Today, music is the main hypnotic vehicle used by Satan to brainwash the masses and to get them to a state that is anti authority and anti God. Wherever one ventures you cannot help but see, hear and witness the music industry dominating our American society and culture.
The advancement of the Hard Rock and Heavy Metal (1969-1991) movement was purposely designed to further erode and break down the moral walls and fiber of our American Judeo/Christian society and culture at a more rapid rate. In Satan’s plan,America must be eradicated before he can establish his 666 world government (Rev. 13). On September 24, 1991 - via. Kurt Cobain and Nirvana - Lucifer would then seek to change the music industry’s gears and accelerate and intensify the music culture and industry to a more violent, subjective and negative tone. He would seek to advance his new agenda - after the 20 year decadent influence on our American culture of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal - to a more aggressive, viler, pessimistic, self loathing, anti authority and anti Christ mantra called Grunge. The Grunge catalyst would grip and possess the American youth who were now ready to receive this godless message into their hearts and accelerate the toxic demonic poison which would take our nation into an even more godless state and begin to set the stage for the acceptance of Anti Christ (Dan. 7:25, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13).
The advancement of the Hard Rock and Heavy Metal (1969-1991) movement was purposely designed to further erode and break down the moral walls and fiber of our American Judeo/Christian society and culture at a more rapid rate. In Satan’s plan,
Lucifer would then seek to change the music industry’s gears and accelerate and intensify the music culture and industry to a more violent, subjective and negative tone.
Since the 50’s, the music industry has been Satan's chief medium for opening wide the flood gates of lawlessness, lewd immorality, drug addiction, alcoholism, narcissistic indulgence, violence and licentiousness (Gal. 5:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:1-5). Music is an extremely powerful medium and its beats and rhythms bind and subtly open the soul for demonic indoctrination (Eph. 2:2-3). This is why Satan's influence has so exponentially increased and has been so widely received these last 70 years. The media and technological advancements of today have given him a 24/7 global indoctrination outlet to further seduce, molest, corrupt and pollute the minds of our youth and have them to be willing agents of his evil designs (Isa. 14:12-16). He owns all genres of music and its culture and sets the agenda however he wills (Luke 4:5-6, Eph. 2:2-3). Without the Savior of mankind to redeem you and make you see the realities of our day and for ETERNITY you are his and under Lucifer's fallen tyrannical domain and autocratic control (Eph. 2:2-3).
As we see the irreversible effects of Satan’s handy work we who know the Lord FULLY comprehend that he is a defeated foe and will soon meet his end when Jesus Christ (THE ETERNAL SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD) casts him in to the Lake of Fire, where he will abide FOREVER AND EVER (Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:10).
You see the rebellious 50’s and their musical trendsetters set the stage for the decadent 60’s and their rebellious musical trendsetters. The decadent 60’s set the stage for the perverse 70’s and their musical trendsetters and the perverse 70’s set the stage for the lewd 80’s and their musical trendsetters. The lewd 80's and their musical trendsetters open wide the door for the anti God 90's and their musical trendsetters. The anti God 90's and their musical trendsetters opened the door for the callus, godless and lawless 00's. The callus, godless and lawless 00's and their musical trendsetters has burst the damn of moral restraint wide open and has made lawlessness mainstream. Today's generation is absolutely prepared and ready for the reception of the lawless one, the decadent one and ALL the subjective hatred that is against Almighty God and the reception of Satan (i.e. Lucifer's) Anti Christ (2 Thess. 2:8-12).
Today's generation is absolutely prepared and ready for the reception of
the lawless one, the decadent one and ALL the subjective hatred that is
against Almighty God and the reception of Satan (i.e. Lucifer's) Anti
Since the 50’s, the music industry has been Satan's chief medium for opening wide the flood gates of lawlessness, lewd immorality, drug addiction, alcoholism, narcissistic indulgence, violence and licentiousness (Gal. 5:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:1-5). Music is an extremely powerful medium and its beats and rhythms bind and subtly open the soul for demonic indoctrination (Eph. 2:2-3). This is why Satan's influence has so exponentially increased and has been so widely received these last 70 years. The media and technological advancements of today have given him a 24/7 global indoctrination outlet to further seduce, molest, corrupt and pollute the minds of our youth and have them to be willing agents of his evil designs (Isa. 14:12-16). He owns all genres of music and its culture and sets the agenda however he wills (Luke 4:5-6, Eph. 2:2-3). Without the Savior of mankind to redeem you and make you see the realities of our day and for ETERNITY you are his and under Lucifer's fallen tyrannical domain and autocratic control (Eph. 2:2-3).
The media and technological advancements of today have given him a 24/7 global indoctrination outlet to further seduce, molest, corrupt and pollute the minds of our youth and have them to be willing agents of his evil designs.
The music culture and ideology passed on to our children and youth is very subtle and very powerful. It dominates and hypnotizes a society to do as the master of this medium dictates (Eph 2:2-3). It is the music industry - which is run by the basest of individuals – that sets the godless trends, the fashions, the philosophies, the moods and the politics of the youth in which it seeks to reach. It is our American history that shows this to be all so true. Since the invention of the phonograph, and other like mediums, no other genre has been as widely used for the mass demonic indoctrination of masses as the vessel of music has been.
These agents of Satan, these icons of wrath, these demonic and lawless trendsetters’ - who with great godless passion and fire – have sought to promote and exalt the base and destructive vices of men on a reprobate society. The unregenerate masses of society - who are absolutely void of Heaven’s reality – allow the musical indoctrination to lay hold of their fallen human state, emotional instability and 5 senses to create a perspective and perception that is anti God and lawless (Rom. 1:18-32; 3, 8:5-9, Gal. 5:19-21). In their fallen world environment and nature these vessels of Satan been very successful in their mission of moving the countless millions of satanic sheep to a state and mindset that despises, repulses, abhors any one or thing that stands for Almighty God, His plan of redemption and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES (Rom. 1:32).
Their dominating godless narcissistic subjective mentality of “Do as thou wilt” has led America to the point of ABSOLUTE NO RETURN.
Their dominating godless narcissistic subjective mentality of “Do as thou wilt” has led America to the point of ABSOLUTE NO RETURN. Each key iconic transitional trendsetter of music has been hand picked by the god of this world (Eph. 2:2-3). My friends, nothing ever happens by chance. There is always an agenda and its source is infused from beyond the realms of this world (Luke 4:6-7, Eph. 2:3-4, 6:12). These key chosen vessels of wrath – who for a few moments of time - were given the world, success, power, money, fame, excess and sex in exchange for their souls, have been Lucifer’s ramming rods for taking down the protecting walls of the social mores of our society and opening wide the flood gates for the hypnotic indoctrination of godlessness, relativistic subjectivism, personal narcissism and self gratification at any expense. These godless musical mediums have successfully turned the tide of our nation’s direction by successful sabotage from with in by brain washing our youth and culture. In each generation since the 1920’s we have seen this demonic cycle become more intense, more godless, more violent, more decadent, more anti authority and anti God. Let’s take a look at a few of these demonic musical trend setting agents of Lucifer, who have been crucial and most effective in desensitizing, eroding and brainwashing generations of youth.
These godless musical mediums have successfully turned the tide of our nation’s direction by successful sabotage from with in and brain washing our youth and culture.
With just a hand full of these demonic trendsetters; Robert Johnson, Frank Sinatra, Bing
Crosby, Bill Haley, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Jim Morrison
and the Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, NWA, Ozzy
Osbourne, Madonna and Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Manson, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Katy Perry etc... Satan has been able to erode the American fabric and standards (which were based on the laws of nature and of nature’s God) and has remolded this nation into a vast wasteland of lawlessness, violence, decadence, immorality, narcissism, personal self loathing and fatalistic subjectivism. Lucifer absolutely knows the power of music and its subtle hypnotic suggestion and emotional reaction that it has on fallen mankind (Rom. 1:18-32; 8:5-7, Gal. 5:19-21). It is his choice weapon for hypnotizing and destroying a nation’s foundation in a rapid time. By its (music) sway and subtle hypnotic powers we are where we are today.
It is his choice weapon for hypnotizing and destroying a nation’s foundation in a rapid time. By its (music) sway and subtle hypnotic powers we are where we are today.
As we see the irreversible effects of Satan’s handy work we who know the Lord FULLY comprehend that he is a defeated foe and will soon meet his end when Jesus Christ (THE ETERNAL SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD) casts him in to the Lake of Fire, where he will abide FOREVER AND EVER (Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:10).
My friend, I pray that we see the ETERNAL perspective which Almighty God has given us in His UNCHANGEABLE and POWERFUL Word. It will INDEED set us free and help us to FULLY comprehend the day and hour in which we are living
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!