 8:21).
"So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption (broken egg-ness); it is raised in incorruption" (a perfectly complete egg) (1 Cor. 15:42).
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away" (Rev. 21:1).
God has given to all of Adam’s fallen race a wonderful future and deliverance from our “broken egg” humanity. However, we must choose with our own free will to receive Almighty God’s pardon and gift of ETERNAL life (Eph. 2:8-9).
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? He alone can change
your “broken egg” life to a perfect one.Place your trust in Him today! You will NEVER
EVER be the same!
"And he (Jesus) said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God" (Luke 18:27).
The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!

Thursday, November 29, 2018
God Sees, God Cares!

"He (ALMIGHTY GOD) appointeth the number of THE STARS; He calleth them all by their names. GREAT IS OUR LORD, and of great power: His understanding is infinite" (Psalm 147:4-5).
There Really Is A God After All!
.He is an AWESOME GOD who finds His galaxies a very small expression of His great Person. God is beyond and bigger than His finite universe. Yet GOD CAN HEAR your cry, your whisper, your silent thought. GOD CAN SEE so small a tear: GOD CAN TACKLE so big a problem. "Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy" (Psalm 33:18).
GOD IS HERE right now to reach each and every believing heart:
GOD IS HERE right now to reach each and every believing heart:
“For God so loved the world, that HE GAVE His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
“There is no other God apart from Me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside Me. Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:21-22).
“Thus saith the LORD . . .I am the first, and I am the last, and beside ME there is no GOD...FEAR NOT, neither be afraid” (Isaiah 44:6,8).
God Really Is After All
God Really Is After All
He is OVER ALL, He is FOR ALL. God is not absent. God is only a step away. Believe and receive Christ Jesus with all your heart today, without delay.
He is OVER ALL, He is FOR ALL. God is not absent. God is only a step away. Believe and receive Christ Jesus with all your heart today, without delay.
“But as many as RECEIVED HIM, to them gave HE power to become the children of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME” (John 1:12).
“HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have ETERNAL LIFE” (1 John 5:12-13).
“And this is LIFE ETERNAL, that they might KNOW THEE the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John 17:3).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, November 25, 2018
The ONLY Thing That Can Wash Away The Sins of The World
Each year the world's biggest religious festival takes place with nearly two million pilgrims taking a dip in an Indian holy river that has claimed to have washed away the sins of 120 million people in the last 60 days - (see more of story).
Dear Friends, to keep it simple, a dirty river has ZERO power to forgive a man's transgressions against Almighty God, neither does traditional workings and customs or humanitarian works and efforts towards ones fellow men (Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9). Since the scattering at Babel the nations of the world have all tried to come up with human remedy to answer the haunting effects of guilt and ones transgressions against Almighty God (Rom 1:18-32). Transgressions are against Almighty God and His ETERNAL and moral absolutes and all must give an account to Him (Rev. 21:11-15). Almighty God has provided a Savior and a RIGHTEOUS remedy to redeem and cleanse man from ALL his transgression and that remedy is found in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, 1 John 2:2, 4:10). Listen to what the Word of Almighty God has to say about cleansing.
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:19).
but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:19).
The Blood of the Lamb (click on link for the ALL Bible verse which speak of Christ's precious blood)
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus!

For my pardon, this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus;Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Now by this I’ll overcome—Nothing but the blood of Jesus, Now by this I’ll reach my home—Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Glory! Glory! This I sing—Nothing but the blood of Jesus, All my praise for this I bring—Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
It is only with the blood of the Lamb that one can be clease. Do you know the Savior of the world? May it be that you surely do for then will your sins be washed white as snow (Isa. 1:18)
The Blood of the Lamb (click on link for the ALL Bible verse which speak of Christ's precious blood)
Do You Know the Lamb of God? (a short Bible study)
Sinners Welcome! (Related link)
Take the Gospel of John Challenge
Saturday, November 24, 2018
America The Unthankful and Doomed

The majority of these
have been bred and raised with an entitlement attitude and have become the
greediest of all Americans. They are moochers and takers, idol and swift to
exercise their lawlessness and greed.
These expect something for nothing and are absolutely
void of self respect (Rom. 1:28-32). These believe that they have a right to
all that they desire and others should pay their tab to feed their godless
passions and sloth. It is absolutely tragic, for in their dependent and
socialistic greed they have allowed the state and Satan to hold over them a
ceiling of tyranny and remove from them their personal accountability and
personal responsibility to society and to Almighty God (2 Tim. 4:1-7). The majority
of these individuals (red, yellow, black and white) whose lives revolve around
their narcissistic ambitions this Thanksgiving Day will be UNTHANKFUL to
Almighty God their Creator and to the American working taxpayers who make their
slothful and lawless existence accessible to the idle playground in which they
indulge themselves in (Rom 1:18-32, 2 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:10). Almighty God is
NOT a respecter of persons and will Judge all in that Day according to His
RIGHTEOUS STANDARD, the LORD Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:2-4, Rev. 20:11-15). To
these, America is the “Land of Give It To Me” and NOT the Land of opportunity.
Another group of Americans that covers the whole political spectrum (Left and Right) are those that work and do provide for themselves. It will be this Thanksgiving that these will get together and enjoy the fruits of their labors with family and friends. They will eat, drink and be merry NEVER once bowing their heads to Almighty God with thanksgiving (Rom. 1:20-21). To these, Thanksgiving Day has become all about THEM and their families. That is what Thanksgiving Day has become here in America. America - whether on the dole or off of it - has highjacked Thanksgiving Day and instead of thanking Almighty God they have become UNTHANKFUL to Him and have EXCLUDED Him (Rom. 1:18-21). These will indulge in the bountiful provisions of this nation oblivious that it is Almighty God from whom all blessing flow. When a nation which was founded on Judeo/Christian values has turn their backs to reality and have gone a whoring after the “gods” of godless moral relativism and self gratitude what hope is there for her?
When a nation which was founded on Judeo/Christian values has turn their backs to reality and have gone a whoring
after the “gods” of godless moral relativism and self gratitude what hope is
there for her?
On both accounts (the dependent and sufficient), I have
personally seen and experienced harsh people and dear people exclude Almighty God on a Day that was set apart to remember Him. Godlessness and unthankfulness to Almighty God exists throughout the political spectrum and is found just as much in conservatism as in liberalism. A thankful heart will acknowledge Almighty God in spirit and truth and an unthankful heart will not (John 3:19-21, 4:24). The victicrats live as lords and
the successful as kings. We as a nation today take everything for granted. We have more than any individuals throughout history have ever had and yet we are unthankful and unsatisfied. Kings have never eaten and had such possessions as we do here today that we look at as common and simple. We
as a nation have been over run with want and greed and there is no stopping us.
We as a nation are NOT content and are
NOT satisfied. We want, want, want and none of it EVER feeds our famished soul
(Eccl. 3; 2 Peter 2:10-14). Only Almighty God the ETERNAL can do that! From
conservatism to liberalism, from the rich to the middle class to the entitled
victicrat to those who are truly poor, personal gain trumps Almighty God and His ETERNAL saving solution for the
individual today. We as a nation today have chosen government in place of the
Savior. We have chosen materialism in place of spiritualism (Luke, 12:16-23, James5:1-6). We have chosen a delusional moral relativism in place of REALITY (Rom.1:18-32, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, 2 Peter 2:1-2). We have chosen self created “good works”
instead of Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rom. 10:2-4). We have chosen our
wants, desires and wishes over our desperate need for a Savior (Prov. 27:20, 2 Peter 2:10-14). We have desired and chosen the temporal comforts and delusions
of this fallen world over the ETERNAL REALITIES of peace, rightness and
immortality (Isa. 28:15, 32:17, Rom. 14:17, Gal. 5:19-23, James 3:18); and yes
my dear friends, we as a nation have in our heart of hearts have chosen death, Hell and Satan over the ETERNAL LOVE, PERSON AND BLISS of Almighty God (Isa.28:15, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21, 22:1-5). An unthankful heart and a heart that
cannot express true thankfulness to the God of ALL creation is indeed a
wasteland and a desolation ripe for Hell’s ETERNAL prison hold (i.e., The Lake
of Fire) – Rom. 1;21-22, Rev. 20:11-15. This is where we are as a nation today.
The victicrats live as kings and
the successful as lords. We as a nation today take everything for
granted. We have more than any individuals throughout history have ever
had and yet we are unthankful and unsatisfied.
An unthankful heart and a heart that
cannot express true thankfulness to the God of ALL creation is indeed a
wasteland and a desolation ripe for Hell’s ETERNAL prison hold (i.e., The Lake
of Fire).
My dear friends there is a remnant (Isa. 1:4-9) throughout this nation today that still chooses to follow Almighty God and knows His Son as their personal Savior as the Holy Scriptures so teach (John 1:12). They are thankful daily for all that Almighty God has provided for them (in time and in ETERNITY) and they are found throughout the social classes today (1 Cor. 10:31). Sadly these are outcasts, rejected and scoffed at by the political parties of today and this godless nation. UNTHANKFULNESS has engulfed our nation and it has taking its toll on our society and culture. We have much my beloved to be thankful for today and everyday. Thanksgiving Day is the norm for the child of God who desires God’s will for their lives and fully appreciates the Savior’s ETERNAL LOVE (Col. 3:16, Phil. 4:4).
Paul warned us what would be the climate of the Last Days
and we are fully there as a nation and a world.
Paul stated;
Paul stated;
“This know also, that in the last
days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than
lovers of God; Having a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into
houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers
lusts, Ever learning, and never able to
come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim. 3:1-7)
The Kingdom of Heaven
is at hand!
Monday, November 19, 2018
Thanksgiving Street

I knew a man whose name was Horner
Who used to live in grumble corner;
Grumble corner in crosspatch town
And he never was seen without a frown.
He grumbled at this, and he grumbled at that,
He grumbled at this, and he grumbled at that,
He growled at the dog. He growled at the cat.
He grumbled at morning. He grumbled at night,
And to grumble and growl was his chief delight.
He grumbled so much at his wife that she
He grumbled so much at his wife that she
Began to grumble as well as he.
And all the children, wherever they went,
Reflected their parents discontent.
If the sky was dark and betokened rain,
If the sky was dark and betokened rain,
Then Mr. Horner was sure to complain.
And if there was not a cloud about,
He grumbled because of a threatened drought.
His meals were never to suit his taste,
His meals were never to suit his taste,
He grumbled at having to eat in haste.
The bread was poor, or the meat was tough,
Or else he hadn't had half enough.
No matter how hard his wife would try
No matter how hard his wife would try
To please her husband, with scornful eye
He'd look around and then with a scowl
At something or other he'd begin to growl.
One day as I walked down the street,
One day as I walked down the street,
My old acquaintance I chanced to meet;
Whose face was without the look of care
And the ugly frown that had drifted there.
"I may be mistaken" perhaps I said
"I may be mistaken" perhaps I said
As after saluting I turned my head!
"But it is, and it isn*t the Mr. Horner
Who used to live on grumble corner."
I met him next day and I met him again;
I met him next day and I met him again;
In melting weather and in pelting rain.
When stocks were up, and when stocks were down,
But a smile, somehow, had replaced the frown.
It puzzled me much, and so one day,
It puzzled me much, and so one day,
I seized his hand in a friendly way and said,
"Mr. Horner, I*d like to know
What can have happened to change you so?"
He laughed a laugh that was good to hear;
He laughed a laugh that was good to hear;
For it told of a conscience, calm and clear.
And he said with none of his old-time drawl,
"Why I've changed my residence, that is all.
"Yes," said Horner, "It wasn't healthy on grumble corner"
"Yes," said Horner, "It wasn't healthy on grumble corner"
And so I've moved: twas a change complete,
"And you will find me now On
Thanksgiving Street."
."Giving Thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Eph. 5:20).
."In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thess. 5:18).
Why Thanksgiving?
Saturday, November 17, 2018
The World Knows it to be True!
Bible - Almighty God’s Infallible Word – exposes in greater depth the
inner workings not just of fallen corrupt mankind, but of the demonic
"political" machine of heaven’s lawless angelic intelligentsia and their
fierce leader, the original radical, slanderer, blasphemer and character
assassin - (aka. Lucifer).
My friends, we are ALL subjected to a GREAT spiritual war raging today
for the hearts, minds and souls of mankind and are at the very end of
our times journey as a human race
My dear friends, ALL things are
headed to that great Day and time called the “Day of the Lord” and the “Battle of Armageddon” and receive it or not, these things WILL BE.
My dear friends, ALL things are
headed to that great Day and time called the “Day of the Lord” and the “Battle of Armageddon” (Rev. 6-19)
and receive it or not, these things WILL BE. The world at present deep
in their hearts knows this to be true, that we are at mankind’s final
crossroads. Indeed Almighty God's Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! For it
will ONLY be when godless mankind and their demonic masters of delusion
are defeated at Christ's glorious return to earth - at the end of the
seven period called the "Day of the Lord"
- that Almighty God will establish His 1000 year reign and rule on this
earth. It will be at this time that absolutely no darkness will
dominate as in days past. But until then, we are still present in this
Demonic Complex governing world (Eph. 2:2, 6:12).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, November 12, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
What is the Church? Bible Study

"The Church is not an organization but Almighty God's Divine spiritual organism."
Many today (saved and unsaved) are oblivious to what exactly the Church of Jesus Christ is. This Bible study is a great way for believers and unbelievers to see clearly what the Church is and what it is not. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ this topic is part of the ABC's of the Faith and should be possessed and known. May you see for yourself just how well you know Almighty God's ABC's on the topic of the Church.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
2018 Midterms Results - An Image of America's Current Estate
Now two years in office, Donald Trump has done much to help slow down the Lefts rapid vindictive dismantling of America but he has a LONG, LONG, LONG way to go with nowhere near enough time left on the clock. Last nights elections results could have been worse but with the Red Democratic party winning the House it will only further slow down any advancements in preserving our very frail nation; and only add furthermore to the deceptions and distractions in the lawless media against president Trump. Friends, the above image is provided to show how much time is left and what our nation looks like at present! Seventy-five years of eroding socialistic and anti-Judeo/Christian policies have decimated our nation morally, socially and financially. Do not deceive yourselves into thinking that America will survive and we will overcome the Left. They have demonstrated that they will not go away and are sold out in transforming and destroying this nation into a lawless wasteland. Dear friends. the hardest thing to make Americans see today is that we are already under Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS judgment and He is just giving this nation a little more time to repent before the Day of the Lord arrives (Ex. 34:6, Matt. 11:28-30, John 3:16-17, Rom. 2:4, Eph. 1:7)!
My dear friends, the above image is what our nation looks like at present! Do not deceive yourselves into thinking that it does not!
The Left today is far more left today then they were 10 years ago. In the last 10 years they have been able to deceive the youth of America to side with them and have rallied them to their godless cause to fight with them on a lawless moral relativistic platform (1 Tim. 4:1-3, 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 2 Thess. 2:12, Jude 1:10). The Left today - after their 2016 presidential election loss - are more zealous and crazier than ever about getting back power, advocating lawlessness, advancing moral relativism, promoting social justice, executing critical theory and waging war on any who stand for the slightest of common sense, based on the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. We are more divided today as a nation, not by people's political parties but rather by ideology based on moral and spiritual relativism (Rom. 1:18-32). How can any society survive when moral absolutes are hated, scoffed at and demonized by both political parties? The answer is, “It will not!” Thus, we now see the final sad state and coming downfall of our once great and highly respected nation (Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:3).
We are more divided today as a nation, not by people's political parties but rather by ideology based on moral and spiritual relativism.
Many Conservatives these days are aligning themselves with the fiscal conservative while ignoring their social moral positions. These delusional dreamers are being deceived and are by no means stopping the bleeding of our nation by its abandonment of social-moral conservative absolutes. They are placing ALL their trust in a fallen man, a lawless apostate political party, the wrong lawless ideal and are feeding the fire for the demise of our nation, as prophetically predicted by our Founding Fathers.
Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise.

My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Time to "Wake Up America Again!" - To Almighty God's Saving Grace!
The Lord Jesus stated that, you shall know men and nations by their fruits and by their actions (Matt. 7:16-20). It is simple enough to see that wherever the lawless “virtues” of secular liberalism are promoted and exercised that godlessness, lawlessness, poverty, disease, anarchy, crime, social chaos, the break down of the family unit, violence and horrific social devastation are to be found. What is most astounding is that these American reprobates will fight tooth and nail to promote and protect their godless mindset at any price (Rom. 1:32). When one rejects and abandons the core moral building blocks for a health society in exchange for a godless delusion of lawlessness, expect always to find social devastation and chaos EXPONENTIALLY thriving and abounding (2 Tim. 3:1-7)!
By applying these lawless solutions, these clueless fools excel today’s social ills at EXPONENTIAL rates!
What is most alarming today is how these puppets of Lucifer; the Marxist Democrats, moderate/establishment Republicans, Hollywood, the Drive By Media and the Music Industry are the very people that impose their delusional solutions and euphemistic remedies upon the American people and seek to fix these ills of society by applying the very same demonic logic that got us into this social catastrophic point in the first place! By applying these lawless solutions, these clueless fools excel today’s social ills at EXPONENTIAL rates! Today’s American social culture is at the extreme breaking point and the evidence is to be found every where and yet the majority of Americans live in an apathetic delusion that all is well and that we will prosper as in times past.
What is most alarming is how these puppets of Lucifer; the Marxist Democrats, moderate/establishment Republicans, Hollywood, the Drive By Media, the Music Industry are very people that impose their delusional solutions and remedies upon the American people and seek also to fix these ills of society by applying the very same logic that got us into this social catastrophic point in the first place!
As we seek to "Make America Great Again" with precious little time left on the play clock, we need to "Wake Up America Again" to the ETERNAL saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; for that is the calling from on High to every blood brought believer in this hour (2 Cor. 5:17-21). We are to be believers in Jesus Christ first and Americans second and when this Divine order is kept rightly America will prosper as NEVER before! I personally believe that our nation was not spared last November to "Make America Great Again" by national sovereignty, economic growth and prosperity; but for God's people to diligently and prayerfully get out Almighty God's saving message to all of Adam's race (John 3:16-17, Rom. 5:11-21)!
I personally believe that our nation was not spared last November to "Make America Great Again" by national sovereignty, economic growth and prosperity; but for God's people to diligently and prayerfully get out Almighty God's saving message to all of Adam's race!
We as believers need to redeem the time given to us from Heaven as never before as that Day approaches (Eph. 5:15-16)! It was the prayers of this nation's saints to Almighty God that has spared this nation in November (Dan. 4:17) and it should be the desire of all these praying saints that a GREAT spiritual revival and turning to Almighty God in Spirit and TRUTH occur before the Day of the Lord arrives! We as American believers need to pray for Almighty God's will in this hour for our nation and not for our nation's desires for a prosperity that seeks to exclude the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God! May we as believers in Jesus Christ be focused on our Heavenly calling first and for Almighty God's will first in our lives and then the rest for America will fall into place.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge!
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