John 3:16 Christmas Song - link
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
A Very Personal Christmas Message From Almighty God - Christmas Is For You! Yes, You!
My dear friends, we live today in Satan's EXPONENTIAL technological age where moral relativism dominates and where social media distributes its poison 24/7/365 to the masses. So when Americans think of Christmas today they are brainwashed and drunken with Satan's destroying poison and have many subjective relativistic views on its meaning which are not TRUE and are full of DEATH and DELUSION (Prov. 12:15, 14:12, 16:25, 2 Cor. 13:55). The birth of Jesus Christ is ABSOLUTE, TRUTH, REALITY and SURE! You can think whatever you want about it, twist it whatever which way you want, slander it whichever which way you want, disregarding it whichever way you want to but you can NEVER, EVER, FOREVER change the REALITY and TRUTH that Almighty God - creation's ETERNAL Creator - so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son as its Savior and propitiation (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10).
That is what the word, "whosoever" means from John 3:16! It is the personal choice of an individual to make a very personal and individual decision on their ETERNAL destiny with their RIGHTEOUS Creator.
The REALITY of it ALL is that Christmas is for Adam's fallen race and that Christmas is for "whosoevers" and that Christmas - to make it VERY personal - is for you! Yes, you! The Christmas message is a very personal one (John 1:12; 3:16-17). If you my dear friend were the only human on planet earth Almighty God would have sent His precious RIGHTEOUS Son to die in your place for your transgressions and rise again from the grave for your justification (Isa. 53, Rom. 4:25, Gal. 1:4, Heb. 10, 1 Peter 3:18, Rev. 1:5). That is what the word, "whosoever" means from John 3:16! It is the personal choice of an individual to make a very personal and individual decision about their ETERNAL destiny with their RIGHTEOUS Creator (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4).
The very meaning of the Name "Jesus" means; Yahweh IS Salvation! The very gift from Almighty God for you is His ETERNAL Person which is found in His precious Son.
This Christmas may you be biblically objective and see from Almighty God's precious Word, the REALITY and TRUE meaning of Christmas and the unspeakable gift Almighty God your ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator has for you in the babe of Bethlehem (Isa. 53, Micah 5:2, Matt. 1:21, 2 Cor. 9:15). The very meaning of the Name "Jesus" means; Yahweh IS Salvation! The very gift from Almighty God for you is His ETERNAL Person which is found in His precious Son (Isa. 7:14, Matt. 1:21-23, John 1:1-4, Heb. 1:2-3; 10). If you know not the Lord Jesus Messiah as your personal Savior there is no better time than this Christmas season to receive Him into your heart (John 1:12)! There was no room at the inn for Jesus to be born and I pray the inn of your heart does not have a "no vacancy" sign in its window too! May you choose Jesus as your own and receive God's most precious Gift for yourself, His beloved Son!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men?
One of the most favorite sayings and happy thoughts that are spoken frequently by people during the Christmas or “holiday” season is the phrase “Peace on Earth goodwill to men”. There are bumper stickers, signs, shirts, holiday cards, trinkets etc. that seek to capitalize and get out this optimistic and positive message. Even liberal secularists who reject biblical Christianity love to quote this phrase and claim it as their own. Sadly, this phrase is TOTALLY taken out of the biblical context and is perceived from a subjective godless utopian world perspective (conservative and liberal).
Even liberal secularists who reject biblical Christianity love to quote this phrase and claim it as their own.
The origin of this quote is taken from the biblical account in Luke of the countless MILLIONS of angelic beings who were sent forth by Almighty God to proclaim the Savior’s birth (Luke 2:.8-15, Heb.1:14). These countless innumerable angelic beings manifested themselves with the heavenly heralds of wondrous and astonishing exaltations of great joy to the oblivious shepherds who were in the fields of Bethlehem GUARDING their sheep by NIGHT (Luke 2:8-14). It was in the birth of THIS child (Jesus Messiah (Isa. 9:6-7) that Almighty God would bring forth the propitiation for redemption for ALL of fallen humanity and the final death knell and demise of Lucifer and his fallen angelic monsters (Gen. 3:15, John 16:7-11, 1 John 1:2:2, Rev. 5, 20:10). The righteous angelic hosts of heaven comprehended what was taking place and were ecstatic about what their Creator was doing. It absolutely stupefied these angelic beings as the Son of God - the pinnacle of glory - stepped out of ETERNITY and put on flesh and blood to redeem Adam’s fallen race. Is it any wonder that and shouted with exceedingly great joy (John 1:1-3, 14, Phil. 2:5-11, Heb. 10:1-18)!
It absolutely stupefied these angelic beings as the Son of God - the pinnacle of glory - stepped out of ETERNITY and put on flesh and blood to redeem Adam’s fallen race.
Almighty God the Creator of all (Col. 1:16,-17, Heb. 1:2-3, Rev. 4:11) was interceding on behalf of Adam’s fallen and rebellious race and showing forth His ETERNAL love, mercy, and grace in goodwill towards His enemies (Rom. 5:6, Eph. 2:1-10, Col. 1:20-22). The objective angelic understanding of Adam’s fallen race far exceeds our own as humans (Heb.1:14). They exist and dwell in FULL REALITY and heavenly LIGHT. They know all to well the horrific devastation that awaits unrepentant unregenerate transgressing mankind in the Lake of Fire FOREVER (Matt. 13:42, 50, 25:41, John 3:16-17, Rev. 20:11-15, 21:8). Is it any wonder that the angelic hosts of heaven rejoice with EXCEEDINGLY GREAT joy when just one son of Adam repents and comes to the Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world as their personal Savior (Isa. 53, Luke 2:13-14, John 3:16-17). This is what is meant by the statement “peace on earth goodwill towards men”. This child - who is Almighty God the Son - PUT ON flesh and blood to shed His RIGHTEOUS blood for the transgressions of the entire world (Adam to the end of time).
Is it any wonder that the angelic hosts of heaven rejoiced with EXCEEDINGLY GREAT joy when just one son of Adam repents and comes to the Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world as their personal Savior.
It was to be His sacrificial death and resurrection from the dead that would restore fellowship between man with their Creator and establish an EVERLASTING peace between the two parties (Job 9:33, John 1:14, Rom. 10:4, Phil. 2:5-11, Heb. 1:2-3, 10: 1-18). My beloved, this child IS our PEACE (Isa. 9:6, Eph. 2:14-17, Col. 1:20, 1 John 2:2)! When we seek to say “peace on earth, good will towards men” and LEAVE OUT the Son of God who is the ONLY Savior and method FOR establishing TRUE PEACE, we deceive ourselves and join in Satan’s godless rebellion against ALL that is the ETERNAL God and His ETERNAL sovereignty (2 Cor. 4:3-4). There can NEVER be true peace for those who REJECT and leave Almighty God the Son out of the equation (Psalm 112:10, Isa. 32:17, 48:18, 22, Rev. 20:11-15). Notice how the world leaves off and will NEVER state the first part of the quote, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST”? They can’t and will NEVER acknowledge that, for if they did they would have to repent and be saved (John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess 2:10)!
When we seek to say “peace on earth, goodwill towards men” and LEAVE OUT the Son of God who is the ONLY Savior and method FOR establishing TRUE PEACE, we deceive ourselves and join in Satan’s godless rebellion against ALL that is the ETERNAL God and His ETERNAL sovereignty.
There is absolutely no way that TRUE PEACE and PERFECT HARMONY can EVER be brought about WITHOUT the ETERNAL established RIGHTEOUSNESS of ALMIGHTY GOD (Isa. 32:17, 48:18,22). Almighty God’s whole ETERNITY and physical universe were established based on the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PERSON of the TRIUNE GOD! How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands (1 Cor. 6:8-11, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8, 22:14-15). We are a smashed and broken egg with absolutely no way our repairing ourselves. 6000 years of human history testifies to the fact that we are a violent and lawless race with death as our future and destiny (Rom. 3:23) and on our way to total destruction. If it had not been for Almighty God’s outside intervention holding back the full accumulation of violence of mankind we would have been extinct a long time ago (Matt. 24:21-22, 2 Thess. 2:6-8). Isn’t it amazing that as American’s listen to our leaders in Washington D.C., the media (conservative and liberal), Hollywood and the music culture and industry preach utopian ideals unto them that the majority of the world sincerely believe that lie from hell, which is if we just keep working at “peace” (give peace a chance) that we will one day finally achieve it?
How deceived are we as humans and totally delusional to think that we as Adam’s fallen race could establish a PERFECT world and enter into ETERNITY without the required RIGHTEOUSNESS that Almighty God demands.
My friend, let's wake up and get real! There is NO WAY that a smashed egg can EVER again be put perfectly back together and there is NO WAY that this broken world can EVER fix itself. This vain utopian pursuit is the ultimate delusional chasing of the devil’s cattle. At the end of this vain delusional chase, the world will tragically finally find out the REALITIES of time and ETERNITY that they have REJECTED their whole lives (Luke 16:22-31, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15). It will be in that Day that these will be fully AWAKENED from their self induced godless hypnotic delusion and will FULLY understand that their lawless self-willed existence here in time has led them straight into the slaughterhouse of the ETERNAL Divine Judgment and wrath of Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess. 2; 8-12, Rev.20:11-15).
My dear friend this is not Almighty God’s desire for you, to die in your transgressions. He sent His Son 2000 years ago born of a virgin so you might LIVE FOREVER with Him and to enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUS PERFECTION and BLISS FOREVERMORE (1 Cor. 2:9, Rev 21-22:1-5). This was Almighty God’s grand desire at the beginning of creation for mankind not what man has horrifically reaped upon himself. We as a world do not know divine PEACE let alone the temporal peace that fallen man can barely manufacture (Isa. 32:17, 48:18, 22, 53, John 1:10-11, Rom. 3, Rev.6-16).
A Savior was born and is soon coming again in great glory to establish His 1000 year reign of PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!
This season may we truly - with all our being - want to know, possess and exercise the wondrous peace of Almighty God which He has brought to us by the shed blood of His dear Son (Eph. 2:14). As we walk in time may we seek to enjoy our redemptive benefits which have been given to us by our God and Savior (Eph. 1:3, 2:1-19, Phil. 4:17, Col. 3:1-4) and the heavenly peace of heart that comes with the fact and reality that our sins and trespasses are removed FOREVER (Psalm 103:12, Rom. 7:24-25, 10:4, Gal 1:4). That my friends is what “peace on earth is all about! Rejoice GREATLY (Phil. 4:4)! A Savior was born and is soon coming again in great glory to establish His 1000 year reign of PEACE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (Isa. 2:1-4, 9:6-7, 11:1-9, 32:1 Jer. 23:5, 33:15-16, Dan. 2:44-45, 7:7:13-14, Micah 4:1-4)!!!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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