Beloved, be NOT DECEIVED by the deeds and violent actions masquerading and hiding behind flowery demonic euphemistic titles will never bring TRUE peace to a people or a nation
(Deut. 4:6-8; Prov. 14:34; Psalm 11:3). Be NOT deceived! Broken families, built upon godless and lawless societal foundations inflict their own self tyranny and oppression
(Gen. 6; Isa. 48:22; 57:21, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7). ANY PEOPLE who submit themselves to lawless taskmasters of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS will ONLY EVER find themselves under OPPRESSION and TYRANNY
(Acts 10:38, Heb. 2:14-16). Whether it be under one's own lawless choices or submitting one's existence under a lawless political party. The fruits of TRUE PEACE proceed ONLY from
RIGHTEOUSNESS, never from UNRIGHTEOUS; whose adherence brings forth ONLY EVER chaos, rage, envy, anarchy, lawlessness, violence, anxiety, decadence, debauchery, betrayal, jealousy, unrest, murder, death, etc.
(Psalm 14, Rom. 1:18-32; 3; Gal. 5:19-21;6:7; Jude 1:10).
ANY PEOPLE who submit themselves to lawless taskmasters of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS will ONLY EVER find themselves under OPPRESSION and TYRANNY!
The ASTOUNDING tragedy is that ALL unregenerate men (red, yellow, black, or white) LOVE DARKNESS and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and seek not Almighty God their
(Isa. 53:6; John 1:1-12; 3:19-21; Rom. 1:18-32)! My friends, fallen humanity ABSOLUTELY LOVES it with a big cherry on top! Six-thousand years of fallen human history has provided abounding evidence to that REALITY which none can deny. The same
Greek word for "love" which is used in
John 3:16 referring to Almighty God's
RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL LOVE that sent His ETERNAL Son to be the Savior and Propitiation for the whole world; is used for fallen man's love for darkness, unrighteousness, and sins
(John 3:16-21). Dear friends, what an absolute total contrast of two ETERNALLY different loves! One
ETERNALLY RIGHTEOUS and one ETERNALLY UNRIGHTEOUS, going in two different ETERNAL directions! One bent on ETERNAL ruin, destruction, unfulfillment and unrepentance
(John 3:19-20, Rev. 20:11-15); and one seeking ONLY ETERNAL glory in RIGHTEOUSNESS in joy, beauty, and Divine fulfillment
(John 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 2:9, 1 John 4:10; Rev. 21; 22:1-5). One bent on following Satan in all of His rebellious lawless ways no matter how subtle they are
(Matt. 25:41,46; John 8:44; Eph. 2:1-2), and one seeking and following their
ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator in the LIGHT of RIGHTNESS and in PERFECT LOVE of the Holy Spirit
(Psalm 37:6; 119, John 3:21; Rev. 22:1-5).
One bent on following Satan in all of His rebellious lawless ways no matter how subtle they are, and one seeking and following their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator in the LIGHT of RIGHTNESS and in PERFECT LOVE of the Holy Spirit!
Today we have fallen men outworking their lawlessness and darkness while in vain seeking justice, equity, and peace of heart for society. They are searching for something which can never be and in vain - as the generation before them - they are seeking lawless means to bring about peaceful solutions in a more lawless generation than the one before them
(Rom. 1:18-32)! This indeed is a GREAT DECEPTION and horrific EVIL upon the inhabitants of the earth
(Job. 15:20-24, Eccl. 1:12, Isa. 48:22, Gal. 6:7). With their whole heart, soul, and mind they are seeking a utopian treasure that does not exist and whose vain search ends in ETERNAL ruin
(Rev. 20:11-15). In their heart of hearts, they know that they are FULLY accountable to their
ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator while seeking a life void of Him
(Rom. 1:18-32). Cain and his godless pre-flood world system, the inhabitants of Babel; the nations, and the future 666 global states have and will all seek to beat their drum of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and DARKNESS but will ALWAYS and ONLY ruin
(Matt. 7:24-27, John 3:16,17; 36; Rom. 1;18-32; Rev. 20:11-15).
ALL lives matter to the Lord Jesus, whatever the color of their skin! He is not a respecter of persons and sees ALL men as lost. All lives matter to the Lord Jesus who shed His RIGHTEOUS blood for the sins of the whole world!

Dear friends, in light of lawless men, raging and ruling today whatever their skin color may be; we must believe Almighty God and see ALL things from His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Throne
(Isa. 6:1-5; Rev. 4-5). All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of Almighty God and all are equal before Him in that
ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LIGHT (Isa. 64:6; John 3:16-17; Acts 17:24-32; Rom. 3:23; 1 John 4:10)! ALL lives matter to the Lord Jesus, whatever the color of their skin! He is not a respecter of persons and sees ALL men as lost
(John 3:16-17). All lives matter to the Lord Jesus who shed His RIGHTEOUS blood for the sins of the whole world whatever the color of their skin
(Isa. 53, John 3:16,17; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 4:10)! In today's insanity of euphemistic lawless trojan horses and coverups, the world more than EVER today needs to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive it with their whole heart
(Acts 16:28-34; Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15:2-4; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 2:1-14)! Satan is ever seeking to divide ALL men in lawlessness to keep all away from the blessed Gospel Light
(2 Cor. 4:2-4; 11:13-15)!
The shed blood of Jesus Christ ends lawlessness and lawless racism! The shed blood of Jesus Christ unites ALL men whatever their skin color in RIGHTEOUS, but how much are fallen men willing to truly end racism?
shed blood of Jesus Christ ends lawlessness and lawless racism
(Rom. 3:22; 1 Cor. 7:18; 12:13, Gal. 2:28; 3:4, 26)! The
shed blood of Jesus Christ unites ALL men whatever their skin color in RIGHTEOUS, but how much are fallen men willing to truly end racism? Change starts with repentance and acknowledgment of one's sin before their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS and HOLY Creator
(Prov. 1:7; Luke 18:13; John 3:19-21; 1 John 1:10)! What the lawless black and white rioters and the lawless black and white oppressors need to do to get TRUE UNITY is to repent of their transgressions and sins before their
ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator and receive the ONLY Savior and Propitiation of their souls! That is where one begins to bring healing, but in today's lawless and narcissistic world, men will NOT hear Divine TRUTH and because of that, lawlessness today is EXPONENTIALLY abounding and spreading with no end in sight! For ALL things today are EXPONENTIALLY heading towards the Day of the Lord and that they better believe
(2 Thess. 2:9-12; Rev. 6-19)! However, keeping it real, who will really hear and believe Almighty God; His
RIGHTEOUS Word and His redeemed watchmen
(Isa. 53:1; Matt. 13:14-15)? Pretty much nobody, and that is why America will fall after the Rapture and then the world will enter into the Day of the Lord which will come as a thief and WOE, WOE, WOE to that world in that Day
(Isa. 24; 1 Thes. 5:1-3, 2 Thess. 2:3-12; 2 Peter 3:2-10; Rev. 6-19)!
Dear friend, do you personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?
Dear friend this Christmas season,
do you personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? If not, do so today! Be believing and receiving and you will truly find what your ETERNAL TRUE calling is the Savior of the world
(2 Cor. 5:17-21)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand!
The Shed Blood of Jesus - Bible Verses