Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Is the RFID Chip the Mark of the Beast?

There has been a lot of talk among prophecy buffs about the EXPONENTIAL advances in technology today and the upcoming “Mark of the Beast” (Rev. 13:16-18). Many believe that we are living in the very days in which we - as a world - will see the horrific fulfillment of this “chip” technology, which will be applied under the global edict of Satan’s Anti Christ (Rev. 13).

The micro-chipping of humans with RFID chips is a vision that secular utopians hold dear (Psalm 2: 2-3, Rom. 1:18-32). To them it will be the ultimate act of power and despotic control. By this chip these believe that they can control and manage the human population of the world and then enter a utopian age where technology is god and mankind’s savior. By this chip the secular utopian elites believe that they could eliminate currency, control ones actions, monitor one’s health and existence in an ever techno evolving world. The bottom line in this technological vision is not to help mankind but to control the world for their delusional utopian visions. What they have not calculated on is the heart of fallen mankind and what is yet to be (Rev. 6-19).

The micro-chipping of humans with RFID chips is a vision that the secular utopians hold dear. To them it will be the ultimate act of power and despotic control.

There is no doubt that the technology is here today for the global monitoring of the world’s inhabitants. The world today is dominated by only a very few who fully comprehend the technology of the day, the manufacturing of it and the institution and controlling of it. Only a handful of people out of the worlds total population are authorities on implementing and advancing today’s technology. These are the ones who truly possess the true power over our present world. The overwhelming majority of the world’s inhabitants are oblivious to how and what makes today's technology exist. Because of today’s technological advances mankind has become addicted, crippled and helpless in the basics of life’s functions. If the world was to suffer the loss of the daily functions of life (electricity, fuel and all that drives our world by these two agents) due to economics and/or world war (Rev. 6-9), the world’s inhabitants would be crippled and reduced to a less than a middle ages type of existence and living.

Because of today’s technological advances mankind has become addicted, crippled and helpless in the basics of life’s functions.
Once the seven year tribulation period begins the words, CATASTROPHIC, HORRENDOUS, HORRIFIC, RAVISHED, DEVASTATION and DEATH will take on EXPONENTIAL terms and levels (Isa. 24:5-6, Rev. 6-16). So HORRIFIC, so CATASTROPHIC will this time be that practically no technological advances will survive or be accessed and implemented by the majority of the world's surviving individuals. There will be absolutely NO electricity, power, refrigeration and access to technology etc… etc… The world at this time will be cut off from all that has made it move and the inhabitants of the earth will be pleading for dire help and aid no matter what the cost no matter what the sacrifice. The world’s global inhabitants will turn from technological addiction and dependency to a crippling detoxing. This technological withdrawal will reveal man's crippling weakness and dependency to technology and also reveal their colossal ignorance on how to take care of ones self with life’s basic skills to survive.

The Example and Projection

Last fall, we here in New England had a pre-winter snow, which crippled our region for many days. As a result of this devastating storm there was no power, no cell towers, no landlines, no heat, no electricity, no gas, no food and in some places no water. For a week we had no electricity and our manner of living was reduced to applying simple and practical skills to just survive. It was a big eye opener in light of how dependent we are to the technological advances of our day. It was during this week that the Lord opened my eyes and I was able to project this basic catastrophe to global proportions to when the Day of God’s wrath will cover the whole world (Rev. 6-16). If we as a little region were crippled by just a snowstorm can you just imagine what the EXPONENTIAL devastation of the Seal and Trumpet judgments will do to the entire world? Just read for yourselves and project the best that you can about that time and ask yourself this question. What can ever be left after such horrific global devastation? Mankind will be placed into a blender and whatever was once recognizable will not be. My dear friends, this is just the FIRST half of the seven year tribulation! Let’s take a look.

Mankind will be placed into a blender and whatever was once recognizable will not be. My dear friends, this is just the FIRST half of the seven year tribulation!

50% of the world’s population will be decimated by war, pestilence and famine (Rev. 6, 8).

1/3 of all the world’s vegetation, topographical land masses, rivers and oceans will be catastrophically wasted and marred beyond all imagination (Rev. 8).

Massive earthquakes will rock the world (Rev. 6:12, Rev. 11:13).

Demonic possession will control, torture and ravish the minds of the world’s remaining rebellious inhabitants of this time (Rev. 9).

All of these HORRIFIC CATASTROPHIC events will precede the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 6-9). Please tell me how after all of this EXPONENTIAL DEVASTATION and global anarchy that follows  that there will be any order or technology left to enforce the RFID chip under the Anti Christ’s 3 1/2 reign? Anarchy will reign supreme and after the Anti Christ’s death and resuscitation he will enforce global Marshall Law and then institute his new world order, global worship and his 666 global state (Rev. 11:7, Rev.13).

It is my personal belief that the “Mark of the Beast” will be just that… a mark not the IFID chip. This position is not as exciting as the RFID “Mark of the Beast” chip theory, but these are the realities. The RFID perspective deceives the world and today’s believers that there will be technological advances left after Revelation 6-9 takes place and keeps them ignorant and limited of just how EXPONENTIALLY horrific this time will be. Many prophetic “scholars” ignorantly leave out the realities of Revelation 6-9 and lack and forsake the total objective perception as to what transpires during this horrific period leading up to the Mark of the Beast.

The RFID perspective deceives the world and today’s believers that there will be technological advances left after Revelation 6-9 takes place and keeps them ignorant and limited of just how EXPONENTIALLY horrific this time will be.

The Mark of the Beast will be a “mark” on the fore head or right hand with the beast’s number 666 (Rev. 13:16-18). The Greek word for “mark” means to sculpture; engraving, a stamp, sign. It does not at all give reference to an implanting.

My dear friends for us who know the Lord as Savior we will not be here to find out for the Lord will call His ambassadors out before the Day of the Lord begins. But for a world that will be left only EXPONENTIAL catastrophe, anguish, suffering and tyranny await them (Rev. 6-19).

My dear friend, do not deceive and lie unto yourselves into believing that the Mark of the Beast and these Last Day biblical prophecies will never come to be.

If you are reading this post today and KNOW NOT the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior MAY YOU BE SURE THAT YOU DO. My dear friends, do not deceive and lie unto yourselves into believing that the Mark of the Beast and these Last Day biblical prophecies will never come to be (2 Peter 3:3), for as sure as the sun will rise Almighty God's Day of reckoning will be.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

