A resounding question asked by many today is, “Where is America in Biblical prophecy?” The simple answer is that our nation will still exist during the Great Tribulation period, but our military power and
socio-economic position will have been diminished to the level of a godless, base nation. For many years this was a hard reality for many American believers to grasp because in many ways it was so hard to see! But by faith in God's Word, we knew it must be!
Joe Biden in my opinion is the demonic stage setter for the Anti-Christ who is to come and is making ready the world stage for the Anti-Christ and his reception.

Now my dear friends; in 2023 we are seeing all of the godless and lawless aspirations and dreams of demonic evil men and women fully coming to be through years of incrementally prepping a people and nation. Through demonic deception and indoctrination, the demonic left has brought us to this very hour in which lawlessness does not just dominate our nation but is growing and dominating EXPONENTIALLY in all proportions of it and is now mainstream. In EVERY facet of our nation from DC to Hollywood, from the music industry to all branches of education, from media to Mainstreet advertisement and marketing, from Twitter to Facebook, from the sports world to the video game world, etc., etc. ALL is godless and ALL is anti-Christ.; but yet... unregenerate conservatism is absolutely willingly clueless to the EXPONENTIAL degree of our national rot and its unredeemable national estate! Even more so,, the blind and delusional optimism and conservative "good intentions" that we can save our national sinking Titanic with unregenerate hearts, moral "conservative" relativism, Trumpism, and without Divine national repentance to ALMIGHTY GOD in RIGHTEOUSNESS! O deceived and blind! The Day of the Lord is at the very door and what shall then be of America and unregenerate conservatism after the Rapture of His Divine restraint?!
The Anti-Christ will be the total fulfillment of godless Marxism and its Satanic designs for the world as Almighty God's Word clearly teaches!
Indeed, my dear friends, it is more than safe to say that the spirit of Anti- Biblical Jesus, anti-God, and anti-Christ is indeed rife within America, and with it has now come the demonic tsunami and tidal wave of its destructive flood throughout America. Today; with the highly coordinated theft and the overthrow of our national elections in which a demonic sock puppet for the deep state was placed in office, we have passed beyond a shadow of any doubt to the point of no return for our nation. Joe Biden is the very demonic tool in which the demonic left is using to absolutely destroy what remains of our nation. He is being used as the demonic deep state's tool by doing everything in his power to destroy America from within and what remains of its Judeo/1christian founding.
Joe Biden in my opinion is the demonic stage setter for the Anti-Christ who is to come and will make ready the world stage for the Anti-Christ and his reception by the removal of America from off of the world's stage.
Joe Biden in my opinion is indeed the last day's demonic stage setter for imploding America and for the Anti-Christ who is to come
(2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 6:1).
The ABSOLUTE REJECTION of sound moral absolutes, via the total REJECTION of ALMIGHTY God and His RIGHTEOUS fear, have EXPONENTIALLY sunk our nation!
With the American global restraint removed from the world stage and then the removal of the DIVINE restraint of the Holy Spirit found within Almighty God's people
at the Rapture; the EXPONENTIAL and ULTRA-HORRIFIC Day of the Lord will begin and WOE, WOE, WOE to the inhabits of the EXPONENTIAL godless world
(Rev. 6-19). Where will be America in that day? It is more than abundantly clear in light of our EXPONENTIALLY deteriorating day; that we will not be.
These destructive vices have accelerated our nation's rot EXPONENTIALLY via the technological advances in the media of our day.

Dear friends, when Almighty God the Son calls
His Body (the Church) out of the world by means of
the Rapture, our nation will then finally implode upon itself
(2 Thess. 2:7). Any remnant of restraint by Conservatives
will then be totally removed, and our demise will arise by means of global tribulation (nuclear war)
(Rev. 6:1-8; 9:14-18, Rev. 6-19), of civil war and EXPONENTIAL lawlessness which will lead to total national social collapse and anarchy
(Rev. 6:1-8; 9:14-18). The
prophetic words and warnings of our Founding Fathers against the violation of Almighty God’s natural laws will come to pass. America will reap a whirlwind of consequences from her godless doings, and tyranny and oppression will fill the vacuum once filled with justice and the rule of law.
America will be absorbed into the coming European “Super Global Empire” of the Anti-Christ to go against Almighty God at the Great Battle of Armageddon.
The reception and
outworking of godless secularism and “unnatural” laws has and will continue to plunge America into a third-world nation status from which it will not recover. Even 8 to 10 years ago this picture was hard to fully see but since the
Obama administration, we have seen the
secular Left rapidly move us to the brink of collapse with their godless and lawless agenda. The final piece to our undoing will be when we as America abandon Israel,
which we are doing more and more today under this Biden administration. No more will America be the nation that resists and restrains global secular fascism and oppression. No more will we be a beacon of light to all the world’s oppressed. No more will we be the world’s guardian against oppressive dictators and thugs, for we will be transformed into the very thing that our Founding Fathers prophetically warned us about. In the end, America will war against
Almighty God's Two MIGHTY LAMP STANDS (Moses and Elijah), then be absorbed into the coming European “Super Global Empire” of the Anti-Christ
(Dan. 2: 40-44; 7:19-21; 9:26-27; Rev. 13, 17:10-18) to go against Almighty God at the
Great Battle of Armageddon (Zech. 12:3; 14:2; Rev. 16:13-16). TRAGICALLY, many do not want to begin to conceive this REALITY and choose to deceive themselves with optimistic lies and falsehoods as they try to retain their delusion and false security
See Chart Link
The Final Countdown

As this age draws to its final conclusion, and as the sobering realities of this appraisal are showing themselves everywhere today, may we not be oblivious to the countless signs and warning bells at present of what is coming
(Luke 21:34; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 16:15).
For a brief 400 years in the 6,000 years of world history, America was a signpost pointing the entire world to the
Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. With its rule of law and
Judeo/Christian heritage, America was a
mighty dam holding back global oppression and tyranny. No other nation in the world’s history has done more to send out the Glorious Gospel light to the oppressed prisoners and captives of Satan’s tyrannical Kingdom
(Hebrews 2:14-15). The last flickers of America’s light have nearly gone out and the flax is near smoldering. These current realities must be acknowledged by all before it is too late to even notice.
The last flickers of America’s light have nearly gone out and the flax is near smoldering. These current realities must be acknowledged by all before it is too late to even notice.

Almost 2,000 years ago, Almighty God sent His Son from Heaven’s glory to come down to earth to pay the price for man’s disobedience and transgression against Almighty God’s perfectly righteous standards and holy absolutes
(Romans 10:4; 1 Peter 1:19; 3:18). In these last days, the Spirit of God is calling out to men and women throughout the world to repent and be saved from the wrath to come
(John 3:16-17). Will you have an ear to hear? America is like a
fractured dam ready to give way at any moment. What will there be after she does? The chief end of all Americans and the world is to possess a saving relationship with Almighty God in spirit and truth in perfect righteousness
(Eccl. 12:13-14; Gal 1:4; 1 John 2:17).
May I ask you this very pertinent and urgent question? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s propitiation (a payment that yields satisfaction) for man’s transgressions
(1 John 2:2), as your PERSONAL Savior? If not, may you do so today. Nothing is more crucial in these last days. Time is but for a moment while eternity is forever. The things of Almighty God will abide forever, America will not. Will you trust Him today?
The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!