Monday, September 16, 2024

Our Present EXPONENTIAL End Times Harvest Season World!

As we look at the 6000 years of human history; we find ourselves in this present day, at the accumulative technological EXPONENTIALLY superabounding depot for EXPONENTIAL population growth, technological advancement (in all sciences and warfare), in global depravity, lawlessness, godlessness, and global demonic oppression (Dan. 12:1-4)

We are living in the last days EXPONENTIAL end tmes harvest season!

When we are fully able to observe these things from this perspective, we truly know that we are absolutely near the end of this age and the Day of the Lord is at hand (Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19)!  When ETERNALLY Divine spiritual laws and their absolutes along with their moral laws and absolutes are willingly despised, abhorred, violated, ravished, and transgressed; you will always find the negative consequences of their violation and their destructive fruits (Rom. 1:18-32; Gal. 5:19-21)

All today is heading EXPONENTIALLY to the Day of the Lord and to Satan's 666 world EXPONENTIAL lawless world!

When an EXPONENTIAL day is EXPONENTIALLY seeking demonic darkness, godlessness, and lawlessness, it will produce the ultimate man of lawlessness and a global war against Almighty God, which in the end, will lead to the Battle of Armageddon (Dan. 7:8,11,12,24-26; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 13; 16:13-16).

When an EXPONENTIAL day is EXPONENTIALLY seeking global demonic darkness, godlessness, and lawlessness it will produce the man of lawlessness and a global war against Almighty God!

The Book of Proverbs reveals the two different effects that take place based on the proper application to RIGHTEOUSNESS or its violation. Obedience to RIGHTEOUSNESS, spiritual absolutes, and moral absolutes produces the fruits of RIGHTEOUSNESS; such as peace, harmony, order, etc (Ps. 85:10; Isa. 32:17, Rom. 14:17; James 3:18); the violation of RIGHTEOUSNESS produces the violational effects of RIGHTEOUSNESS; lawlessness, disorder, chaos, anarchy, corruption, violence, etc. (Psalm 14; Matt. 15:19; Rom. 1:18-32; Rom. 3; Gal. 5:19-21; Jude 1:10-19). Simple enough to see is it not? But how come billions miss it? 

The answer is quite simple; Adam's fallen humanity with all of their being truly LOVE death, darkness, error, licentiousness, moral relativism, idolatry, etc., etc. for that is why the gate is very wide which leads to ETERNAL ruin!

The answer is quite simple; Adam's fallen humanity with all of their being truly LOVE death, darkness, error, licentiousness, moral relativism, idolatry, etc., etc. for that is why the gate is very wide which leads to ETERNAL ruin (Matt. 7:13-14; John 3:19-21; Rom. 1:18-32). It doesn't matter whatever one's moral or lawless bent is for unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief...; and unless one is born again by faith in Jesus Christ, the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and ATONING Mediator between God and man in RIGHTEOUSNESS; one will die in their sins, violations and trespasses (John 3:16;17, 1 John 4:10; Rev. 20:11-15)!

It doesn't matter whatever one's moral or lawless bent is for unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief...; and unless one is born again by faith in Jesus Christ, the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and ATONING Mediator between God and man in RIGHTEOUSNESS; one will die in their sins, violations, and trespasses!

It will be at the end of the church age at the Rapture that the global EXPONENTIAL ACCUNMINATED lawlessness of man will reach its zenith in rebellion and lawlessness and run straight into the Day of the Lord and His RIGHTEOUS Wrath (Rev. 6-19)! The Book of Revelation is all about a godless world's EXPONENTIAL rebellion against its ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Rom. 1:18-32)!

Unregenerate humanity is hiding from Almighty God much like Adam was when he first sinned and deep down inside they know why they are hiding, they LOVE their darkness and are LOVER of it!

Oh, that man would only truly trust Almighty God their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator and call on Him for ETERNAL deliverance and salvation (John 1:12, Acts 4:12; 16:29-31)! Lawlessness only destroys ETERNALLY, yet an unregenerate man is hooked on it as heroin to an addict and pushes all hands away from those who seek to help to deliver in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Isa. 30:15; 53:6; Jer. 10:23; 17:9; John 1:9-11; 8:24; Rom. 1:18-32)! Unregenerate humanity is hiding from Almighty God much like Adam was when he first sinned and deep down inside they know why they are hiding, they LOVE their darkness and are LOVER of it (Gen. 3:9-11, John 3:19-21)! Note how Adam knew his sin and then try to blame Eve (Gen. 3:9-12). Unregenerate man is always seeking to self preservate himself at all costs to hold on to their love of darkness. This my friend is the biblical RIGHTEOUS diagnosis of Adam's fallen race and why all desperately need the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus for one's ETERNAL well-being (Isa. 53; John 11:25-26, Rom. 10:2-4; Gal. 1:4)!

Unregenerate man is always seeking to self preservate himself at all costs to hold on to their love of darkness. This my friend is the biblical RIGHTEOUS diagnosis of Adam's fallen race and why all desperately need the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus for one's ETERNAL well-being!

My dear friend, are you a hider today? One who hides from Almighty God in the cloak of demonic darkness (Gen. 3:6-11; John 3:19-21; Eph. 2:1-3)? Are you hiding in your traditions, family, culture, political party, skin color, "good" works, vices, social justice crusades, career, global movements, conservatism, liberalism, marxism, religiousness, abortion rights, pro-life passions, greeds, creeds, violence, gangs, humanitarian institutions, genders, sports, movies, etc., etc.? What are you hiding in that will keep you from coming to the ETERNAL Light of Almighty God your ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator, who so loved you that He came forth from Heaven's glory to die for your sins and transgressions (Isa. 53, John 1:1-12; Heb. 1:2-3; 1 John 4:10)! Almighty God is calling out to you today and will you come out of hiding and come into the ETERNAL Light of His presence (John 3:19-21)? Oh, my dear friends, I was once a hider and I ran from the Lord because I loved my darkness, but in Almighty God's grace and mercy He came after me until I saw my hiding place for what it was (John 3:19-21; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Eph. 2:1-14)! It will be 30 years this October that Almighty God delivered me ETERNALLY from my hiding place and my death and I am here to tell you that LIFE and LIGHT in Christ are ETERNALLY superior to a life in darkness and sin! If you are a hider, I want to challenge you to come to the LIGHT of RIGHTEOUSNESS and see for yourself and place your ETERNAL trust in Jesus for your ETERNAL deliverance and salvation!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

You Who Are Lawlessly Oppressed by Lawlessness, Jesus' RIGHTEOUSLY Cares and Loves You!


Oh, my dear friends, in light of lawless leftist and godless oppression by the lawless and godless oppressors; who are anti-authority to the bone (Jude 1:10); our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVING Creator; who so loved the WORLD, truly ETERNALLY cares and desires none to die in their trespasses and sins! He cries out today to an EXPONENTIALLY lawless and fallen socially oppressed people and world; look to Me and be delivered; whatever your color, whatever your race; be ye delivered (Matt. 18:11, Luke 19:10, John 3:16-17, 1 Tim. 2:2-3, 1 John 4:10)

Our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVING Creator; who so loved the WORLD, truly ETERNALLY cares and desires none to die in their trespasses and sins! He cries out today to an EXPONENTIALLY lawless and fallen socially oppressed people and world; look to Me and be delivered!

My friends, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful to anyone than that! The ETERNAL message from Almighty God brings ETERNAL HOPE to a hopeless and dying situation and to a demonic and thug oppressed world (John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10)! Friend, Almighty God sent His ETERNAL Son to be your RIGHTEOUS Lamb, Propitiation, Savior, and LIFE (John 1:29; 3:16-17; 10:10; 14:6; 1 John 4:10). How hard is it to truly see that this fallen world, which absolutely excludes its RIGHTEOUS Creator, is an EXPONENTIAL disaster nationally and globally because of it and without Him (Gen. 6, Matt. 6:13, Rom. 1:18-32; 3, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, Heb. 2:14-15, 1 John 5:19)

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU shall be saved/delivered/rescued!"

Again, my dear friends, Almighty God has an ETERNAL purpose in LOVE for you and a GLORIOUS ETERNAL FUTURE for you in RIGHTEOUSNESS; don't be a fool in your pride and side with the lawless one and die in your sins (John 3:16-17; 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21)Jesus SAVES all who call on Him! If you know Him not, may you do so! There is ALWAYS ETERNAL HOPE in Almighty God! Trust in Him today, you will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

What Must I Do To Be Rescued/Saved?

Friday, September 13, 2024

The 2024 Presidential Debate and Today’s Last Days Demonic Narrative, Fake News and Demonic EXPONENTIAL Deception.

Dear Friends; the demonic and fully orchestrated tactics used against President Trump during the 2024 presidential debate with Harris by the demonic Woke Marxist Left was the height and zenith of Fake News at their best! Deception and deceit at high tech and mass media EXPONENTIAL levels; to mislead, deceive, destroy and lead astray all for a highly demonic Marxist Woke destroying agenda;

My  dear friends, right before our Lord's crucifixion and execution, Jesus’ disciples - as they looked upon Herod's Temple from the Mount of Olives - asked Jesus, "when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world (Matt 24:1-3)?" The very first reply given by our Lord to His disciples was the very stern warning, "Take heed that no man deceive you!" (Matt. 24:4)! How amazing that our Lord, with ALL PERFECT understanding and perception, PERFECTLY knew; the spirit and the EXPONENTIAL power of media which would EXPONENTIALLY dominate our present Last Days world! And with that PERFECT understanding and perception warned the Last Day world, "Take heed that no man deceive you (Matt. 24:4)! Today's day; with its millions upon millions of "individual" voices shouting forth from social media, Internet news, TV programming, cable news, the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Hollywood, Washington and the many different Christian denominations which abound (Left and Right); the spirit of deception, error, lawlessness, and godlessness sounds forth throughout the entire nation and world at EXPONENTIAL decibels! In it all, it is very very rare to hear Almighty God's Word in Satan's global demonic complex of EXPONENTIAL darkness, deception, and error (John 8:44, Eph. 2:1-2, 1 John 5:19). The RISEN Son of God's WARNING to today's inhabitants (believers and unbelievers) of the planet earth, LET NO man (individual) DECEIVE YOU!

Warning to today's inhabitants, LET NO man (individual) DECEIVE YOU!

In this world, dominated and saturated in full-blown darkness, where reality, moral absolutes, and ETERNAL spiritual absolutes are despised and rejected by all walks of man-made spiritual ideologies (i.e., religion) and political ideologies (i.e., conservatives, liberals, progressives, and moderates, etc); deception is EXPONENTIALLY rampant! Today's EXPONENTIAL lawless output is EXPONENTIALLY compounded by today's highly technological advances in news, secular and social media outlets! No wonder that our Lord Jesus - right before His execution at the hands of godless Jews and Gentiles - gave this very sobering and stern warning about the last days to His disciples;  BE NOT DECEIVED (Matt. 24)!

No wonder that our Lord Jesus - right before His execution at the hands of godless Jews and Gentiles - gave this very sobering and stern warning about the last days to His disciples; BE NOT DECEIVED!

Humanity - because of error, unbelief, and lawlessness - are TOTALLY deceived and enslaved by the god of this world and his minions and are indeed prisoners to his diabolical will (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12, Heb. 2:14-15). No wonder why it is so easy to lie today in America and to be deceived and bamboozled! The masses of people are drunk with the kool-aid from the CEO of Liars and his taskmasters and because of their abandonment of REALITY, they are ever drinking in the fa3lse promises, dreams, hopes, and aspirations from the Left and… from the Right (less so). These - by the use of LAWLESSNESS are ever seeking to create a utopia in a delusional pursuit for fulfillment, peace and contentment which is leading them straight into the Day of the Lord (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13).

Today's EXPONENTIAL lawless output is EXPONENTIALLY compounded by today's highly technological advances in news, secular, and social media outlets! 

This "utopia" delusion NEVER can be found in this world though billions since the dawn of creation have sought to find it in vain (Eccl. 3:11, Isa. 48:22). My dear friends ONLY Almighty God possesses ALL the remedies for our dire sinful estate (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4). Only Jesus Christ has the solution for our ETERNAL future and may I say that the Left and the Right today in America are absolutely bankrupt for providing our desperate need for RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jer. 17:5). Only Almighty God can do that for a son of Adam in the Person and Work of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 2:2).
Christ came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid or springs of ETERNAL Living Water.

Do you know the Savior today? My dear friend, stop following all the spiritual and immoral liars of the world today and stop deceiving yourself! Christ came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, Rev. 12:9) or springs of ETERNAL Living Water (John 7:38, 8:32, 36, Rev. 22:17). May you choose LIFE!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!

Satan's Global Demonic Complex!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Challenging Creation Message and Video on Divine Creation in Light of a 2 Peter 3:1-7 Scoffer World - Accident or Design?

Beloved, our dear friends at "Word of Truth Production" have created this amazing video which causes us to use our God-given common sense as we look at man's inventions versus Almighty God's highly complex creation and design (Gen. 1:1-3, Neh. 9:6; Prov. 3:19, Isa. 45:18, John 1:1-3, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 8:6, Rev. 4-5)! The question that we need to ask ourselves is this, "Are we a product of time and chance or have we been designed by our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator with an ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS calling, vocation, and purpose (Matt. 4:19, John 1:12, 2 Cor. 5:17-21)?" As you watch this powerful 30-minute video, may you be challenged to consider our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator, who is also the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior of the World (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1-14, Col. 1:15-17; Heb. 1:1-3)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


When the American Dam Breaks What Then America? What Then? (With Images)


Beloved; America, which was founded during the Philadelphia Church Age (from about 1600 AD to about 1850 AD - the church of the “open door” – Rev 3:7-13), was established on the bedrock of natural and moral laws and foremost acknowledged the RIGHTEOUS Person of Almighty God at its founding. Beloved, just read the Declaration of Independence, our nation's precious birth certificate, and see for yourself how Almighty God was included! Oh, how the haters love to slander our founding and twist the truth of its inception! In the fullness of time, at the end of world history, some 4000 years after the Tower of Babel; America was established for Almighty God's purpose and plan; including the future establishment and protection of the nation Israel back in her God given land. Tragically; after 248 years of our nation's history and journey, we have reached socially and culturally the point of no return! 

Dear friends, in a day of global EXPONENTIALISM in every facet of life, there is absolutely no time left to counter the EXPONENTIAL growth of lawlessness and godlessness of our day and its EXPONENTIAL ravishing of our nation due to the abandonment of sound moral principles and its restraints!

Dear friends, in a day of global EXPONENTIALISM in every facet of life, there is absolutely no time left to counter the EXPONENTIAL growth and spread of lawlessness and godlessness of our day and its EXPONENTIAL ravishing of our nation due to the abandonment of sound moral principles and its restraints. There is not enough time to put out the EXPONENTIALLY burning fires which consume our nation in lawlessness! Today's tragedy for millions of Americans is that we who live in this EXPONENTIAL deteriorating day are living at the end of America and it's a great experiment! Beloved, when America's dam breaks, what then for America and this world? What then? Today, America's only hope is to be found in a PERSON and that PERSON is the Lord Jesus Christ and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS salvation (John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10)! We must see the ETERNAL today to understand our hour; for the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand, with the seven years HORRIFIC Day of the Lord preceding it (Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19).

Dear friends, there is absolutely no time left to counter the EXPONENTIAL growth of lawlessness and godlessness of our day and its EXPONENTIAL ravishing of our nation due to the abandonment of sound moral principles and its restraints. There is not enough time to put out the EXPONENTIALLY burning fires which consume our nation in lawlessness! 

Dear friends, there has been no other nation in this world's history in which believers in Jesus Christ have sent out the ETERNAL Gospel LIGHT as America has! In our day of EXPONENTIAL technology, faithful believers in Jesus Christ are sending forth the ETERNAL Gospel LIGHT EXPONENTIALLY via all the mediums of our day, reaching billions before the Rapture of the Church! No day ever has seen such outreach and though the church its self is failing, faithful believers in Jesus Christ are able to reach ALL the world through these technological tools and mediums (Matt. 17:20, John 14:12, Gal. 2:20, Eph. 3:20-21, Rev. 3:8)! America, as a nation has been a beacon of freedom to the world's oppressed and has been a global dam holding back this world’s anti-Semitism, oppressive tyrannies, and the unbridled passions of fallen despots, especially in this last century. With her gone; what then? What then?

The Four Horsemen must ride America! They must ride! And WOE! WOE! WOE!

Dear friends, let me ask you this very sobering question, “What do you think will become of the world once America's restraining influence has been removed from the scene?” The very sobering answer is... GREAT global tribulation and global anti-Semitism (Zech 14:2, Rev 6-16). Just begin to read the Book of Revelation from chapters 6 to 19 and you will get a good enough picture of what will be! America in these last 60 years has truly given herself over to lawlessness, lewdness, godless pleasure-seeking, immorality, vice, abortion, anti-family values, godless ambitions, demonic euphemisms, and to the absolute hatred and disdain of biblical TRUTH and REALITIES (Eph. 2:1-2). Dear friends, when the American dam, which is holding back Satan and this world's EXPONENTIAL evil designs breaks at the Rapture, what then my friends? What then? 

What do you think will become of the world once America restraining influence has been removed from the scene?

Beloved, may we who personally know the Lord Jesus as our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Savior, pray with one Spirit that our Heavenly Father will give us His ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE and His DIVINE INSIGHT for our day and in this hour to be the bright burnings lights for Jesus that we so need to be; and that we might have eyes to see REALITY and TRUTH, not just from our position in Christ (Eph. 2:6, Col. 3:1-4, Rev 4-5), but also to comprehend our day and hour in which we live (Prov. 2:6, Matt. 7:7, James 1:5). Dear friend, if you are reading this post and know not the Lord Jesus; may you place your trust in Him today! In Jesus is ETERNAL hope!

Maranatha! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Images of our doomed nation!

America 2024

After the Rapture of the Church

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Today’s 2024 Last Days America Looks Like

Maranatha ☝️

A Spiritual and Biblical Analysis of the Trump/ Harris Debate by Pastor Mark Driscoll

What ever you think of MD; he is incredibly gifted with biblical perception and analysis; Mark does a great job here breaking down the 2024 Presidential Debates

Pastor Mark Driscoll responds LIVE with a Christian take on the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris!