When an EXPONENTIAL day is EXPONENTIALLY seeking global demonic darkness, godlessness, and lawlessness it will produce the man of lawlessness and a global war against Almighty God!
The Book of Proverbs reveals the two different effects that take place based on the proper application to RIGHTEOUSNESS or its violation. Obedience to RIGHTEOUSNESS, spiritual absolutes, and moral absolutes produces the fruits of RIGHTEOUSNESS; such as peace, harmony, order, etc (Ps. 85:10; Isa. 32:17, Rom. 14:17; James 3:18); the violation of RIGHTEOUSNESS produces the violational effects of RIGHTEOUSNESS; lawlessness, disorder, chaos, anarchy, corruption, violence, etc. (Psalm 14; Matt. 15:19; Rom. 1:18-32; Rom. 3; Gal. 5:19-21; Jude 1:10-19). Simple enough to see is it not? But how come billions miss it?The answer is quite simple; Adam's fallen humanity with all of their being truly LOVE death, darkness, error, licentiousness, moral relativism, idolatry, etc., etc. for that is why the gate is very wide which leads to ETERNAL ruin!
The answer is quite simple; Adam's fallen humanity with all of their being truly LOVE death, darkness, error, licentiousness, moral relativism, idolatry, etc., etc. for that is why the gate is very wide which leads to ETERNAL ruin (Matt. 7:13-14; John 3:19-21; Rom. 1:18-32). It doesn't matter whatever one's moral or lawless bent is for unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief...; and unless one is born again by faith in Jesus Christ, the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and ATONING Mediator between God and man in RIGHTEOUSNESS; one will die in their sins, violations and trespasses (John 3:16;17, 1 John 4:10; Rev. 20:11-15)!It doesn't matter whatever one's moral or lawless bent is for unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief...; and unless one is born again by faith in Jesus Christ, the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and ATONING Mediator between God and man in RIGHTEOUSNESS; one will die in their sins, violations, and trespasses!
It will be at the end of the church age at the Rapture that the global EXPONENTIAL ACCUNMINATED lawlessness of man will reach its zenith in rebellion and lawlessness and run straight into the Day of the Lord and His RIGHTEOUS Wrath (Rev. 6-19)! The Book of Revelation is all about a godless world's EXPONENTIAL rebellion against its ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Rom. 1:18-32)!Unregenerate humanity is hiding from Almighty God much like Adam was when he first sinned and deep down inside they know why they are hiding, they LOVE their darkness and are LOVER of it!
Oh, that man would only truly trust Almighty God their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator and call on Him for ETERNAL deliverance and salvation (John 1:12, Acts 4:12; 16:29-31)! Lawlessness only destroys ETERNALLY, yet an unregenerate man is hooked on it as heroin to an addict and pushes all hands away from those who seek to help to deliver in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Isa. 30:15; 53:6; Jer. 10:23; 17:9; John 1:9-11; 8:24; Rom. 1:18-32)! Unregenerate humanity is hiding from Almighty God much like Adam was when he first sinned and deep down inside they know why they are hiding, they LOVE their darkness and are LOVER of it (Gen. 3:9-11, John 3:19-21)! Note how Adam knew his sin and then try to blame Eve (Gen. 3:9-12). Unregenerate man is always seeking to self preservate himself at all costs to hold on to their love of darkness. This my friend is the biblical RIGHTEOUS diagnosis of Adam's fallen race and why all desperately need the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus for one's ETERNAL well-being (Isa. 53; John 11:25-26, Rom. 10:2-4; Gal. 1:4)!Unregenerate man is always seeking to self preservate himself at all costs to hold on to their love of darkness. This my friend is the biblical RIGHTEOUS diagnosis of Adam's fallen race and why all desperately need the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus for one's ETERNAL well-being!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!